With great strength or force; fiercely; rampantly. -
In an excessive manner or degree; inordinately; intensely; profusely; exuberantly: as, rankly poisonous; rankly treasonable; weeds that grow rankly. -
Offensively; noisomely; fetidly. -
Grossly; foully.
offensively: to an inordinate degree
Close ranks - If members of an organisation close ranks, they show support for each other publicly, especially when being criticised. It is a military term- when soldiers close ranks, they stand closer together so that it is difficult to pass through them.
Pull rank - A person of higher position or in authority pulls rank, he or she exercises his/her authority, generally ending any discussion and ignoring other people's views.
Rank and file - The rank and file are the ordinary members of a company, organisation, etc, excluding the managers and directors.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. ranc, fruitful, rank; Ice. rakkr, bold, Dan. rank, lank, slender.
Two Grady County wrestlers have been ranked nationally ranked in their respective weight classes, according to the Wrestling Insider News Magazine 2012-13 preseason rankings. chickashanews.com
Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Rank: 24 (2005 rank: 18) Get quote: NTT Employees: 199,113. money.cnn.com
Lastly, we included the number of top-ranked four-year colleges in the state from Forbes' annual college rankings. forbes.com
Orange Conf Rank CBK Rank. msn.foxsports.com
Ott Conf Rank NHL Rank. msn.foxsports.com
The 18th-ranked Bulldogs (10-3) and 12th-ranked Spartans (10-3) will play in the Jan 2 bowl in Tampa, a matchup of 10-win teams that had a chance to earn berths in the Bowl Championship Series. cbs47.com
One of the nation's leading college ranking groups fails to keep actual LGBT students in mind when ranking the most gay-friendly campuses. advocate.com
Rank Science and Technology Schools Overall Score 100% Rank 1999. cnn.com
Utah currently ranks seventh in the nation when it comes to the overall health of its residents, the same spot it held in last year's rankings. standard.net
Billick's Power Rankings: Week 15 Posted: Dec 11, 2012 Brian Billick breaks down his Week 15 NFL power rankings. msn.foxsports.com
Sac Conf Rank NBA Rank. msn.foxsports.com
Sac Conf Rank NBA Rank. msn.foxsports.com
Eagle Scout is the highest advancement rank in Boy Scouting , and according to Boy Scouts of America, only five percent of all Boy Scouts earned the Eagle Scout rank, and the average age to do so is 17. oakhillgazette.com
Redhawks Conf Rank CBK Rank. msn.foxsports.com
Lions Conf Rank CBK Rank. msn.foxsports.com
This makes it much harder to decide when a unital simple separable C ∗ -algebra is rationally tracial rank one. A closely related problem is whether a unital separable simple C ∗ -algebra with finite tracial rank is in fact of tracial rank at most one.
On Local AH algebras
Fourth, and more generally, given a rank parameter k , one can define the statistical leverage scores relative to the best rank-k approximation to A to be the m diagonal elements of the pro jection matrix onto the span of the columns of Ak , the best rank-k approximation to A.
Randomized algorithms for matrices and data
The resulting smaller matrix has size a− rank (B )− rank (C ) and must be of maximum rank because its determinant is nonzero.
A Geometric Approach to Matrix Ordering
Therefore, it is necessary that e ≤ d ⇐⇒ a − rank (B ) − rank (C ) − d ≤ d ⇐⇒ a − 2 d ≤ rank (B ) + rank (C ) ⇐⇒ (b + c + d) − 2 d ≤ rank (B ) + rank (C ), from which eqn (4.2) follows.
A Geometric Approach to Matrix Ordering
It was shown in [PR04, Proposition 5.7] that if A is a unital C ∗ -algebra of real rank zero then A admits a unital embedding of a finite dimensional C ∗ -algebra of rank at least n if and only if rank(A) ≥ n.
Divisibility properties for C*-algebras
Bland became 2nd in command with the rank of Major, and Captain R. Hastings and Lieut. "The Fifth Leicestershire" by
In point of mineral wealth Loudoun ranks with the foremost counties of the State. "History and Comprehensive Description of Loudoun County, Virginia" by
Dining should be ranked among the fine arts. "Our Deportment" by
Corsica remains in the ranks of conquered provinces; but Paoli must always be in the ranks of great men. "History of the Girondists, Volume I" by
For signal service he was rewarded by knighthood and the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. "Lady Rosamond's Secret" by
The guard presented the customary salute due General Leman's rank. "The Story of the Great War, Volume III (of 12)"
Do the ranks in these tests correspond to the students' ranks in thinking in the school subjects? "The Science of Human Nature" by
In the vulgar ranks of this democracy must march sooner or later four million negroes but yesterday from the jungles of Africa. "The Victim" by
By no manner the same thing, this, as getting drafts to fill up the ranks of the 29th. "Gallipoli Diary, Volume I" by
When any front rank man is absent his rear rank man steps up in the front rank. "The Plattsburg Manual" by
'Tis Life, not honour's meed;
With him to fill my every mood,
I am content indeed.
Gather and greet and grow
By myriads on the naked banks
Watching their sign to go;
Seems a saying in my ear,
"I'd rather have you in those ranks
Than see you Brigadier."
But is it thus with all?
The gilded idler struts apace
Mid rank and pomp and ball.
We love to sing and play,
But should we spy a foeman's ranks!
We'd proudly run away!
And high and low mate ill;
But love has never known a law
Beyond its own sweet will!