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Fine Dictionary


  1. (n) Porzana
    spotted crakes
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) porzana
    An old name of the small water-rail or crake of Europe, and now a specific name of the same. See Ortygometra, 2, and Crex.
  2. (n) porzana
    [capitalized] An extensive genus of rails of the family Rallidæ, founded by Vieillot in 1816, having a short stout bill; the crakes. The species are numerous and of almost world-wide distribution. The common crake or short-billed water-rail of Europe is Porzana porzana or P. maruetta. In the United States the best-known species is P. carolina, the Carolina crake or rail, also called sora, soree, and ortolan. The small yellow crake or rail of North America is P. noveboracensis. The little black crake or rail of America is P. jamaicensis.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Porzana
    pōr-zā′na an old name of the small European water-rail or crake.
Usage in literature

Porzana Minuta, Olivaceous Crake. "Love's Meinie" by John Ruskin

The black rail (=Porzana jamaicensis=) is another of the smaller rails that are found on the fresh waters to a limited extent. "Game Birds and Game Fishes of the Pacific Coast" by Harry Thom Payne

PORZANA (Spotted and Little Crakes). "British Birds in their Haunts" by Rev. C. A. Johns