a Thraco-Phrygian language spoken by the ancient inhabitants of Phrygia and now extinct--preserved only in a few inscriptions -
a native or inhabitant of Phrygia
(Eccl. Hist) A Montanist. -
A native or inhabitant of Phrygia. -
Of or pertaining to Phrygia, or to its inhabitants.
Pertain ing to Phrygia, an ancient province or country in the interior of Asia Minor, or to the Phry gians. -
A native or an inhabitant of Phrygia. -
In ecclesiastical history, same as Montanist. -
An ancient language spoken in Phrygia, of which no record remains except some isolated words and proper names preserved in Greek literature. Upon these evidences the language is now classed as one of the Indo-European family.
frij′i-an pertaining to Phrygia in Asia Minor, or to the Phrygians -
a native of Phrygia: a Montanist
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. Phrygius, Gr. , fr. Phrygia, a country of Asia Minor
WHEN John Adams cruised onto listeners' radar screens in 1980, with his "Shaker Loops" and "Phrygian Gates" (both composed in 1977), on an LP from the small, now defunct label 1750 Arch, three things were immediately apparent.
I spend my life-tide couch't beneath high-towering Phrygian peaks? "The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus" by
The stranger was dressed in the Phrygian cap, and simple garb of a Sicilian mariner. "The Pirate of the Mediterranean" by
Marsyas was the son of Hyagnis, the inventor of a peculiar kind of flute, and of the Phrygian measure. "The Metamorphoses of Ovid" by
Dares the Phrygian, 128 ff., 134, 297, 299. "A Literary History of the English People" by
Kept closely under control, the Phrygian worship led an obscure existence until the establishment of the empire. "The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism" by
O right Phrygian women, not even Phrygian men! "The Aeneid of Virgil" by
Nor do the Phrygians experience at small expense of blood what the Grecian right hand can do. "The Metamorphoses of Ovid" by
The names 'Lydian,' 'Phrygian,' &c., look like Pagan. "Cardinal Newman as a Musician" by
The philologist, his embroidered vests, Corinthian vases, and Phrygian marble. "The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor, Vol. I, No. 5, May 1810" by
The Phrygian practice of excision was regarded, probably, as a sacrifice. "Introduction to the History of Religions" by
Trembling in the Phrygian dell,
Even so my soul and being
Owned the magic of the spell;
Though now our green conceits be gray,
And yet once more do not refuse
To take thy Phrygian Harp, and play
In honour of this chearful Day.
A tyrant master's wanton rage
With settled smiles to meet;
Inur'd to toil and bitter bread
He bow'd his meek submitted head,
And kiss'd thy sainted feet.
Thyrsis and Daphnis upon whittled reeds,
And how ten sins can corrupt young maidens;
Kids for a bribe and pressed udders,
Happy selling poor loves for cheap apples.