a colorless explosive liquid that is volatile and poisonous and foul-smelling
Thus, I went to check out local boys HN-88 and El Paso, Texas' Antigone.
During a counterinsurgency campaign, there are six main sociocultural factors affecting the host nation's (HN) populace's opinion of military operational effects.
Retail Chains in Czech Republic to Cut Margins, HN Says.
SILVER?CREEK?- Viola R Roberts, 83, of Angell Road, Silver Creek, died Saturday, September 15th, at TLC/HN-Lake Shore Hospital, Town of Hanover, following a short illness.
This can be rewritten as g = hN (EC )i, where hN (E )i is the mean level number in an energy interval E .
Random Matrix Theory and Chiral Symmetry in QCD
To show that Hn is linearly independent of Jn , it will then be sufficient to show that Hn is unbounded on the positive part of the imaginary axis Re(z) = 0 as z → 0.
Homology for irregular connections
Given E ⊂ R, define Hn (E ) := {M ∈ Hnwith all spectral points ∈ E ⊂ R} ⊂ Hn .
Integrable Lattices: Random Matrices and Random Permutations
Then, for any finite subset P ⊂ P(A), there is a sequence of contractive completely positive linear map Hn : A → B such that (i) kHn (ab) − Hn (a)Hn (b)k → 0 for al l a, b ∈ A as n → ∞ and (ii) [Hn ]|P = α|P for al l sufficiently large n.
Classification of simple $C^*$-algebras of tracial topological rank zero
One is the return probability pn (0) = cId(hn ) ≡ τ (hn ) where Id denotes the identity operator.
Random walks on the braid group B_3 and magnetic translations in hyperbolic geometry
She begins to be tired of her Fathers house and I believe intends taking an old Batchelor Mr. Hn. "George Washington: Farmer" by
He therefore gave the formula HO to water, and HN to ammonia. "An Elementary Study of Chemistry" by
Hn, small for your age. "Coquette" by
C., when the thiourea first formed is converted into guanidine thiocyanate, 2CS(NH2)2=HN:C(NH2)2.HCNS+H2S. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 12, Slice 6" by
J-HN M-RL-Y is, we are glad to hear, much better. "Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 105 December 23rd, 1893" by
Eath must be the end of a word, for none begins with athn, thn, or hn. "Curiosities of Olden Times" by