Soviet statesman whose foreign policy brought an end to the Cold War and whose domestic policy introduced major reforms (born in 1931)
MOSCOW — Mikhail Gorbachev says he's feeling the effects of old age, but aims to stay active as long as he can. herald-dispatch.com
Woodmere's Opus Gallery hosts distinguished artist Yuri Gorbachev . cleveland.com
International artist Yuri Gorbachev will display his Mayan Calendar and speak at an opening reception for his exhibition at Opus Gallery, 5-9 pm Nov 17. cleveland.com
John Woods / Winnipeg Free Pressa archives Former Russian president Mikhail Gorbachev with his translator (L), receives the key to the city from Mayor Sam Katz Monday October 29, 2012 at the Radisson Hotel. innipegfreepress.com
Sold-out crowd listens to Gorbachev at Wortham Center. chron.com
20th Anniversary of Gorbachev 's Speech in Missouri Nears. ksmu.org
Gorbachev , the former Soviet president, right, addressing high school students. nytimes.com
Enough water exists for all, says Gorbachev . aterworld.com
MARSEILLE, France, March 12, 2012 – Former soviet leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mikhail Gorbachev told delegates on the first day of the World Water Forum that if water is well managed, enough exists on the planet for everyone. aterworld.com
INTERVIEWS Nardwuar Picks His 7 Favorite Interviews From Cobain to Gorbachev . spin.com
Nardwuar Picks His 7 Favorite Interviews From Cobain to Gorbachev . spin.com
Mikhail Gorbachev , a man who knows something about losing control of Russia, met with students today and warned of swelling protests against Vladimir Putin if he retakes the presidency. csmonitor.com
Gorbachev urges Putin to step down. cbsnews.com
Vladimir Putin and former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev are seen in this October 2006 file photo at a conference in Dresden, Germany. cbsnews.com
Gorbachev urges Putin to step down after protests. daily-jeff.com
In fact, the famous ’perestro jka’ in 80’s could happen only because members of the Politburo in Moscow were pretty sure that Gorbachev does not talk seriously .
Why everything gets slower ?
Gorbachev, New solution of the superstring equation of motion, Theor.
Democratic Superstring Field Theory: Gauge Fixing
We illustrate the new ideas, with potentially measurable effects, in the context of a novel experiment recently proposed by Gavrin, Gorbachev, Veretenkin, and Cleveland.
Neutrino oscillations with disentanglement of a neutrino from its partners
Gorbachev M, Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World, Harper and Row; 1988.
Organization and Complexity in a Nested Hierarchical Spin-Glass like Social Space
They had the Spring of 68 long before Gorbachev. "After the Rain" by