That which is frizzed; anything crisped or curled, as a wig; a frizzle. "He [Dr. Johnson], who saw in his glass how his wig became his face and head, might easily infer that a similar fullbottomed, well-curled friz of words would be no less becoming to his thoughts." -
To curl or form into small curls, as hair, with a crisping pin; to crisp. "With her hair frizzed short up to her ears." -
To form into little burs, prominences, knobs, or tufts, as the nap of cloth. -
(Leather Manufacture) To soften and make of even thickness by rubbing, as with pumice stone or a blunt instrument.
See frizz.
to curl: to render rough and tangled
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Cf. F. friser, to curl, crisp, frizzle, to raise the nap (on certain stuffs); prob.akin to OFries. frisle, hair of the head. Cf. Frieze kind of cloth
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary O. Fr. friser, to curl; perh. conn. with frieze, cloth.
The various interpretations of Porky 's fall-guy persona, under the stewardship of the directors Tex Avery, Friz Freleng, Bob Clampett, Frank Tashlin and Chuck Jones, provide some very sharp contrasts.
Carol Craven Galloway Friz, 74, passed away, Saturday, November 24, 2012.
Friz was born June 25, 1938 in Richmond County, NC, a daughter of the late Walter Hadley and Lillie Blonde Warner Craven.
Friz, and Harald Oberhauser, A (rough) pathwise approach to a class of non-linear stochastic partial differential equations , Ann.
Random attractors for stochastic porous media equations perturbed by space-time linear multiplicative noise
The author would like to thank James Norris and Peter Friz for related discussions.
Smooth densities for stochastic differential equations with jumps
Friz, and Harald Oberhauser. A (rough) pathwise approach to a class of non-linear stochastic partial differential equations.
Malliavin calculus for fractional heat equation
Acknowledgment: We thank Peter Friz and Peter Imkeller for their helpful comments.
Quadratic FBSDE with generalized Burgers' type nonlinearities, perturbations and large deviations
Her hair had a wire friz on it, and her dress had Joseph's coat in Scriptur' lookin' like a mournin' rig. "The Depot Master" by
This morning the water friz on my sprinkling-brush, and I turned as stiff as a mummy in my chair at the church-door. "The Wandering Jew, Complete" by
To be friz once is enough fer anybody, an' if I was a gal like you, I wouldn't even wear frizzes on my hair. "The Sea Fairies" by
I declare my blood friz to see you! "Night and Morning, Complete" by
My idee is that they allowed to drop the body in the river, which ain't friz plum over. "The Daughter of Anderson Crow" by
Frounce, iv, 14, curl, plait, friz (the hair). "Spenser's The Faerie Queene, Book I" by
Mrs. Grier, a spare, anxious-looking woman, with a tight friz of hair about her temples which were thin and shining, met them at the door. "John Ward, Preacher" by
What a relief it is to say something when you're most friz. "Six Girls" by
I set there in a transom from fear an' friz ter the spot. "Humorous Ghost Stories" by
It is all the fashion for girls to cut off their hair and friz it. "Introduction to the Science of Sociology" by