Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
(Geol) See Eschar.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
In geology, a ridge of water-worn materials running across valleys and plains, along hillsides, and even over watersheds, and forming a very marked feature in the topography of certain regions, especially Sweden, Scotland, Ireland, and parts of New England. These ridges are often very narrow on the top, having steep slopes, and may sometimes be followed for many miles. The word eskar was until recently used only by Irish geologists, but it is now sometimes employed by writers in English on glacial geology, as the equivalent of the Swedish as. “That these ridges are in some way counected with the former glaciation of the regions where they occur is considered highly probable by most geologists; but no very satisfactory explanation of the mode of their formation has yet been given.” A. Geikie (1885). Called in Scotland kame.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Same as Asar (q.v.).