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Fine Dictionary


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Dib
    A child's game, played with dib bones.
  2. Dib
    One of the small bones in the knee joints of sheep uniting the bones above and below the joints.
  3. Dib
    To dip.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. dib
    To dip.
  2. dib
    To dip; specifically, in angling, to dibble.
  3. (n) dib
    A dip.
  4. (n) dib
    A depression in the ground.
  5. (n) dib
    A valley.
  6. (n) dib
    A pool; a dub.
  7. (n) dib
    One of the small bones, or huckle-bones, of a sheep's leg; the knee-pan or the ankle-bone. See astragalus.
  8. (n) dib
    plural A children's game, consisting in throwing up the small bones of the legs of sheep, or small stones, and catching them first on the palm and then on the back of the hand. As played with pebbles, this game is also called chackstones, jackstones. In Scotland called chuckies, chucks, or chuckie-stanes, and played with pebbles.
  9. (n) dib
    plural Money.
  10. (n) dib
    The final element of many place-names in India and the East: as, Serendib (an old name of Ceylon), Maldives, Laccadives.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (v.i) Dib
    dib to dip, as in angling
  2. (pr.p) Dib
    dib′bing; pa.p. dibbed
  3. (n) Dib
    dib one of the small bones of a sheep's leg: :
  4. (n) Dib
    dib (pl.) a children's game, played by throwing up such small bones or stones (Dib′-stones) from the palm and catching them on the back of the hand—(Scot.) Chuckie-stanes, or Chucks
  5. (n) Dib
    dib (slang) money.
Usage in the news

In trading on Wednesday, shares of Dia Bras Explorations Inc (Toronto: DIB ) crossed above their 200 day moving average of $2.81, changing hands as high as $2.85 per share.

LG Gets First Dibs on Next Google TV Update.

Call Dibs On Your Prom Dress.

Panoply's First Dibs allows sneak peak to Art Marketplace.

I think 1st Dibs is pretty fantastic.

Nearly 20 years ago, when over 3000 songs in the Woody Guthrie archives became available, the icon's daughter, Nora, offered British protest songster Billy Bragg first dibs.

The feud between dogs and cats can be traced back to the first Thanksgiving, when the two sides fought over who got first dibs on the wishbone.

With dibs on more than 800 patents, Wi- Lan alleges that Apple and company are infringing on a Bluetooth-related patent.

It's hard to imagine anyone but Luke Bryan making 'Drunk on You' one of country music's 2012 summertime smashes, but according to Jason Aldean, he had first dibs on the sexy mid-tempo track.

Hundreds of shoppers lined up outside the Lansing Mall as early as 3:00 am Friday to get first dibs on the toys at KB Toy Store.

Even if you didn't enter this contest, you should definitely check to see if it's someone you know so you can try and get first dibs on some great rock shows.

Shoppers rush to get first dibs on.

Shoppers rush to get first dibs on items at the annual Bainbridge Island Rummage Sale and Auction.

Shoppers rush to get first dibs on.

Shoppers rush to get first dibs on items at the annual Bainbridge Island Rummage Sale and Auction.

Usage in scientific papers

Also for di |= pi⌈LB , bdd(diB ) ⊆ dcl(diB ) (*).
Constructing the hyperdefinable group from the group configuration

As v is not a reliable quantity, we do not compute v as the gas velocity relative to the sink velocity but we prefer to set it to the average gas velocity dispersion in the ISM which is assumed constant and equal to σ = 10 km.s−1 (Dib et al. 2006; Agertz et al. 2009).
Jet-regulated cooling catastrophe

The 2008–2009 WIRO spectra were cross-correlated using a wavelength range of λλ5400–6700 ˚A (excluding all but the He I, He II, and hydrogen lines owing to the large number of IS lines and DIBs in this spectral range).
Additional Massive Binaries in the Cygnus OB2 Association

There are, in addition, numerous weaker features in the optical known as the “diffuse interstellar bands”, or DIBs.
Astrophysics of Dust in Cold Clouds

Fine structure of the 5797˚A DIB toward ζ Oph, ζ Per, and µ Sgr (from Kerr et al. 1998).
Astrophysics of Dust in Cold Clouds

Usage in literature

An' 'e can't, not in th' old country, unless 'e's got the dibs. "The Freelands" by John Galsworthy

G. I gave her fifty dibs. "The Story of the Gadsby" by Rudyard Kipling

Fellows shell out the dibs. "Ulysses" by James Joyce

The holes are to be dibbed along the side of the line. "The Book of Sports:" by William Martin

However, I assume that you who read this are actually in need of the dibs. "Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, June 3, 1914" by Various

And if I go along and nick your father's dibs we'll make our fortunes right away. "The Magic World" by Edith Nesbit

Not that they had much of the dibs to spend in those days. "The Dop Doctor" by Clotilde Inez Mary Graves

An' 'e's got so red in the face, and plumped out so, they'll soon say 'e doesn't want their dibs. "Harding's luck" by E. [Edith] Nesbit

She let me have the dibs, so I could hang on! "A Nest of Spies" by Pierre Souvestre

I spoke to the king about it, and Old Dibs he complained to Iosefo, but it only seemed to whoop it up and add to the procession. "Wild Justice: Stories of the South Seas" by Lloyd Osbourne

Usage in poetry
I buy your ceäpe! No; Joe wull screäpe
Up dibs enough to buy your ceäpe.
As things do look, to meäke you fine
Is long Joe's business mwore than mine.
Peggy said good morning and I said good bye,
When farmers dib the corn and laddies sow the rye.
Young Peggy's face was common sense and I was rather shy
When I met her in the morning when the farmers sow the rye.