Rogation week, when the cross was borne in processions.
Rogation week; the week beginning with Rogation Sunday: supposed to be so called from the medieval custom of carrying the cross about the parish in procession at that season. See rogation.
A 64-pound sturgeon that was caught and released last week on Cross Lake.
When Tsutomu Yamaguchi died two weeks ago, at 93, he was eulogized as a star-crossed rarity: a man who lived through two atomic blasts, at Hiroshima and then at Nagasaki.
This is a very big week for all of the fall sports with volleyball district tournaments, regional cross country meets and the last week of the regular season in football.
Image Gallery for ATHLETE OF THE WEEK: Rico Galassi, Holy Cross cross country.
Producers hinted (via an interview with Entertainment Weekly) that Sunday's " Homeland " finale will mostly be about crossing the "T" and dotting the "I" on the Brody (Damian Lewis) and Carrie (Claire Danes) relationship.
0They crossed into the United States illegally six weeks ago to get one step closer to family members in Canada and Indiana.
This week we have a bonus lectionary post, which is cross-posted at Journey With Jesus.
This week's softball game at Woods Cross High School was unlike any other played during their softball season.
A week ago, Swappel received a cease-and-desist letter over the startup's integration feature that allowed its users to cross post their ads on Craigslist.
Noah Rick was the fifth finisher for the Lakers' boys cross country team during their first Lakes Eight Conference jamboree at Orchard View last week.
In this week's THE BIG HURT ( Marketing Mania: The Week In Cross-Promo Frenzy.
LeBron James playoff performances against the Knicks reigns supreme in this week's Cross-Sport Power Rankings.
Last week a judge ordered a Washington, DC, woman to remove statements she made about her contractor on the review site Yelp a move lawyers say highlights how easy the Internet makes it to cross the line from criticism to defamation.
CLINTON — By this time next week, many residents will already have crossed off many items on their Christmas list.
Controversy struck the Cross-Sport Power Rankings this week, and it started right at the top.
This paper offers a summary of the week-long series of discussions held during the workshop, distilled by the organizers (Piet Hut and Mike Shara) and eight of the participants representing a cross section of expertise available during the meeting.
MODEST-1: Integrating Stellar Evolution and Stellar Dynamics
Last week one of our steamships crossed the second ocean. "Adaptation" by
A week of very severe weather had filled the gutters and blocked the crossings with ice. "Who Are Happiest? and Other Stories" by
She had promised to knit two pairs of socks a week for the Limerick Red Cross Unit. "Chit-Chat; Nirvana; The Searchlight" by
A few weeks ago, as I was crossing a railroad track just outside of the city, a little goat stepped before me. "Our Young Folks at Home and Abroad" by
At the end of six weeks, we crossed the frontier and were safe. "The Destroyer" by
It will be like that in a week if we let them cross the river. "Hidden Water" by
Five times, in as many weeks, Dick had crossed the hill and waited for Miss Presby. "The Plunderer" by
Before she had been six weeks at Manor Cross she found that the ladies set themselves up as her tutors. "Is He Popenjoy?" by
How cross she had been with him for the last six weeks, and how good and kind he always was to her! "Cloudy Jewel" by
Don't they estimate that the time to cross will be only two weeks? "The Eye of Dread" by
What can you know of our loss?
The house is full enough of sorrow.
Little baby, don't be cross.
And passed through old Narrandera and crossed the Burnet Creek.
And we never stopped at Wagga, for we'd Sydney in our eye.
But we camped at Lazy Harry's, on the road to Gundagai.