krēks (Ethnol) A tribe or confederacy of North American Indians, including the Muskogees, Seminoles, Uchees, and other subordinate tribes. They formerly inhabited Georgia, Florida, and Alabama.
Lord willing and the creek don't rise - Pertains to the ability to accomplish a task or meet an obligation, barring unforseen complications. Example: "I will be at work tomorrow, Lord willing and the creek don't rise."
Up the creek - If someone or something is up the creek, they are in real trouble. 'Up the creek without a paddle' is an alternative, and 'up shit creek (without a paddle)' is a ruder form.
People who lived at Niles had few problems fording Alameda Creek when the water was low, but it was dangerous or impossible to cross when the creek was flooding.
Watchtower Creek to Sheephead Creek.
BEAVER CREEK — Beaver Creek Resort is set to open Wednesday at 9 am with 101 acres of terrain and three lifts providing skiing on the main mountain and in Bachelor Gulch.
On Thursday, Nov 29, the Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site will observe the 148th anniversary of the Sand Creek Massacre with a sunrise program at the site.
OAK CREEK – A police report says Oak Creek officers detained a man at the Sikh temple where six people were killed in August and found he had ammunition and notebook references to a mass shooting.
8 pm Friday, September 28, at Seminole Coconut Creek Casino, 5550 NW 40th St, Coconut Creek.
RED CREEK Anna M Samson, 62, of Red Creek, passed away on Sunday, Dec 2, 2012, at home, surrounded by her family.
Aficionados of rare and unique musical instruments need no longer go farther than Boulder Creek to find their treasures, as a trio of lifelong friends and musicians have teamed up to open Boulder Creek Music.
FRENCH CREEK TWP — Kathryn A (Fisher) Becker , French Creek Township, passed away at 12:15 am Sunday (10-7-12) at home after a short illness.
Carson, Vista Ridge vs Sand Creek, Pueblo East vs Harrison, Cheyenne Mountain vs Widefield, Pueblo South vs Pueblo West, Mesa Ridge vs Cheyenne Mountain, TCA vs Pueblo County, Pine Creek vs Air Academy, St Mary's vs Dolores Huerta.
The seller was Spring Creek LLC, a partnership formed by the Meyer family, which also owns Spring Creek Ranch Golf Course.
SILVER CREEK — Future plans and goals were on the agenda for discussion at a recent Silver Creek Board of Education workshop.
My goal in riding from Furnace Creek south past Badwater to Shoshone and back -- plus a loop to Stovepipe Wells and back to Furnace Creek -- is this: To find the answer to the question.
Help creek, salmon Volunteers are needed to plant native trees and shrubs along Allen Creek in Marysville from 10 am to 2 pm Saturday.
A piece of land at the corner of Autrey Mill Road and Buice Road in Johns Creek was approved for development of a 14-lot subdivision at the Johns Creek council meeting Monday.
Creek, Albany County, Wyoming, and collected by J. L.
Aspects of the history, anatomy, taxonomy and palaeobiology of sauropod dinosaurs
April was an uncruel month, with initial operations of CARMA (the union of radio millimeter facilities made out of OVRO and BIMA, Nature 441, 141), the initiation of optical SETI at Oak Ridge Observatory (Harvard), and the first 10 dishes of the Allen (SETI) Telescope Array in place at Hat Creek.
Astrophysics in 2006
The ATA is sited at the Hat Creek Radio Observatory run by the Radio Astronomy Laboratory (RAL) of the University of California at Berkeley, CA.
Astrophysics in 2006
Petruny (2008), ―Impact spherule-bearing, Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sand body, Shell Creek stratigraphic section, Alabama, USA‖, in The Sedimentary Record of Impacts, Eds. K.R.
The Cyborg Astrobiologist: Testing a Novelty-Detection Algorithm on Two Mobile Exploration Systems at Rivas Vaciamadrid in Spain and at the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah
North America, the Henderson Mine in Clear Creek County, Colorado.
We reached Pan-handle creek about twenty-five miles from Log-Cabin Post Office. "Black Beaver" by
Injuns signs up Sandy Creek has made some o' Moccasin an' Copper Creek folks come off. "A Virginia Scout" by
The trees along the creek would obstruct your view over the country beyond the creek. "Manual of Military Training" by
He may not have known of the theft of Mr. Merkel's Spur Creek papers, for this robbery had not yet been broadcast. "The Boy Ranchers at Spur Creek" by
Already tens of thousands of dollars had been unearthed along some of the smaller creeks. "Colorado Jim" by
I believe I'll cut across northwest and hit some of the settlers up on Big Wolf Creek for the night. "Winning the Wilderness" by
Through the national park, from its source in the east to its entry into Rock Creek, winds Travertine Creek, the outlet of most of these springs. "The Book of the National Parks" by
They grow by creeks and in springy places mostly. "Virginia of Elk Creek Valley" by
Every creek was a rushing river and every rivulet a raging torrent. "The Johnstown Horror" by
So at last they all found themselves on the farther side of the steep Wolf Creek valley. "The Young Alaskans in the Rockies" by
Glide slowly on their way;
The western lakes they surely seek,
Which they will reach some day;
And only got off once a week
And then he 'got off' at Southend
With the Duchess of Barking-Creek.
Wherein to moor my shallop. Nay!
He is a mountain, chill with bleak
Stark winds of innocence astray!
For, on the creek's diaphanous silk,
Sphere, cone, and star exquisitely
He's drawn in crystal lines of milk.
So pure, and free, and bright,
That through the gloomy shades, they shed
A cheerful, happy light.
Where woods dip downward, in the hills?—
A mossy nook, a ferny creek,
And May among the daffodils.