kon (Spens.) form of Con, to know.
Federal Pembroke table fetches seven times estimate – $36,800 – in Conn. Get an August 2012 Digital Edition of Antique Trader — Free.
Anne Sheafe Miller, who made medical history as the first patient ever saved by penicillin , died on May 27 in Salisbury, Conn.
Has opened a new 34,000-sq-ft Pepperidge Farm innovation center located at the company's headquarters in Norwalk, Conn. September 14, 2012.
The 34,000-sq.-ft LEED facility, located at Pepperidge Farm headquarters in Norwalk, Conn.
He was born Nov 30, 1948, in Norwalk, Conn.
Dr Schneiderman is vice-president, medical services/physician-in-chief at Hebrew Health Care, West Hartford, Conn.
Dean Conn, the developer of the Crawford Creek subdivision and pool, stands in one of the caves that will be part of the swimming pool.
He was 72 years old and lived in Darien, Conn.
East Haven police vehicles are seen outside the police department in East Haven, Conn.
A member of the Sioux tribe from Preston, Conn.
The Prep School Lacrosse Showcase enters its second year and features 260 of the top uncommitted prep lacrosse players from the Northeast area on June 3 at Brunswick School (Greenwich, Conn.).
The Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, Conn. Will soon be warmed by a woodchip-burning heating facility, which will replace an oil-fired boiler and significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
A raging, wind-driven fire destroyed most of a vast rubber plant in downtown Ansonia, Conn.
An obituary last Sunday about the executive vice president of a retail store in Middletown, Conn. Misidentified him and the store.
Maurice Sendak at his home in Ridgefield, Conn. Maurice Sendak, who died at the age of 83, was widely considered the most important children's book artist of the 20th century.
This work grew out of our attempt to interpret the Connes-Moscovici cocyclic module for Hopf algebras as well as the cyclic module in [12, 19] as special case of a general invariant cyclic homology theory.
Invariant Cyclic Homology
Crainic in has interpreted the Connes-Moscovici cocyclic module {Hn (δ,1)}n as the space of invariant cochains on H.
Invariant Cyclic Homology
The work of Connes-Moscovici [5, 4, 3], however, shows that for cyclic cohomology of Non(co)commutative Hopf algebras, it is absolutely necessary to consider this more general case.
Invariant Cyclic Homology
Hopf algebras defined by Connes and Moscovici.
Invariant Cyclic Homology
One is naturally interested to know to what extent the relation between Hochschild homology and differential forms and between cyclic homology and de Rham cohomology (Hochschild-KostantRosenberg and Connes ) extend to our invariant setting.
Invariant Cyclic Homology
Conn came slowly swimming toward her with drenched plumage and head that drooped. "Boys and Girls Bookshelf (Vol 2 of 17)" by
I am indebted to Dr. W. C. Sturgis, of New Haven, Conn., for a specimen of this unique species. "The Myxomycetes of the Miami Valley, Ohio" by
The death of Mr. Slater, which occurred at Norwich, Conn., May 6, removes one of our foremost philanthropists. "The American Missionary -- Volume 38, No. 06, June, 1884" by
If not found, forward to Pointview, Conn., U.S.A., charges collect! "'Charge It'" by
Norfolk Festivals of the Litchfield County (Conn.) Choral Union commenced. "Annals of Music in America" by
John Sheldon, Conn.; Anna C. Field, N. Y.; Cornelia C. Hussey, N. J.; John K. Wildman, Penn. "The History of Woman Suffrage, Volume IV" by
Higgins, U. S. Rep. Edwin W. (Conn.), at Congressl. "The History of Woman Suffrage, Volume V"
Bulkley, Mary, in Conn, 83; Nev, 398. "The History of Woman Suffrage, Volume VI" by
Born in Greenwich, Conn. American parents. "The Social Work of the Salvation Army" by
Willington, Conn. Bohemians 9. "A Stake in the Land" by
That has its label on,
And proves a fine advertisement
For Waterbury, Conn.
How clear it runs and cold
Where "Conn of the hundred battles"
Fought in the days of old!
Empower us to do it, as we ought,
Empower us to practise it with zeal,
'Till it a large return of fruit has brought.
Those hellish instruments have haply drawn,
And pain hath conn'd the aspish lies by rote;
But to my heart no poison'd tooth hath gnawn,
For in its pulses lies Truth's antidote.