the capital of Switzerland; located in western Switzerland
See bern.
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Culver , 73, of Berne, died Wednesday at Chalet Village.
Wife, Janice (Hay) Culver of Berne.
The research team includes, from left, Andrew Brooks, Gregory Berns and Mark Spivak.
The Upper Bern Township supervisors are considering a solicitation ordinance designed to protect residents from door-to-door scam artists.
BERN, Switzerland — Four-time World Cup downhill champion Didier Cuche will help coach his former Switzerland teammates after their slow start to the season.
The event is part of Art Walk The Fashion Runway Weekend and will be held at The Sidney and Berne Davis Art Center Sept 7 at 7:00 pm.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon listens to speech in the Swiss National Council during his visit in the Autumn Parliament Session in Bern ( PASCAL LAUENER, REUTERS / September 11, 2012 ).
Daughter Vicki (Lynn) DeArmond of Berne.
Berne City Council on Monday approved a state-mandated plan that will bring the city into compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Fabian Käser is a representative of Berne University of the Arts, Switzerland.
The United Methodist Women's group who helped with the Holiday Garage Sale Saturday included (from left) Judy Anderson, Dorothy Bretthorst, Mary Clark, DiAnne Berning, Judy French and Julie Seveland.
As we drove to the site of the big hornussen festival outside of Bern, Switzerland, we knew very little about it.
JAMESTOWN — As Shar Berns' husband looked her in the eyes and told her that her best friend, a woman she had come to love in the past eight years, was dead, Berns could hardly muster a response.
Born Sept 9, 1931, at Berne, IN, she was a daughter of the late Werner and Ilma Franz Geiser.
Puhov, Inequalities for the Kolmogorov and Bernˇste˘ın widths in Hilbert space, Math.
On mean outer radii of random polytopes
The successful irradiation experiments with neutrons encouraged us to plan a prototype SSG dark matter detector to be placed in the underground laboratory of the Bern University in a depth of 70mwe. A possible setup for the dark matter search experiment is sketched in Fig. 2a.
Feasibility study of a Superheated Superconducting Granule detector for cold dark matter search
It is important to note, that in the neutron irradiation experiment, we were able to clearly distinguish single from multiple flips The background studies in the Bern underground laboratory are under way as well as the investigation of the radioactivity of the materials. .
Feasibility study of a Superheated Superconducting Granule detector for cold dark matter search
The successful irradiation experiments with neutrons encouraged us to plan prototype Sn and Zn SSG dark matter detectors to be operated in the underground laboratory of the University of Bern.
Feasibility study of a Superheated Superconducting Granule detector for cold dark matter search
This work was supported by the Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Foerderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung and by the Bernische Stiftung zur Foerderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung an der Universitaet Bern.
Feasibility study of a Superheated Superconducting Granule detector for cold dark matter search
A dispatch from Berne reproached the authorities for their imprudence in allowing the noble wanderers an asylum. "Louis Philippe" by
Such are "The Priest of Kalenburg," "Dietrich of Berne" and innumerable others. "Epistle Sermons, Vol. II" by
Then Lassalle was already with this Helena in Berne. "Dreamers of the Ghetto" by
An army has been ordered to march to Berne. "Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 59, No. 364, February 1846" by
We were forced to wait in Geneva until five o'clock for a train to Berne, where we finally arrived at nine this evening. "The Note-Book of an Attache" by
From Paris we went to Berne. "Around the World with Josiah Allen's Wife" by
Konrad Bern had been effectively isolated. "Psichopath" by
According to the law of Berne, what the married woman earns belongs to her husband. "Woman under socialism" by
MS. Library of Berne. "History of the Rise of the Huguenots" by
EMANUEL VON FELLENBERG was born of a patrician family of Bern. "The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 91, May, 1865" by
King Diderik gladdest of all:
There caus’d he Vidrik Verlandson
To sit next him in the hall.
And he boasts of his deeds of might;
So many a swain in battle he’s fell’d,
And taken so many a knight.
Thy life must be nigh its close;
We’ll ride swift back to the halls of Bern,
No man more will we lose.”
And he strikes his moony shield;
“O, would that I knew of a hero now,
‘Gainst whom I could take the field.”