A washing. -
The act or process of soaking or boiling cloth in an alkaline liquid in the operation of bleaching; also, the liquid used. -
The process of breaking up or pulverizing ores.
The act of copulating, as bucks and does. -
A vice peculiar to the horses of Mexico, Texas, and the western American plains, of Spanish descent, and to mules. See buck, verb -
Given to bucking; addicted to the practice of bucking: as, a bucking horse. -
The act or process of steeping or soaking in lye or caustic soda, as in bleaching cotton thread, etc. -
The act of breaking or pulverizing ore.
Big bucks - If someone is making big bucks, they are making a lot of money.
Buck stops here - The buck stops here is used to say that this is the point where responsibility lies or the person who is responsible.
Get back on the horse that bucked you - When you start drinking again after being hungover from drinking the previous night.
More bang for your buck - (USA) Something that will give you more bang for your buck will deliver more value than any other option.
Pass the buck - If you pass the buck, you avoid taking responsibility by saying that someone else is responsible.
Quick buck - If you make some money easily, you make a quick buck.
Regime pledges to rein in bucking rial, but no major fix to official overvaluation. pbs.org
There's money to be made on Wall Street - but it's the CEOs of media companies that are pulling down some of the biggest bucks in New York City. amny.com
How sad it is then, as Tan describes, that so many American university presidents are willing to compromise basic values in order to make a quick buck, often padding endowments which already reach billions of dollars. commentarymagazine.com
Bucks defense struggles to contain Bulls. jsonline.com
Ron Perelman, Steven Spielberg, George Soros Cough Up Big Bucks for Obama Inauguration. observer.com
Authorities have canceled a boil water advisory for residents in one Bucks County community. abclocal.go.com
Autumn in Bucks County House Tour. phillyburbs.com
The historic Erwinna Covered Bridge on Geigel Hill Road in Tinicum Township, Bucks County is closed indefinitely due to severe structural damage caused by an oversized truck, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation said today. fmz.com
Cree ’s new-generation LEDs enable more light for the buck. newsobserver.com
Carlitos Coles in his Bucks County prison mug shot. phillyburbs.com
Hartsburg pumpkin crop up , bucks nat'l trend. krcg.com
Rex was going about a buck-ten when he entered a turn too fast and low-ended his bike, a new Kawasaki ZX-12R that slid away from him like a runaway bobsled. browardpalmbeach.com
FOOTBALL Three Bucks County teams headed to UYFL nationals. phillyburbs.com
Rise in tourism, big bucks for Cleveland. newsnet5.com
From a kitchen in Bucks County, a team of budding middle school scientists from the Council Rock School District has hatched a plot to unleash the TEXTerminator. philly.com
Generalizations of the conjecture to general k , m, n have been proposed by Linusson and W¨astlund and by Buck, Chan and Robbins , who also consider more general rates aij .
Exact expectations for random graphs and assignments
Buck found a bound expressed in terms of ρ for the number of words in CP t(G) that reduce to 1.
Words Maps and Spectra of Random Graph Lifts
It includes bucking solenoids to remove the unwanted longitudinal solenoid field tails and a set of skew quadrupoles, dipole correctors and ante-solenoids to cancel all linear perturbations to the optics.
Status of the Super-B factory Design
Roukes, 1996, “Fabrication of high frequency nanometer scale mechanical resonators from buck Si crystals,” Appl.
Hybrid quantum circuits: Superconducting circuits interacting with other quantum systems
More importantly, it really only passes the buck.
Simple models of evolution and extinction
The red buck, as it happened, had been something of a laggard in awakening to the season's summons. "The Watchers of the Trails" by
What's the sense of bucking it? "Desert Conquest" by
Buck and his crowd had vanished and were footing it up the fast-darkening street at the top of their speed. "The Radio Boys Trailing a Voice" by
If it hadn't be'n for you, me an' Buck might of made a hit with the lady, mightn't we, Buck? "The Gold Girl" by
With some force he drew the buck to a blanket and motioned to him to sit down. "Far Past the Frontier" by
One of these days I'm going to buck some bigger place. "Free Air" by
Buck chewed tobacco impassively. "Crooked Trails and Straight" by
Perhaps some of you, at a rodeo, have seen a rider come bursting out of the pen on the back of a rearing, bucking, leaping steed. "The Boy Ranchers at Spur Creek" by
For a tiny space Buck hesitated. "Shoe-Bar Stratton" by
No use for a man to buck against the thing that's bound to be. "Brand Blotters" by
For hours and hours together;
And never horse has had the luck
To pitch him from the leather.
An hundred fat buckes slaine;
Then having din'd, the drovyers went
To rouze the deare againe.
The buck to the stony plain,
And the Romany lass to the Romany lad,
And both to the road again.
Like a nob in an easy chair,
And chop his name with a greenhide fall
On the flank of a flying steer.
Or whether you trundle a truck,
Just tackle your job and do it right:
Don't pass the buck.
With all their four feet off the ground.
Unless they know just what to do
And how to keep their seats all through.