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Fine Dictionary


A richly decorated ash vase on a pedestal. A lion attacking an ox on the lid. Left and right text. Assignment in the bottom margin. Numbered top right: 34.
A richly decorated ash vase on a pedestal. A lion attacking an ox on the lid. Left and right text. Assignment in the bottom margin. Numbered top right: 34.
  1. (n) Ashe
    United States tennis player who was the first Black to win United States and English singles championships (1943-1993)
The sixth plague God sent upon Egypt. Moses throws ashes up in front of Pharaoh. The man on the ground has sores on his face. The print is part of an album.
The sixth plague God sent upon Egypt. Moses throws ashes up in front of Pharaoh. The man on the ground has sores on his face. The print is part of an album.
Agrippina enters Rome with a box containing the ashes of Germanicus. A grieving crowd watches. Several temples on the right. On the left a ship on the coast. In the middle under a banderole with text in Latin.
Agrippina enters Rome with a box containing the ashes of Germanicus. A grieving crowd watches. Several temples on the right. On the left a ship on the coast. In the middle under a banderole with text in Latin.
Jupiter has just loved Semele which will turn her into ashes. In his arms he holds their son Bacchus who could still be saved. In the left background, the jealous Juno in the form of Beroe persuades Jupiter to love Semele. In the margin a four-line caption, in two columns, in Latin.
Jupiter has just loved Semele which will turn her into ashes. In his arms he holds their son Bacchus who could still be saved. In the left background, the jealous Juno in the form of Beroe persuades Jupiter to love Semele. In the margin a four-line caption, in two columns, in Latin.
Sheet with 20 images about the magical ashes of a Japanese dog. A caption below each image. Numbered top right: No 105.
Sheet with 20 images about the magical ashes of a Japanese dog. A caption below each image. Numbered top right: No 105.
H. Felicula is tortured. In the foreground, a soldier is throwing warm ashes at her. In the background, H. Felicula is thrown into the water in a bag.
H. Felicula is tortured. In the foreground, a soldier is throwing warm ashes at her. In the background, H. Felicula is thrown into the water in a bag.
Seven nymphs under a tree over which a large cloth is hung like a leafy ash. On the left two satyrs, one with a flute in his hand.
Seven nymphs under a tree over which a large cloth is hung like a leafy ash. On the left two satyrs, one with a flute in his hand.
Memnon's body was burned at the stake, the ashes turned into birds called the Memnonids. Memnon, the son of Aurora and Tithonus, was killed by Achilles. Top right Aurora begging Jupiter to give her son immortality. In the margin a four-line caption, in two columns, in Latin.
Memnon's body was burned at the stake, the ashes turned into birds called the Memnonids. Memnon, the son of Aurora and Tithonus, was killed by Achilles. Top right Aurora begging Jupiter to give her son immortality. In the margin a four-line caption, in two columns, in Latin.
Marble ash bowls from the Villa Corsini. Title and explanatory letters in the bottom margin. Numbered above: Tom. II. / LVIII.
Marble ash bowls from the Villa Corsini. Title and explanatory letters in the bottom margin. Numbered above: Tom. II. / LVIII.
We therefore commit his body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection.
Book Of Common Prayer
He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition burns a picture to obtain the ashes.
Chinese Proverb
Anne Baxter
It's best to have failure happen early in life. It wakes up the Phoenix bird in you so you rise from the ashes.
Anne Baxter
People who fight fire with fire usually end up with ashes.
Abigail Van Buren
Glory comes too late, after one as been reduced to ashes.
Marcus Valerius Martial
Glory paid to our ashes comes too late.
Marcus Valerius Martial

Dine on ashes - I someone is dining on ashes he or she is excessively focusing attention on failures or regrets for past actions.

Reduce to ashes - If something is reduced to ashes, it is destroyed or made useless. His infidelities reduced their relationship to ashes.

Rise from the ashes - If something rises from the ashes, it recovers after a serious failure.

Wear sackcloth and ashes - If someone displays their grief or contrition publicly, they wear sackcloth and ashes.

Usage in the news

A company that makes diamonds from the cremated ashes of loved.

Denmark's ash disease dieback toll poses warning to UK.

Portable DNA tests, that quickly diagnose ash dieback , are now being used in an effort to stop the spread of the deadly fungus.

How will the loss of ash trees affect our environment.

How do you know if an ash tree has the disease.

Ash dieback , a deadly fungus affecting Britain's countryside, has caused a ban on the import of ash trees.

The British countryside is being threatened by the deadly ash dieback fungus.

Volcanic Ash Holds Clues to Neanderthal Die Out .

Portable DNA tests, that quickly diagnose ash dieback, are now being used in an effort to stop the spread of the deadly fungus.

Ash dieback, a deadly fungus affecting Britain's countryside, has caused a ban on the import of ash trees.

"Endless Disharmony and Telltale Ashes" Eric Zimmerman's new show at Art Palace is a confounding, skillful, frustrating and intriguing riddle of a conceptual art show that sticks with you for days.

"The Tennessee Valley Authority will rely on natural river processes and long-term monitoring to address residual ash," said TVA spokesman Scott Brooks in a TVA news release.

828 SE Ash Portland, OR 97214 Southeast 503-235-1600

A fungal disease , Chalara fraxinea, is spreading through the land, having laid waste to ash trees in pockets of continental Europe.

In Miles Corwin's second book in the Ash Levine series, the LAPD detective reflects on the dreaded duty of telling a mother her son has died.

Usage in scientific papers

The procedure is repeated with a Ag source with a line producing a pulse height within the linearity range of FPIX1 to make an absolute measurement of the slope of the flash ADC response.
Performance of prototype BTeV silicon pixel detectors in a high energy pion beam

We have shown that 2-bit analog information is satisfactory and, consequently, that the final version of the front-end electronics, featuring a 3-bit flash ADC will provide the excellent spatial resolution needed to achieve the BTeV physics goals.
Performance of prototype BTeV silicon pixel detectors in a high energy pion beam

Each front end cell implemements a DC leakage current compensation circuit and a 3 bit flash ADC.
Single Event Effects in the Pixel readout chip for BTeV

In a campaign of the galactic center, X-ray bursts – thermonuclear flashes on the surface of a neutron star – have been discovered in the bright sources of NGC 6652 and NGC 6440 (In ’t Zand et al. 1998, 1999).
X-ray sources in globular clusters

In fact, energy always comes from unstable→stable or non-equilibrium→equilibrium processes (coal burning into ashes, H burning into He, etc.).
The cosmological origin of time-asymmetry

Usage in literature

The ashes carried up by the breeze made white rings around their eyes. "Myths and Legends of the Great Plains" by Unknown

Dere wuz one window an' a large fireplace where de cookin' wuz done in de ashes. "Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States" by Work Projects Administration

Something glowed in the semi-darkness ahead like a pile of hot ashes on the ground. "The Whispering Spheres" by Russell Robert Winterbotham

It was situated on "wild" land, as it was called, and was full of yellow ash, black ash and elm. "The Youth's Companion" by Various

It was all in confusion and covered with ashes. "The Indian Fairy Book" by Cornelius Mathews

O ashes of Ilium and death flames of my people! "The Aeneid of Virgil" by Virgil

The other important substances entering into the composition of coal are moisture and the refractory earths which form the ash. "Steam, Its Generation and Use" by Babcock & Wilcox Co.

When persons were leaving houses, they sometimes set them on fire in order to gather up the nails from the ashes. "Home Life in Colonial Days" by Alice Morse Earle

Dat possum shore wus good too, baked in de ashes like I done it. "Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States" by Various

Having plucked our teal, we poked them under the ashes, while, in true sportsman fashion, we toasted the steaks at the end of our ramrod. "A Voyage round the World" by W.H.G. Kingston

Usage in poetry
I speak unto him
Who in dead of the night
Sees the red streaks
In the ash deep and white;
Behold, Tibullus lies
Here burnt, whose small return
Of ashes scarce suffice
To fill a little urn.
Weak was the Old World,
Wearily war-fenced;
Out of its ashes,
Strong as the morning,
Springeth the New.
"Within the dying ashes
I blow the sacred spark,
And make the hearts of lovers
To leap against the dark."II
Immortal, oh! immortal
Thou art, whose earthly glow
Hath given these ashes holiness
It must, it must be so!
Flung to the heedless winds,
Or on the waters cast,
The martyrs' ashes, watched,
Shall gathered be at last.