Model of a single belt boom of 4 belts
Rigid frame model on a stand. Overseamed single-strap boom, round bilge with flat transom; a fore deck, four curtains and rails, open cabin with side pads and a henneghole. Easy rudder with a curled brass tiller. The model has one mast with a bucket cover and a flagpole on the fore deck. Only the walkway has been preserved. Scale 1:20 (scale on model).
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
ō′vėr-sēm a seam in which the thread is at each stitch passed over the edges sewn together
Usage in literature
Aunt Beulah taught me to overseam and to hem. "Elsie's New Relations" by
The overseam sewers earn large wages, and their places are much coveted. "Scientific American Supplement, No. 794, March 21, 1891" by
There were long overseams in sheets; there was no end of shirt-making for the men. "A Little Girl in Old Boston" by
Either overseam these together to make a broad handle, or leave them separated to form a double handle. "Construction Work for Rural and Elementary Schools" by