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Fine Dictionary


  1. (n) Ouse
    a river in northeastern England that flows generally southeastward to join the Trent River and form the Humber
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Ouse
    See Ooze.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) ouse
    An obsolete form of ooze.
Usage in the news

How can I protect Active Directory (AD) objects such as organizational units (OUs) from accidental deletion by administrators.

Tunisia's Ous Mellouli Becomes First Pool/Open Water Double Gold Medalist with 10K Victory.

Have the Marvel-ous Wedding You've Always Dreamed Was Possible.

When not drumming for delirious, Suspiri -ous bloodfeasters Zombi, A.E.

OUS earns SACS CASI accreditation.

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Tunisia's Ous Mellouli won the 400-meter freestyle at the Janet Evans Invitational on Saturday night, his first meet since coming off a drug suspension.

Tunisia's Ous Mellouli Targeted by Islamic Radicalist Group.

TUNIS, Tunisia, August 14 REPORTS out of Tunisia state that Tunisian Olympic gold medalist Ous Mellouli has been the target of a Facebook campaign by extremist group Ansar al Chariaa.

With US ousing starts expected to double, prices could hit a record high.

Ginsburg gets Glamour -ous treatment.

A gorge -ous Christmas holiday in Spain.

A Marvel-ous comic book opus .

Fehrenbach, the fam-ous Texas historian, I found an old man given to gloomy pronouncements about mortality wearing a camel hair sport coat that seemed almost to swallow him.

Have a person named #&ddy and another named %#ouse.

Marvel(ous) previews for 'Mighty Thor ' & 'X-Men: Schism.

Usage in scientific papers

The relationship between quantum fields and continu ous random fields particularly depends on the signi ficantly different measurement a lgebras of the two theories, which I discuss below.
Models of measurement for quantum fields and for classical continuous random fields

Teschner, Clebsch-Gordan and Racah-Wigner coefficients for a continu ous series of representations of Uq (sl(2, R)), Comm.
Nonrational conformal field theory

Hannafious, Are al l Boer-Mulders functions alike?, Phys.
Generalized parton correlation functions for a spin-0 hadron

Adding the somewhat superflous (CM2 ), we have increasing cautious monotony from (wCM ) to full (CMω ).
Size and Logic

The transformas OUs can be performed in the most convenient way.
Real-time evolution for weak interaction quenches in quantum systems

Usage in literature

Rivers, bigger than the Ouse. "The Romany Rye a sequel to "Lavengro"" by George Borrow

You go back to the 'ouse and tell 'em a man said so. "Post Haste" by R.M. Ballantyne

You've no notion how powerful hambigoo-ous she is now an' again. "Shifting Winds" by R.M. Ballantyne

I shall only be too pleased to 'ave any friend of 'is in my 'ouse, I assure you. "Charlie to the Rescue" by R.M. Ballantyne

This 'assik is the gift of the 'ouse-maid? "Dusty Diamonds Cut and Polished" by R.M. Ballantyne

Now, that is cur'ous. "The Golden Dream" by R.M. Ballantyne

I on'y supplied the sugar, 'cause that was in the 'ouse anyways. "The Garret and the Garden" by R.M. Ballantyne

There's one in the doctor's 'ouse as is a prime favourite with me, an' knows all about the locks, she does. "My Doggie and I" by R.M. Ballantyne

You see, Bill, I had twigged him in front o' the 'ouse five minutes before. "Personal Reminiscences in Book Making" by R.M. Ballantyne

O' course, I was going to leave you my little bit of 'ouse property, but I suppose now it'll 'ave to be left to her. "Short Cruises" by W. W. Jacobs

Usage in poetry
I see their 'igh 'ats on the seats
an' them sprawling on the benches
And thinks about a Rowton 'ouse
and a lot of small street stenches.
Why o'er the verdant banks of Ouse
Does yonder Halcyon speed so fast?
'Tis all because she would not lose
Her favourite calm, that will not last.
Well latticed,-- but the grate, alas!
Not rough with wire of steel or brass,
For Bully's plumage sake,
But smooth with wands from Ouse's side,
With which, when neatly peeled and dried,
The swains their baskets make.
"By Teviot, Tees and Avon, by Esk and Ure and Tweed,
Here's many a trusty henchmen would rally to your need;
By Itchen, Test and Waveney, by Tamar, Trent and Ouse,
Here's many a loyal servant will help you if you choose."
"So, 'ere I am," 'e sez, an' grins again.
"A promise is a promise 'mong us men."
Sez I, "You come up to the 'ouse.
Ole Dad won't rouse
When once 'e's got yer strength, an' as for Mar,
She'll kiss yeh when she finds out 'oo yeh are."
"Yeh mean to say I 'ave n't got the right
To know wot's goin' on in my own 'ouse?
Yeh mean to say -- "There, Bill," she sez, "keep quite.
Why should you rouse?
You told me nothin'. Parson wrote to me;
An' we fixed things without yer 'elp," sez she.