Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
A needle.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
(Shak.) any slender, pointed instrument like a needle, as the magnet or movable bar of a compass, or for knitting, etching, &c.:
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary See Needle
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. nǽdl; Ger. nadel; cog. with Ger. nähen, to sew, L. nēre, to spin.
Usage in literature
Mr Neeld turned pink and murmured incoherent thanks; he felt like a traitor. "Tristram of Blent" by
I wis not how it befalleth, but thread a neeld can I never. "In Convent Walls" by
SIR A. D. NEELD, =Bart.= =Portrait of Rembrandt=. "Great Masters in Painting: Rembrandt van Rijn" by