of or relating to or characteristic of the people or language of Malaysia and the northern Malay Peninsula and parts of the western Malay Archipelago "Malay peoples","Malayan syllable structure" -
a western subfamily of Western Malayo-Polynesian languages -
a member of a people inhabiting the northern Malay Peninsula and Malaysia and parts of the western Malay Archipelago
Of or pertaining to the Malays or their country. -
One of a race of a brown or copper complexion in the Malay Peninsula and the western islands of the Indian Archipelago.
A native of Malacca or of the Malay peninsula, or of the adjacent islands. -
The language of the Malays. It is a dialect belonging to the Malayan branch of the Malay-Polynesian family. -
A variety of the domestic hen, having a tall and slender shape like that of the exhibition game, but larger, and long legs and neck and a close, low tail. The shanks are yellow; the comb is flat or strawberry-shaped. In coloration the hen is chocolate- or cinnamon-brown, with green-black lacing, while the cock resembles a dull-colored black-breasted red game-cock. The eggs are large and brown. -
Of or pertaining to the Malays or to their country. Also Malaic.
ma-lā′ a native or inhabitant of Malacca, or of the Malay Archipelago -
of or pertaining to the Malays
Hardegen's last victim was the Malay, which was damaged but did not sink, excluding it from Operation Drumbeat 's casualty list.
In addition to managing such geopolitical points, "The Garden of Evening Mists" is loaded with rich and diverse set of cultural biographies, including Chinese, Malay, Japanese, Afrikaner, and English characters.
Vamei swirls just east of the Malay Peninsula in late December 2001.
A Cape Malay-inspired dish for the 2010 World Cup games.
Malay and David Thao, back left, moved from St Paul, where they grew up, to Woodbury to raise their four children.
Forged agreements with Malaysia's Petronas to enlarge the PM302 contract area offshore Peninsular Malaysia and create the North Malay basin integrated gas development project.
How Do You Say 'Greed Is Good' in Malay .
Taste a rainbow of Chinese, Malay, Viet and Indian street food.
Malay farmers riled by French anti-Nutella tax.
Singapore?s food is a tasty mishmash of Chinese, Malay, and South Indian.
Malayan tapirs are an endangered species native to Southern Burma, the Malay Peninsula, Thailand and Sumatra, according to the Zoo.
In the early days of my travel life, I fell in love with Malay food and with the island of Penang.
According to Beckman, that's because Malaysian cuisine represents a "blend of so many different ethnicities," including Malay , Chinese, Indian, Portuguese, British and Dutch.
So far, villagers in the project have comprised the country's majority ethnic Malay Muslims as well as a small number of indigenous tribal people, all of whom make up the bulk of the country's rural poor.
He has crafted new policies for Malaysia's younger, unaligned citizens while giving away plenty of money to retain his party's traditional supporters, especially among the ethnic- Malay (and Muslim) majority.
The CICC (Center of International Cooperation for Computerization , Japan) has also used a very close organization to construct a MLDB (Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Malay, and Indonesian) for its Multilingual Machine Translation system.
Interlingual Lexical Organisation for Multilingual Lexical Databases in NADIA
Sc in Software Engineering from Arak Azad University. He is now manager of network and website office of Malayer Azad University. His main research interests are in Network Engineering and software development.
Graphically E-Learning introduction and its benefits in Virtual Learning
Earl, Mr. W., on the Malay Archipelago, 395. "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" by
Probably none of the races were of pure Malay blood, though Malay blood predominated. "History of the United States, Volume 5" by
The Philippine patriot, Dr. Jose Rizal, was a good Japanese-Malay type. "The Philippine Islands" by
One of the American men-of-war in a Malay port had an old American eagle aboard as a mascot and pet. "As A Chinaman Saw Us" by
If the Malays would go, the Chinese agreed; but the Malays had grown colder and colder. "The Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido" by
Their skins have the same dark hue, and their features the same form, as the Malays of the present day. "A Voyage round the World" by
The Malays, as well as the men of Borneo, are circumcised. "History of Circumcision from the Earliest Times to the Present" by
Afterwards, however, when Van der Kemp was settling accounts with the Malay, he put the question to Moses. "Blown to Bits" by
Isolated and remote, but over one way was the coast of Hindu-China, and over the other way was the coast of Malay. "The Best Short Stories of 1919" by
Malay blood is not forgiving. "Uncle Sam's Boys in the Philippines" by
The sallow Tartar, midst his herds,
The peering Chinese, and the dark
False Malay uttering gentle words.
A jack-knife, deadly as Malay crease–
Hush! Let him sleep! Time enough to awake
When cooling shadows the raft overtake.
And Pamba the Malay,
And Carboy Gin the Guinea cook,
And Luz from Vigo Bay,
And Honest Jack who sold them slops
And harvested their pay.
With ratridden bulkheads and creaking old stays,
Reeking of bilge and of paint and of pitch
That’s how these oceangirt islands grew rich:
Twisted Malay's crease beautiful blue-grey,
Poison'd with sweet fruit; as he found too late,
My husband Arthur, on some bitter day!