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Fine Dictionary


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Mynheer
    The Dutch equivalent of Mr. or Sir; hence, a Dutchman.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) mynheer
    The ordinary title of address among Dutchmen, corresponding to mein herr among Germans, and to sir or Mr. in English use.
  2. (n) mynheer
    A Dutchman.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Mynheer
    mīn-hār′ my lord: Dutch form of Mr or Sir: a Dutchman.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary D. mijnheer,

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Dut. mijn, my, heer, lord.

Usage in literature

And, Mynheer M'Clise, I must not have my daughter's affections tampered with. "Olla Podrida" by Frederick Marryat (AKA Captain Marryat)

Are you there, Mynheer Werner? "The Works of Lord Byron" by Lord Byron

He was my constant companion when I was not with Mynheer Vanderveldt or his excellent Frau, and he did his best to teach me English. "Won from the Waves" by W.H.G. Kingston

Owen accompanied Mynheer Van Wijk down to the harbour, where they found two boats, each manned by eight powerful-looking natives. "Owen Hartley; or, Ups and Downs" by William H. G. Kingston

The most benevolent-looking mynheer might, as likely as not, be a kultured Hun. "The Submarine Hunters" by Percy F. Westerman

Who but I was Mynheer Jan van Dangerous? "The Strange Adventures of Captain Dangerous, Vol. 3 of 3" by George Augustus Sala

From what you tell me, I presume you must have been staying at the kraal of Mynheer Van Ormon. "The Giraffe Hunters" by Mayne Reid

But Mrs. Campbell introduced Mynheer von Stoendyck. "The Limit" by Ada Leverson

The only interest I have on this ship, Mynheer Captain, is the wireless apparatus. "Peter the Brazen" by George F. Worts

Hear the songsters, Mynheer Ten Breecheses! "The Strollers" by Frederic S. Isham

Usage in poetry
Tom Killigrew's wife, that Holland fine flower,
At the sight of this signior did fart and belch sour,
And her Dutch breeding the further to show,
Says, 'Welcome to England, Mynheer Van Dildo.'
Her learning and good breeding such,
Whether th' Italian or the Dutch,
Spaniards or French came to her: To all obliging she'd appear:
'Twas Si Signior, 'twas Yaw Mynheer,
'Twas S'il vous plaist, Monsieur.
Mynheers, you both are welcome! Fair cousin Wendell P.,
Our ancestors were dwellers beside the Zuyder Zee;
Both Grotius and Erasmus were countrymen of we,
And Vondel was our namesake, though he spelt it with a V.