My eye!
maɪ aɪ!-
My eye!
a mild asseveration
All my eye and Peggy Martin - (UK) An idiom that appears to have gone out of use but was prevalent in the English north Midlands of Staffordshire, Cheshire and Derbyshire from at least the turn of the 20th century until the early 1950s or so. The idiom's meaning is literally something said or written that is unbelievable, rumor, over embellished, the result of malicious village gossip etc.
My eye - This idiom is added to an adjective to show that you disagree with it: 'He's shy.' 'Shy my eye- he's just planning something secret.'
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. éage; cf. Goth. augo, Ger. auge, Dut. oog, Ice. auga.
Stories that caught my eye over the weekend.
As an Asian-American, of course "Charlie Chan's Ching Chong Roll" caught my eye.
I'm eager to get back to Washington so I can finally fix my eyes on the long-in-the-making memorial to Martin Luther King Jr.
I've been asked the color of my eyes, my mood and even my parachute.
As a media critic who writes about financial coverage, a recent column of his caught my eye with this headline.
"BLMC opened my eyes to the world of visual communication with Light".
"I immediately began to retreat and began to cover my eyes and my mouth," he told the Battle Creek Enquirer.
A note in the latest newsletter of the New Jersey Broadcasters Association catches my eye.
Cosmopolitan Club reviews Tebow's 'Through My Eyes.
My eyes met the eyes of a School Board member.
I wouldn't normally be interested in Indy Racing, but a couple years ago the story of an attractive female driver cutting it with the big boys certainly caught my eye.
I was singing carefully, with my eyes closed and likely a smile creeping up in the corners of my mouth.
"They really caught my eye," said Mixon, who was recruited by co-offensive line coach Bruce Walker.
The first sentence in a recent news story made me want to wash my eyes out with vodka.
One happening this weekend really caught my eye which is why it is the focus of this week's Hot Trends.
This plot does not do justice in my eyes to the role of the LHC.
LHC Symposium 2003: Summary Talk
To my eye, those distributions look convincing, but perhaps more work and further scrutiny in collaborations is required to reach the final conclusion on this.
The conical flow from quenched jets in sQGP
For a bird’s eye view of the main plots relative to the material included in the present digest, the reader is referred to the slides of my oral contribution , which were mostly assembled from the original material presented at the conference.
Hard Probes 2010: Experimental Summary
While reading the section on factoring a number x via the difference of squares method, x = y2 − z 2 , in the inspiring survey article of Carl Pomerance, multivision formed before my eyes in a flash.
Multivision: an intractable impartial game with a linear winning strategy
Before I can state my fact, I will have to give a bird’s eye view of some aspects of quantum mechanics—aspects that may be worth recalling anyway, in a reconsideration of the foundations of quantum theory.
A Curious Geometrical Fact About Entanglement
Her pleadings were in answer to my eyes. "The King's Mirror" by
He made a feeble gesture, and as I knelt by him the tears came to my eyes and a lump rose in my throat. "The Cryptogram" by
I sat down on one of the bench lockers with Partial's head in my hand, and almost my eyes became moist. "The Lady and the Pirate" by
I strained my eyes to catch sight of any of my family, but no one could be seen. "Roger Trewinion" by
I had sunk back into my corner and covered my eyes with my hand. "The Other Side of the Door" by
I shut my eyes, rubbed them with my forefingers, and again let in the light. "A Daughter of Raasay" by
I could not raise my eyes; my cheeks were burning. "The Blue Germ" by
I was moving my arms about, throwing my head to one side, and blinking my eyes, and he gave me a sound box on the ears. "Jewish Children" by
Then the tears come into my eyes, and it is just as if my mother kissed me. "Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen" by
When I open my eyes from sleep I find it waiting at my bed. "Fantazius Mallare" by
That wakes the rising woe;
This, this alone the secret grief
That makes my eyes o'erflow.
I saw her pale with pain ;
And if my eyes grew wet, perchance
'Twas not the wet of rain.
My senses clearer now became,
And borne unto my sharpen'd ear,
I heard a sound, but not the same.
It smiled its lovelight all on me!
My heart was heaving high the while,
And still my eyes saw nought but thee.
Before my eyes, I drooped and slept.
When I awoke, it seemed dark night.
I raised my voice and wept.
The hope and bright desire of morn and May.
My eyes are full of shadow, and my part
Of life is yesterday.