- Contents
- Background
- About FAER
- Objectives
- Associates
- Our Team
While we have a good educational system in place in general, it works well in parts and for only some section of the community. There are many felt needs for conducting activities to enhance the quality of the educational system, making it relevant and current so that it motivates the students, provides them with basics and equips them with relevant skills needed by the industries. Information availability to all, particularly to the rural poor is very low despite technological changes. Though industry interaction is found to be very desirable, the actual participation is not up to the required level. Further the fast changes taking place in the technological fields mean that the faculty have to upgrade their knowledge levels of current technologies.
Hence, we need a flexible, private approach to bring together industrialists and educationists in order to provide knowledge inputs to faculty so as to improve their skills; to prepare and deliver learning resources to users - both students and teachers and reduce the digital divide. Modern trends in many technologies like Computers, MEMS, Wireless, RF devices, automation, Biotechnology, Nano devices, Smart materials, Software technologies etc., need to be introduced into our institutional cultures. So in order to generate and conduct activities towards this end and to be a focal point for the fusion of technocrats, engineers, industrialists, educationists, teachers and students, a non-profit, registered trust named Foundation for Advancement of Education and Research has been set up in 2004 by a group of academics and industrialists after detailed discussions.
About FAER
The foundation is a non-governmental, non profit initiative open to all. Several educational institutions and industries will become associate partners of the foundation. The foundation will conduct faculty development programs, facilitate in the running of long term degree / diploma programs in new areas and take up, in general, several activities related to quality education at all levels.
- To bring together industry leaders and academics so as to take up several short duration activities like faculty development programs in engineering colleges and polytechnics, technology leadership programs, laboratory developments, initiation of research in new areas, development of learning resources for various topics and long term post diploma / graduate programs in engineering areas.
- Introduction of new innovative programs, setting up of new institutions, development of inexpensive devices and kits for use by all including rural institutions and schools, etc.
- The domain of the foundation is not restricted to one state or region or country. It will provide catalytic role in several educational innovations in collaboration with other institutions and industries. It has already succeeded in networking several organizations and industries. The foundation will work with concerned agencies to reduce digital divide and promote sustainable development of rural areas and underprivileged persons. The structure of operation and linkages are shown in the diagram.
INDUSTRIES : FAER has established association with the Industries who have been constantly providing technical support for running the Faculty Development Training Programmes.
- M/s Auro Power Systems Pvt. ltd., Bangalore
- M/s Haritasa Electronics Inc., Bangalore
- M/s D-Link India Ltd, Bangalore
- M/s Intel India Ltd, Bangalore
- M/s Taurus Hardsoft Solutions Ltd, Bangalore
- M/s Agilent Technologies, Bangalore
- M/s Motorola India Ltd, Bangalore
- M/s Integra Systems Ltd, Bangalore
- M/s Jataayu Software Ltd, Bangalore
- M/s Embedded Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore
- M/s A.R.Consultants Ltd, Bangalore
- M/s ABB India Ltd, Bangalore
- M/s Pico Peta Simputers Ltd, Bangalore
INSTITUTIONS : FAER has established its association with the institutions for running Faculty Development Training programmes and other activities.
- East West Institute of Technology, Bangalore
- K. S. Institute of Technology, Bangalore
- M. S. Ramaiah Polytechnic, Bangalore
- M. N. Technical Institute, Bangalore
- Acharya Polytechnic, Bangalore
- S. J. Govt. Polytechnic, Bangalore
- Gousia Women's Polytechnic, Bangalore
- V.E.T.Polytechnic,Bangalore
Our Team
FAER is run by an able team of Trustees and managed by an experienced Board of Management. Click here to learn more about our team.