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'Forza Horizon 3' Has State-Of-The-Art Visuals On The Xbox One X

Updated Jan 21, 2018, 11:09pm EST
This article is more than 6 years old.

Credit: Digital Foundry/YouTube

When Forza Horizon 3 developer Playground Games first set up the Xbox One version of their game in their new Xbox One X dev kit, they discovered they were left with 75% unused GPU time. They were surprised there was this much headroom. They then rendered the game at a full native 4K resolution (3840 x 2160) and found they still had 25% spare GPU time to work with. Now they were faced with a delicious problem. What could they do with this additional processing power? Playground decided to go all-in on graphics and created what Digital Foundry calls “a genuine visual showcase for the One X”.

Forza Horizon 3 is rendered at 4K with no compromises. No checkerboarding, no dynamic resolution scaling, nothing. The result is a level of sharpness and detail that’s seen on no other console and rarely seen on the One X. (If some technical terms are unfamiliar, check out this guide.)

Credit: Digital Foundry/YouTube

Playground then applied 4x MSAA (Multisample anti-aliasing) to smooth the edges. This type of anti-aliasing places heavy demands on the GPU because each of the four samples is fully rendered before they’re collapsed into the final frame. For this reason, it’s rarely used in console games and Digital Foundry could think of no other game that combines 4x MSAA with the massive pixel count of native 4K (8,294,400 pixels). If you have a 4K TV, Forza Horizon 3 is stunning.

There was still headroom in the One X's graphics pipeline with resolution and anti-aliasing in place, so Playground dug into tweaking the details. Digital Foundry evaluated the results by comparing the One X and PC versions of the game. The One X not only compared favorably, in one instance it outdid the PC.

All surfaces in Forza Horizon 3 are treated with 16x anisotropic filtering which makes textures look sharper and more detailed. This matches the PC’s highest level and works hand-in-hand with an increase in polygon counts and increased draw distances for levels-of-detail (LODs). Even complex images with lots of foliage and terrain details are crisp and clear at extended distances.

Credit: Digital Foundry/YouTube

Motian blur and reflections on the car’s surface are greatly improved over what you get with the vanilla Xbox One. They’re not quite at the level that can be reached with max settings on a PC, but Digital Foundry concluded that the differences are marginal and unlikely to be noticeable while playing the game.

And then there’s shadows. The high graphics bandwidth available on the One X combined with the ability to fine tune settings for a fixed platform allowed the developers to implement static shadows at a higher level on the One X than on the PC. The difference is minor and dynamic shadows are better on the PC, but it’s a testament to what can be accomplished when the One X’s power is utilized by a crack development team.

All of this visual goodness comes at the cost of frame rate. High-speed games like Forza Horizon 3 play better at 60 fps, but the One X version sticks to a 30 fps frame rate. In an interview with Digital Foundry, Creative Director Ralph Fulton said their decision to sacrifice 60 fps in order to go all out for graphics was based on feedback from Forza Horizon’s fan base. The players wanted more and better visuals.

Credit: Digital Foundry/YouTube

Forza Horizon 3’s 30 fps may not be 60, but it’s a rock solid 30. VG Tech’s frame-rate-test video features almost 8.5 minutes of game-play footage during which Forza Horizon 3 doesn’t drop a single frame below 30 fps.

The One X is constantly hyped as “the world’s most powerful console”. Hype it may be, but Forza Horizon 3 clearly demonstrates that it’s also true. No other console can deliver what this game does on the One X and no other game on the One X can match Forza Horizon 3’s visual quality. It’s state of the art.

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