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The Truth About Smartphone Addiction, And How To Beat It

Updated Dec 10, 2021, 08:30am EST
This article is more than 5 years old.

Do you know how often you use your smartphone? I didn’t — until I discovered Apple’s new feature, Screen Time, which tracks usage and sets parameters for how long you use certain apps. When I checked in on myself, I was shocked. Despite regularly “going dark” and taking one day a week “just to think,” my usage was super high. It made me realize I might be an addict, too!

America's smartphone obsession isn't going away. Here's how to deal.

O2E Brands

The scariest part about smartphone addiction is that it can affect our physical and mental health, our relationships and our productivity. America’s obsession with smartphones has even been compared to the obesity epidemic.  That’s because, just like drug or gambling addictions, smartphones provide an escape from reality.

Humans are, by nature, prone to distraction. With smartphones, we literally have a world of distractions at our fingertips. It’s time to acknowledge that our devices can negatively impact our lives — and we have to make a change.

Your Brain On “Smartphone”

Cell phones used to just be communication tools. Now, they’re GPS, cameras, gaming consoles, health trackers, and the list goes on. We turn to our devices for everything  — from waiting in line at the grocery store or reading the news, to filing our taxes or controlling the thermostat. We don’t just use our smartphones for everything — we rely on them.

The brain on “smartphone” is the same as the brain on cocaine: we get an instant high every time our screen lights up with a new notification. It’s all thanks to dopamine, the feel-good chemical that gets released every time you do something you enjoy, like eating your favourite meal or getting a hundred likes on your latest Instagram post. Dopamine reinforces (and motivates) behaviour that makes us feel good and, in turn, can create addiction.

At the same time, having access to a constant flow of information has all but destroyed attention spans: a few years ago, a widely publicized study proved goldfish can focus longer than we can. This increase in ADD-like symptoms has been linked to the overuse of smartphones.

The effects of smartphone addiction don’t stop there; our overuse of technology has completely transformed how we communicate and interact with other people. Instead of getting real face time with the people in our lives, we often hide behind a screen. While technology can be a useful tool for keeping us connected, we have to be careful with when and how we use it.

There’s A Time And A Place

This past summer, I took nine employees on a voluntourism trip to Kenya. We were in the middle of the Maasai Mara and literally had zero access to cell service or the internet. At first, everyone felt anxious and uncomfortable about not being able to check in online. But after a few days, we all realized how rare it is to fully disconnect like that. Going without our smartphones allowed us to connect more with each other and share the experience together.

I’m not saying we should get rid of smartphones and cancel our WiFi. There’s nothing wrong with using the technology available to us. But when our smartphone usage interferes with our health and relationships with others, that’s when it becomes a problem. There’s a time and place to use devices and, more importantly, times to put them away.

Most people are aware of when it’s appropriate (or inappropriate) to use their smartphones, such as in meetings or job interviews, or on a first date. The scary thing is that the majority of those people will use them anyway! That’s where addiction comes into play: they know it’s wrong but they can’t control the compulsion to pick up their phones.

Time For Some Smartphone Rehab

When I was in France with my family earlier this year, I was fascinated by how few cell phones we saw. People have them, of course, but they’re not constantly glued to their screens all day, every day. It’s rare to see someone walking down the street, phone in hand. Technology doesn’t control people’s lives there the same way it does in North America.

It’s been proven that smartphones interfere with productivity, and I agree this is a big issue. But the more critical problem is how they affect our mental health. We need to act now before the toll of smartphone addiction gets even worse.

France seems to be ahead of the game: last month, lawmakers enforced a ban on smartphones in schools. Last year, they gave people the legal right to disconnect from work — no checking emails or taking calls — outside of working hours.

We have a similar program at our company called “going dark.” When people go on vacation, we encourage them to have a colleague change their email password so they won’t even be tempted to check in. I do this every time I go away, too. This practice has done wonders for my mental well being and my productivity when I get back to work.

Where Do We Go From Here?

In North America, there’s constant pressure to be plugged in 24/7 and it’s causing serious health problems. I’m glad to see that companies in the smartphone industry are taking strides to combat problems. But giving people the ability to limit their own usage with programs like Screen Time isn’t enough. It’s the equivalent of telling an alcoholic to lock their liquor cabinet but letting them keep the key.

Dealing with smartphone addiction starts by hacking our internal operating systems. Ask a trusted friend to change your email password over the weekend, or your social media passwords during the work day. Use a website blocker app on your browser to prevent you from using distracting sites when you need to be productive.

It’s truly incredible how much smartphones today can do. We all have the choice whether to use that power to our detriment or to our advantage.

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