Architect Font
About Architect Font
Architect Font is a Architect font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 269,625 times and added to 1,413 collections. 50 people have liked Architect Font and given it a thumbs up.
Architect Font was recently updated on May 10, 2008
3 font family styles
Regular Style
Bold Style
Woolkarth-Bold Bold Style
License Info
Related Styles
Love this font so cool but where is the 'e' on the other 2 fonts???
otherwise its lush!! ? ?
What's with the missing "e"? Does the designer know that his font is gibbled?
Reminds me of Tekton Pro.
The "e " is a letter not to be underestimated. In some languages (for example in German) it is the most common letter in texts!
@FreeWilly Uh, we're having a problem about the "e" here, don't act like it's no problem…
You`r right. Sorry if I didn´t put it clarly in my last post but I s it as a problm, too.
FINALLY found a place to get the un-damaged . bold font. Link Removed
@fontladyish Unfortunately, that link is to a commercial forgery! There are a TON of bad font websites out there that don't care about licenses. That link was to a ripoff of Adobe Tekton , so if you like it you can purchase a license here:
Here is a link from Adobe about font forgeries:
@fontladyish Corrected link for forgeries:
nice much interested
Why is the letter "e" unavailable?
why in the other styles other characters aren't available? especially the "e"...