Agreloyc Font
About Agreloyc Font
Agreloyc Font is a 3D font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 57,997 times and added to 1,266 collections. 39 people have liked Agreloyc Font and given it a thumbs up.
4 font family styles
Medium Style
AgreloycAsparagus Style
AgreloycAzure Style
AgreloycTurquoise Style
More info from gluk
SVGinOT fonts Agreloyc are color fonts with embedded color values in new format. OpenType SVG color font (Opentype-SVG) format is proposal for multi-color, vector fonts, and has been implemented in Mozilla Firefox (v. >= 26), Microsoft Edge (v. >= 38.14393), Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 and Photoshop CC 2017.
If your program don't support OpenTypeSVG fonts, you can:
- use Agreloy multilayer fonts:
- use online SVG images generator:
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