Some people argue that science and spirituality are antithetical and do not make any connection with each other. Science has always been associated with the study on matter using statistical methods, analytical observations, and direct evidence. Many people have different views on spirituality. Some think of it as an inner inspiration while others take it as a serious subject to search for questions that are otherwise not answered by common people. “The more I work with the powers of nature, the more I feel God’s benevolence to man; The closer I am to the great truth that everything is dependent on the eternal creator and sustainer.” Many scientists in history did not believe in God, but there have been many who did. Let us try to understand these aspects profoundly.
For the laypeople, the devotees, and the enthusiastic readers, Hindi opens the gates to the haven of Hinduism wrapped inside the pages of ancient texts. Exotic India Art has compiled a list of 10 religious and spiritual books in Hindi, reading which will bring you closer to the empowering wisdom of Indian tradition. Ramayana by Valmiki, Mahabharata by Veda Vyasa, Shiva Purana, Vishnu Purana, Patanjali’s Yoga Darshana, Ashtadhyayi of Panini, Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Srividya Sadhana, Ashtangahridayam and numerous other books on Hindu thought, beliefs and practices are available on Exotic India Art, in Hindi and major Indian languages.
"Only a very few people are interested in Moksha, because the majority of us live under the illusion that happiness is the result of fulfilling worldly desires....How can a permanent state of happiness be derived from a non-permanent object?....Therefore, an aspirant should invoke the grace of God....Therefore, the seeker of Moksha should not strive for more than what is sufficient to sustain his life....The Vedas can be understood only with the help of a Guru....It is permanent, and should be obtained by discriminating between the permanent and the transient."
"Due to our deep-rooted ignorance, there is a wide gap between what we believe ourselves to be and what we actually are....What are the qualities in a guru which make us seek the science of salvation from him? How should we approach such a guru?....The primary reason why we are unable to obtain a guru like this is our inability to understand that there is no other path to Moksha than the one delineated in the scriptures....The service we are able to offer to our guru is the sincerest reflection of the genuineness of our commitment."
"Buddhism has evolved over the centuries a complex, yet discernable scheme of symbolism which has found adequate expression in Buddhist art... Buddhist motifs [are] soaked in rich spiritual symbolism... [They are] said to represent Buddha\'s deep and resonant voice, through which he introduced his followers to the path of dharma... Undoubtedly, the most popular of such symbols is the group of eight, known in Sanskrit as \'Ashtamangala,\' ashta meaning eight and mangala meaning auspicious. Each of these symbols is also individually associated with the physical form of the Buddha... Artistically, these motifs may be depicted individually, in pairs, in fours, or as a composite group of eight. Designs of these eight symbols adorn all manner of sacred and secular Buddhist objects, such as carved wooden furniture, metalwork, wall panels, carpets and silk brocades."
Sri Aurobindo was an Indian nationalist, yogin, philosopher, scholar, and poet. Following his brief political career, during which he vehemently fought for India’s outright independence, Sri Aurobindo began to explore the ancient Hindu practices of yoga. Sri Aurobindo subsequently developed his own style of yoga which he called “Integral Yoga,” because it “takes up the essence and many processes of the old yogas” with a new approach of “aim, standpoint and the totality of its method”. Sri Aurobindo believed that enlightenment came from the Divine, but that human beings possess a spiritual “supermind” that allows them to reach upward toward awareness. Spiritual perfection is achieved through Yoga practices that lead to “a change of life and existence” through the development of a new power of consciousness, which he called the “supramental”.
Tantra – Spiritual Knowledge of Practical Nature
“Tantra is not a unitary system like the Vedas or any of the Hindu philosophies. It is an accumulation of practices and ideas of the Hindus, since prehistoric times. Its birth is rooted in the Vedas; its development proceeded through the Upanishads, Itihasas, Puranas, and Smritis; and its luxuriant growth has been fostered by Buddhism, various minor Hindu sects, and also foreign influences.”
As one browses through an online collection of statues, the options for spiritual decor are many, so many that the process of finding the perfect idol for your decor becomes a difficult task. What is the right material, what is the ideal icon, what size should one pick?
The questions are many, but lucky for you, you have come to the right place. We will start unpacking the questions, beginning with the points to keep in mind when getting a sacred statue for home decor. You should understand the symbolism and powers of each deity and their aspects before getting their statue for your home. Ganesha for example brings fortune, but there are certain forms of the god such as Chaturbhuja with Mooshak and Modak which are especially auspicious and powerful for home.