"I use this product as an adapter attached directly to sling mount on my KWA H&K MP7A1 Gas Blow Back Sub-Machine Gun. I would not recommend anyone to attach a sling directly to the mount on MP7A1 without this item as this will wear out the plastic mount which will eventually snap off. This already happened on my KWA MP7A1. Since the metal hook from the sling frequently rubs on the plastic mount as I carry this on the field, the mount was indicating signs that it will break if hook is pulled too hard from mount or from continuous surface rubbing contact. I accidentally pulled the sling too rough from mount, causing the mount to snap off. It is no issue since I simply applied super crazy glue which instantly bonded the broken mount to its proper place. Following this, I did not attach sling directly to other mounts since they will eventually break. Once I acquired this fabric sling adapter, it worked much better where I tied this adapter as a knot to the mount, then attached the sling to this adapter. From that point on up until today, the mounts have not presented any signs of wear thanks to the fabric adapter, not the metal hook weakening the mount.