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Write a Book in One Week: MFI Series1, #4
The Magic of Income Investing: Grow Your Pension: MFI Series1, #10
7 Reasons Dividend Growth Investing is for You: DGI is Proven to Make People Rich: MFI Series1, #9
Ebook series30 titles

MFI Series1

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About this series

Yes, someone sold you up the river as you signed your student loans. However, you can overcome it if you can accept one new reality.


You must accept that you'll have to work more than eight-hour days to get ahead. You'll need to understand that you must live below your means for a season.


I know everyone told you to go to college and get a high-paying job, but that's not the case for most people.


The good news is that money is everywhere. And not just earned income, but passive income. Once you learn how to create passive income, it will work alongside you to pay off your debt.


Don't sit around after work watching tv; build a website. Don't hang out with friends on the weekend; shoot YouTube videos. Paying off student loans is a lifestyle—are you ready to accept this truth? If so, go defeat your student loans!


PublisherJoshua King
Release dateJul 5, 2021
Write a Book in One Week: MFI Series1, #4
The Magic of Income Investing: Grow Your Pension: MFI Series1, #10
7 Reasons Dividend Growth Investing is for You: DGI is Proven to Make People Rich: MFI Series1, #9

Titles in the series (100)

  • 7 Reasons Dividend Growth Investing is for You: DGI is Proven to Make People Rich: MFI Series1, #9


    7 Reasons Dividend Growth Investing is for You: DGI is Proven to Make People Rich: MFI Series1, #9
    7 Reasons Dividend Growth Investing is for You: DGI is Proven to Make People Rich: MFI Series1, #9

    Investing in the stock market can be intimidating, especially if you didn't grow up around words such as passive income. I grew up around the words "no income," so learning about income streams has been enlightening.   One of the best ways to create an income stream is through dividend growth investing. Starting a small portfolio now can have huge ramifications during your retirement.   The stock market doesn't have to be as "crazy" as people make it seem. Investing in well-known, stable companies will raise your net worth while allowing you to sleep tight at night.   Over time those companies will increase in value, as will the amount of income they pay you. The human brain cannot fathom the power of compounding, so why try? All we need to do is the same thing other wealthy people have been doing for years—become dividend growth investors.  

  • Write a Book in One Week: MFI Series1, #4


    Write a Book in One Week: MFI Series1, #4
    Write a Book in One Week: MFI Series1, #4

    Do you think that it is possible to write a 10,000-word book in one week? I not only believe you can, I know you can. Why? Because I release 2-3 books a week. No, I am not a superstar writer; I just write every day.   The key isn't writing; the key is having something to write. We sometimes use the word writer's block. But that's not a thing. You need to keep your head filled with content, and you will write the night away.   From there, we just need a light structure to our book, starting with a title. Next, we create five good body chapters and four auxiliary chapters.   Finally, we write an introduction chapter based on the book title and tada! The book is complete. I make it sound easy, but it truly isn't hard. You just need to read a lot and write a lot; from there, you will naturally create books.   The only thing from there is to create a book cover, but that is a topic for another day…   And yes, 10000-word (roughly 40 pages) books do sell on Amazon; I can attest to that. If you are interested, please come inside. Thanks for reading!  

  • The Magic of Income Investing: Grow Your Pension: MFI Series1, #10


    The Magic of Income Investing: Grow Your Pension: MFI Series1, #10
    The Magic of Income Investing: Grow Your Pension: MFI Series1, #10

    I love immediate income! That is the benefit of income investing—you'll see results in real-time. Income investing is the art of investing in high-yielding products to live from your investments someday.    Dividend growth investing and income investing require two separate and distinct mindsets. Income investing requires you to understand the best time to purchase your securities.    If you understand the basics of closed-end funds, mortgage REITs, preferred shares, dividend ETFs, and high-yield blue chips stocks, you can buy these products when they are on sale.   The better the discount, the higher the yield. Income investing is more hands-on than dividend growth investing and will require you to have a deep understanding of interest rates, federal funds rates, and business practices.   That being said, income investing is fun at all times of the year. I love getting quality, high-yield products on sale. The end goal of income investing is to create a solid pension to pay your expenses in retirement. If this sounds like something you'd like, please join me inside.  

  • Investing for Interest 2: Super Safe Savers: MFI Series1, #24


    Investing for Interest 2: Super Safe Savers: MFI Series1, #24
    Investing for Interest 2: Super Safe Savers: MFI Series1, #24

    The average person is risk-averse and won't take any chances with their money. Understandable, at least for now. However, we still need to keep our money working, even if we receive a small return on investment.   The Super Safe Savers will get you heading in the right direction, with little to no risk. However, their biggest disadvantage is losing ground to inflation.   The Super Safe Savers include high yield savings accounts, certificates of deposit, "I" bonds, and "EE" bonds. Together, you can use these instruments to build your emergency fund.   As you invest in these products, you'll be able to watch your money growly (slowly). Hopefully, this will create a passion for investing. I know I loved watching my high yield savings pay me interest when I started. Good Luck!  

  • The Magic of Dividend Growth Investing: MFI Series1, #5


    The Magic of Dividend Growth Investing: MFI Series1, #5
    The Magic of Dividend Growth Investing: MFI Series1, #5

    Plant the seeds of freedom today by building a dividend growth investing portfolio! Wow, what a tagline. But what is dividend growth investing? And why is it essential to your success?   DGI is the art of steadily investing in blue-chip stocks. Over time, with the companies raising their dividends, price appreciation, reinvesting dividends, and the power of compounding, you can build quite a fortune.   But it won't just be a large sum of money, like index fund investing; it will also produce a significant amount of income. Enough income to hopefully pay for your expenses in America or overseas.   In the end, DGI gives you the options you need to pursue the life that you want to live. Retirement is coming for all of us; why not have a significant source of income and capital appreciation? Welcome to Dividend Growth Investing!  

  • Active Service Passive Income: MFI Series1, #2


    Active Service Passive Income: MFI Series1, #2
    Active Service Passive Income: MFI Series1, #2

    You've come a long way to get where you are at. Whether you are in the military or not, you have sacrificed much just by going to work every single day. You have dealt with traffic, bad bosses, and countless frustrating phone calls.   My name is Josh, and I am an active duty US Marine with the rank of Master Gunnery Sergeant (E-9). I have seen a lot in my years—been to Afghanistan, served in Africa and Turkmenistan.    However, one of my greatest accomplishments, for my family and me, is becoming financially independent—before I exit the Marines. That's right; I will not have to work a second job after I retire.   To be honest, once I had the correct information, it wasn't difficult at all. This knowledge applies to ANYONE in the workforce. All I had to do was reduce expenses, eliminate debt, and learn to follow passive income rules.   The rules? Yes, practices such as "The rich do not work for money," and "Make money while you sleep," and finally, "Separate yourself from the act of making money."   You may not understand all of these rules, but you will. Once you know the concept, you will understand why I began writing books, focusing on real estate, and collecting dividends.    Today, my wife and I make $3,000/month passively through our income streams outside of work. I have eight more years in the military to increase and create these income streams.   Once I retire, then I can really focus on becoming rich—yes, the power of passive income. This book is for everyone, both military types, and civilians; we are all employees. However, I always wanted to create a book for young military types and aspiring servicemembers. This guide is the book I wish I had read before entering boot camp in 1999.   So please, everyone, take a look inside. You will find the start of something special in yourself. Nothing, I mean nothing, feels better than becoming financially free with a spouse and family by your side. Enjoy and Good Investing.  

  • I Live Paycheck to Paycheck: MFI Series1, #3


    I Live Paycheck to Paycheck: MFI Series1, #3
    I Live Paycheck to Paycheck: MFI Series1, #3

    At some point in our lives, most of us will live paycheck to paycheck. Whether it is as a young person, a new family household, or during a pandemic, we will go through this phase.   How we decide to act during this stage of life is what will make or break our future. I lived paycheck to paycheck early in my military career. There just wasn't a lot of money going around.    Over the years, I have learned the words "passive income" and started to build rents, royalties, and dividends. Starting my business, a blog, and releasing books, has opened my eyes to the potential of creating multiple streams of income.   Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Do you wish you could just write an article and money would flow into your account? How about producing a video about something you love and receiving payment from adoring fans?   All of this is possible by starting a content-focused business. There is a lot to unpack here, so jump inside and be ready to put on your thinking caps. Thank you and Enjoy!  

  • Your First Home: Investment Property or Dream House?: MFI Series1, #25


    Your First Home: Investment Property or Dream House?: MFI Series1, #25
    Your First Home: Investment Property or Dream House?: MFI Series1, #25

    I spent years watching House Hunters on HGTV, and it is still one of my favorite shows of all time. However, we need to start being honest with ourselves—people are spending too much on their homes.   Buying your first home can be an amazing (and scary) experience. But the most crucial part of the experience is the numbers.    The question shouldn't be, if you can afford a property, it should be what is your savings rate after you purchase this home?   Your savings rate will determine your overall happiness throughout life. You can afford a bigger home if you can offset your mortgage by renting rooms or starting an online business.    Your home should be a small part of your overall wealth and investment strategy. You can still buy the home of your dream, but treat it as an investment into a bigger retirement scheme.  

  • Your Income Should Increase Every Year: Beat Inflation, Live Well: MFI Series1, #17


    Your Income Should Increase Every Year: Beat Inflation, Live Well: MFI Series1, #17
    Your Income Should Increase Every Year: Beat Inflation, Live Well: MFI Series1, #17

    Every year (and currently every month), the price of goods and services rises. This phenomenon is called inflation, and it slows your wealth accumulation.   To beat inflation, you need to create more money than you lose. You are responsible for building your income streams to combat inflation and grow your net worth.    Your job, boss, or spouse are not responsible; it is solely your mission to beat inflation and become wealthy. To achieve this, every year your income should rise.   You can increase your income by becoming an insider. As an insider, you own your income stream. This ownership can include a business or rental properties.    In the end, those who increase their income annually will outperform inflation, retire early, provide for their family, and live well. Does that sound interesting to you?  

  • The Average Millionaire: Has Seven Streams of Income:: MFI Series1, #8


    The Average Millionaire: Has Seven Streams of Income:: MFI Series1, #8
    The Average Millionaire: Has Seven Streams of Income:: MFI Series1, #8

    The average millionaire has seven streams of income—why don't you? They aren't doing anything that you couldn't be doing. So what makes them unique?   Chances are they had some type of financial education. Either their parents or schooling gave them this vital insight. To become financially independent, you will need to make money in your sleep.   Yes, rich people avoid exchanging time for money. Every day that we regular folks go to work, we are trading our time for money. You can only exchange your time once for one paycheck. To get another paycheck, you have to exchange more time.    However, with passive income, we can exchange our time once for multiple paychecks. For example, writing a book once can pay us for the rest of our lives. Amazing, isn't it? If you want to learn how to build income streams, please come inside.  

  • The Balanced Writer: Write Full-Time While Working Full-Time: MFI Series1, #18


    The Balanced Writer: Write Full-Time While Working Full-Time: MFI Series1, #18
    The Balanced Writer: Write Full-Time While Working Full-Time: MFI Series1, #18

    Do you work a full-time job? Do you have a full-time family? If you have either of these or both, you know that time is lacking.   However, we need to burst past these barriers and start writing to build a writing career. Yes, it is difficult to find the time, but no one cares about our excuses.   Making writing a priority is the first objective. There is a lot of money and achievement through writing, but we need to push out high-quality work first. Getting our mindset right, then integrating our family are vital to long-term success. We cannot rush becoming a writer, only do the daily work. Trust me, pushing past the "pain" will lead to a sense of accomplishment few ever know. Yes, you can have it all (*through hard work*).

  • Create A Never-Ending Stream of Content: Fill Your Brain, The Overflow is Your Content: MFI Series1, #12


    Create A Never-Ending Stream of Content: Fill Your Brain, The Overflow is Your Content: MFI Series1, #12
    Create A Never-Ending Stream of Content: Fill Your Brain, The Overflow is Your Content: MFI Series1, #12

    A considerable part of building our Happy Cash Flow Retirement system is creating royalties from our content. But how do we create a never-ending stream of content? Can we write, shoot, and produce enough media to last the rest of our lives?   Yes, we can. If you fill your brain with enough content and start to combine thoughts, you will never run out of content to create. In my first year of blogging, I have written 600 articles.    I don't just write little blurbs, but 1000+ word articles. I still have over 150+ articles to write. Every day I write one article and take notes on two more to create at a later time. I will never run out of content to produce.   But, I also read books for 30-60 minutes a day, read news articles 30-60 minutes a day, and talk to my wife 60-120 minutes a day. These interactions yield me content; I just need to put it into a form that my audience can consume.   If you want to create a massive library of royalties, I recommend you start building your brain up now. It all comes to your experiences, self-education, and ability to formulate these ideas into usable content. It is an exciting world of never-ending content.  

  • Use an Automated Business as Your Wealth Generator: Remove Yourself So You Can Build More Businesses: MFI Series1, #42


    Use an Automated Business as Your Wealth Generator: Remove Yourself So You Can Build More Businesses: MFI Series1, #42
    Use an Automated Business as Your Wealth Generator: Remove Yourself So You Can Build More Businesses: MFI Series1, #42

    A wealth generator is an income stream that multiplies the speed at which we become rich.   The goal is to create multiple wealth generators to fund our money system (dividend portfolio).   Once we have enough money in our dividend portfolio, we are free from the workforce. We can also sell any real estate or businesses we don't feel like holding.   An automated business is one of the best wealth generators because of its scalability. "To make millions, you have to reach millions." An automated business allows us to reach millions if we so choose.  

  • JOMO vs. FOMO: Trade Your Liabilities for Assets: MFI Series1, #7


    JOMO vs. FOMO: Trade Your Liabilities for Assets: MFI Series1, #7
    JOMO vs. FOMO: Trade Your Liabilities for Assets: MFI Series1, #7

    Do you know the difference between an asset and a liability? It's okay if you don't; they don't teach that in school.   The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) drives us to buy liabilities such as new cars, boats, jewelry, and huge houses. It also makes us look for fast money in stocks and crypto.   The Joy of Missing Out (JOMO) teaches us to buy assets that produce passive income. It tells us to build wealth slowly with stable investments.    Trading in your liabilities for assets will be a shock to your mindset. Society teaches us to be consumers until we die. However, building passive income streams, living below your means, and investing for the future will lead to happiness beyond your imagination.  

  • Enter the Metaverse: New Worlds. Same Investing Mindset.: MFI Series1, #6


    Enter the Metaverse: New Worlds. Same Investing Mindset.: MFI Series1, #6
    Enter the Metaverse: New Worlds. Same Investing Mindset.: MFI Series1, #6

    The internet, social media, and the iPhone were all notable moments in the world of technology. The next big thing will be the metaverse—a digital world inside our physical world.   As investors and entrepreneurs, we need to understand how to add value and extract profit from the metaverse. It's a good thing that everything we have learned in the "real" world will come in handy in digital space.   This is my first look into this brand-new frontier, and it's going to be a long journey. I've included references to all the investing knowledge we will need in the metaverse. These books include business, cryptocurrencies, and real estate.   All asset classes will be represented in the metaverse, and leveraging them will be vital to long-term success and viability. The metaverse will be a fun new extrusion but can be dangerous if we don't perform our due diligence. If you are interested in the Metaverse, please come inside.  

  • My Experience Running Facebook Ads: It’s a Desert Out There If You Don’t Research: MFI Series1, #14


    My Experience Running Facebook Ads: It’s a Desert Out There If You Don’t Research: MFI Series1, #14
    My Experience Running Facebook Ads: It’s a Desert Out There If You Don’t Research: MFI Series1, #14

    Every business needs some form of advertising and marketing, and finding what works best for you is critical. Every platform has its quirks, and you need to take a deep dive to understand the scope of each one thoroughly.   I started advertising on Facebook when my content sucked. Therefore, my ads also were terrible. But, hey, we all need these growing pains.   To create better products and ads, I began to read books on writing, design, advertising, marketing, etc. It worked; however, I wasn't satisfied with the results for my business.   In the end, I want to grow an audience, not sell products. I want to build organic traffic, and I do that by releasing a ton of content.   However, your goals may be vastly different from mine. If you take the time to learn Facebook (or other platforms), you can create ads that make you money. At that point, your advertising would be in an infinite return. You'd be printing money.    The only question is, are you willing to spend the time, energy, and money to get to that point!  

  • Retirement Planning for the Average Person: MFI Series1, #1


    Retirement Planning for the Average Person: MFI Series1, #1
    Retirement Planning for the Average Person: MFI Series1, #1

    No matter where, how, or when we started on this Earth, we all have the opportunity to have a happy ending. We will just have to decide what our happy ending consists of.   Do we choose to work until we are 70 years old and barely survive off social security and medicare? Or do we have a 401K, Roth IRA, dividends, rental income, crypto, and royalties to assist with our retirement?   Do we decide to work during our kid's golden years, missing valuable time with our kids in their 20s and 30s? Do we choose to miss time with our grandkids as we try to pay bills and prepare for retirement?   Or do we figure everything out in our 40s and have the money, time, and experience to help our kids out? Do we want to visit for years on end? Or even have the option to move to their location?    When we choose a life of passive income, we have an unlimited list of options and opputunites—which will make us more than average in the end. It will make us extraordinary! Which will you choose?  

  • Why Real Estate is IDEAL- Income: Sweet Rental Income for Passive Income Living: MFI Series1, #33


    Why Real Estate is IDEAL- Income: Sweet Rental Income for Passive Income Living: MFI Series1, #33
    Why Real Estate is IDEAL- Income: Sweet Rental Income for Passive Income Living: MFI Series1, #33

    We should all be on our way to building streams of passive income. I've been writing away for over a year now, and hopefully, you've got the passive income mindset from me or someone else.   One of the best sources of passive income is real estate. In fact, real estate is the IDEAL (Income, Depreciation, Equity, Appreciation, Leverage) source of additional revenue.   Today, we look at that sweet Income from rents. Nice, consistent income that can help you build a solid retirement.   I break the income down into three types; single-family, multi-family (2-4 units), and commercial (5+ units). Depending on your cash flow needs, you can choose the best source to help you achieve greatness.  

  • Become CEO of Yourself 2: MFI Series1, #11


    Become CEO of Yourself 2: MFI Series1, #11
    Become CEO of Yourself 2: MFI Series1, #11

    Life isn't as complicated as we make it seem. All we have to do is strive to be better every day. For some, it is easy; for others, not so much.   If we plan to become rich and have freedom of our time, money, and location, we must work hard. Not just at a job, but during our off time. We will have to become the CEO of our life.   Things like waking up early, exercising, and self-education are part of the process. Add in building additional streams of passive income and creating solid relationships, and we have a lot to accomplish in a short amount of time.   Not to worry, the goal is to build wealth slowly—this ensures we can hold it throughout our lifetimes. We control our destiny; all we need is to steer the ship. The more effort we put in, the more we can achieve.  

  • Living Overseas Passively 06: Cryptocurrencies: MFI Series1, #35


    Living Overseas Passively 06: Cryptocurrencies: MFI Series1, #35
    Living Overseas Passively 06: Cryptocurrencies: MFI Series1, #35

    Cryptocurrencies have had a rocky introduction to the mainstream, but that's what we expected.   One of the selling points of crypto is the absurd amount of interest they pay you to invest. In particular, the stable coin USDC has a whopping 9% interest rate.   We can move overseas and live quite comfortably using that colossal interest rate. Even better, if we can keep our spending at around 4-5%, we will never run out of money.   Once we have enough USDC interest to cover all of our expenses, we can invest in slightly more volatile coins that pay huge interest and have a chance to appreciate as well. Things are looking brilliant for the future of crypto and our lives overseas.  

  • Create Passive Income from Audio & Speech: Podcasting isn’t the Only Way to Speak Your Way to Freedom: MFI Series1, #28


    Create Passive Income from Audio & Speech: Podcasting isn’t the Only Way to Speak Your Way to Freedom: MFI Series1, #28
    Create Passive Income from Audio & Speech: Podcasting isn’t the Only Way to Speak Your Way to Freedom: MFI Series1, #28

    When it comes to creating passive income from audio, everyone's first idea is podcasting. Podcasting can become quite lucrative, but after many years and gaining a massive following.   However, I also share more ways to make money from audio and speech. One is to create audiobooks.    The other is to build a YouTube channel to narrate your blog posts. The main things holding people back from YouTube are time and a fear of public speaking. At least we can curb one of those limiting factors.    I consider audio & speech a secondary source of passive income. It works best if you are a writer first, then you can further monetize your written words with audio ones.  

  • How to Create Passive Income for Beginners: Every Income Stream has to Start Somewhere: MFI Series1, #16


    How to Create Passive Income for Beginners: Every Income Stream has to Start Somewhere: MFI Series1, #16
    How to Create Passive Income for Beginners: Every Income Stream has to Start Somewhere: MFI Series1, #16

    Are you new to passive income? Great! I was once new to those words as well. In fact, that was just a couple of years ago. Now, we just crossed $200,000 in our dividend portfolio, which pays us $700/month in income.   You, too, can be a passive income champ, but it won't be easy. Do you like to read and study? I hope so. Do you love to spend your off time building income streams? You better.   Most people will never create a stream of passive income. It is much easier not to try. Then they can blame society, politics, the job market, education, etc. All that is noise. You can create passive income today by investing a dollar into a blue-chip dividend-paying stock like McDonald's.   So don't be afraid. Consider this book the first step in a larger journey towards financial freedom and living the true American dream—sitting on the beach, drinking a cocktail, and getting an alert that you just received a dividend. That's the dream; make it into your reality.  

  • Write Product Reviews for Passive Income: Share Your Life while Building Your Wealth: MFI Series1, #15


    Write Product Reviews for Passive Income: Share Your Life while Building Your Wealth: MFI Series1, #15
    Write Product Reviews for Passive Income: Share Your Life while Building Your Wealth: MFI Series1, #15

    Are you looking to build passive income while keeping your day job? Do you like to buy new products and test them out on the weekends?   Well, I have a great passive income idea for you. You can write product reviews for passive income. I recommend that you write reviews of products that you use in the course of your day-to-day life.   Building a blog of life events plus adding book and products reviews is the key to success. Make your content personal, and people will return for your unique take on the products and how you use them.   Your blog will become passive if you understand and utilize search engine optimization. Yes, it will be difficult to gain traction at first, but trust me, it is possible.    If you are passionate about cameras, gear, electronics, board games, videogames, etc., this may be a great way to earn some passive income.  

  • Self-Storage vs. Mobile Home vs. RV Park: The Best Passive Small Business: MFI Series1, #13


    Self-Storage vs. Mobile Home vs. RV Park: The Best Passive Small Business: MFI Series1, #13
    Self-Storage vs. Mobile Home vs. RV Park: The Best Passive Small Business: MFI Series1, #13

    There are many options and methods to make passive income from your land. If you own or plan on buying land, this short book is for you.    Today, I present three ways to make passive income from your one-acre lot. Of course, you will have your residence on the lot. However, you can still utilize the land (based on zoning) to build an empire. The ways are:   Self-Storage. You can buy a pre-built barn house that you can rent as storage. Don't worry; there is already a website that does the heavy lifting of finding tenants for you.   Mobile Home. Why not add a rental property right on your land? Yes, dealing with tenants is annoying, but making passive income isn't.    RV Park. You can add RV hook-ups to your land to rent to RV'ers. You can also add an RV that you can rent for short-term or long-term use cases.    Whatever you decide, the end goal is to make money while you sleep, as that is the only way to become rich. Good luck!  

  • Dividends vs. Military Retirement: Can a Civilian Dividend Portfolio Match the Greatness of a Military Pension?: MFI Series1, #30


    Dividends vs. Military Retirement: Can a Civilian Dividend Portfolio Match the Greatness of a Military Pension?: MFI Series1, #30
    Dividends vs. Military Retirement: Can a Civilian Dividend Portfolio Match the Greatness of a Military Pension?: MFI Series1, #30

    Joining the military is not for everyone; however, the military pension is still one of the best ways to build wealth across America.    As a civilian, can you create your own military pension-like retirement plan? You sure can, but it will take a bunch of discipline.   Your wealth depends on your savings rate. You should be saving 50% of your income wherever you are in life.   It will be challenging for a civilian to match the greatness of a military pension, but you can achieve equality in results. I recommend creating an income portfolio as the primary vehicle to success. If you are determined, you will succeed.  

  • Create Passive Income from Writing: The More Words, The More Opportunities: MFI Series1, #29


    Create Passive Income from Writing: The More Words, The More Opportunities: MFI Series1, #29
    Create Passive Income from Writing: The More Words, The More Opportunities: MFI Series1, #29

    Writing is my favorite form of passive income because it can lead to multiple revenue streams. Once you have words on paper, the world is your oyster.   There are two ways to make it as a writer; you can write tons of content or advertise the heck out of your works.   I prefer to write, write, and then write more: the more content, the merrier. Writing can serve as a base for all other forms of creative content, including podcasts, videos, and education.   If you don't fancy yourself a writer, start putting words into sentences; from there, build paragraphs and articles. If I can do it, you can as well. Remember, I am still an active duty Marine. Writing is a mindset.  

  • Create Passive Income from Music: Monetize Your Passion for Music: MFI Series1, #26


    Create Passive Income from Music: Monetize Your Passion for Music: MFI Series1, #26
    Create Passive Income from Music: Monetize Your Passion for Music: MFI Series1, #26

    Do you want to pursue music full-time? Are you tired of trying to become a professional musician with all the hoops and hurdles that the industry lies in front of you?   You can create your path and make your own money with time and effort.   Now, don't get me wrong, this won't be easy. Nothing worth doing is easy. It might take 5-8 years to make a full-time income, but that's why very few people have done this.   How awesome would it be to earn a livable wage doing something you love—in this case, music? I am on my journey to becoming a full-time writer, and let me tell you, it's incredible. If you love music, this is a must-read.  

  • Employment in the Metaverse: Will Better Immersion and Collaboration Increase Productivity?: MFI Series1, #32


    Employment in the Metaverse: Will Better Immersion and Collaboration Increase Productivity?: MFI Series1, #32
    Employment in the Metaverse: Will Better Immersion and Collaboration Increase Productivity?: MFI Series1, #32

    Remote work was a dream! It seemed most people could function like adults while working from home. Others had some issues.   However, the metaverse will make working from home more productive and immersive. We will collaborate at higher levels inside the metaverse.   The big question is how will employers monitor productivity? There has to be a metric that big companies use to identify their star players.   Now is the time if you are interested in taking the lead in the transition to the metaverse. The more you learn, the greater your marketplace value.    You can either move stubbornly into the new world or be the most engaged and prepared employee. Which outcome sounds best to you?  

  • Business in the Metaverse: Which Businesses will Thrive in the Metaverse?: MFI Series1, #19


    Business in the Metaverse: Which Businesses will Thrive in the Metaverse?: MFI Series1, #19
    Business in the Metaverse: Which Businesses will Thrive in the Metaverse?: MFI Series1, #19

    Business changes at the speed of light and those stuck in their ways get left behind. How do we position our businesses for success with the metaverse set to take over the world?   We can all focus on becoming great entrepreneurs. If you have a physical business, like woodworking, think of ways to expand your business via the metaverse.   No one has "the win button" yet, so we are all on equal footing. However, those jumping into the metaverse every day are gaining great insight into the new world.   Now is the time to conduct your hands-on analysis of the future. How can you navigate, integrate, and add value to others via the metaverse? If you can answer these questions, you may become a great metaverse entrepreneur.  

  • Living Overseas Passively 08: Cash & Emergency Fund: MFI Series1, #36


    Living Overseas Passively 08: Cash & Emergency Fund: MFI Series1, #36
    Living Overseas Passively 08: Cash & Emergency Fund: MFI Series1, #36

    Are you thinking of retiring overseas, at least for a few years? Your dollars will go much further than in America.   The goal would be to live entirely on passive income streams. However, we also need to have a nice amount of cash and an emergency fund.   Just like living in America, crap happens overseas. You can wake up one day, and the country you know has completely changed.   Cash is every bit as vital to our success as having cash flow from dividends, rents, royalties, and business. Don't forget to emphasize building your cash pile and emergency fund.  

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