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The Reform of Europe: A Political Guide to the Future
The Reform of Europe: A Political Guide to the Future
The Reform of Europe: A Political Guide to the Future
Ebook279 pages4 hours

The Reform of Europe: A Political Guide to the Future

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The Eurozone crisis since 2010 has instilled political disunity and generated a long period of economic stagnation. The cyclical recovery enjoyed in 2017 is no cause for complacency. It should act as an impetus to undertake long-overdue reforms, which require a change in perspective to develop a medium-term orientation for the next decade.

There is no future for those incapable of investing. There is no stimulus for innovative investment in countries that have been converted to the hegemony of finance at the expense of productive investment. Europe must confront the challenges of the 21st century by recovering its ideological autonomy in the community spirit of its origins,which can be summed up as social progress.

This book demonstrates the need for a long-term vision with two goals: reconstructing a social contract based on an entrepreneurial partnership and investing in the ecological transition. This political vision will restore to citizens of the member-states a sense of belonging to a wider community. To attain this, argues Michel Aglietta, one of the most important heterodox economists today, we must strengthen European institutions at the financial and fiscal levels. This involves making the euro a full currency, endowed with democratic legitimacy.
PublisherVerso UK
Release dateJan 29, 2019
The Reform of Europe: A Political Guide to the Future

Michel Aglietta

Michel Aglietta is Emeritus Professor at the Universit� Paris-Ouest, where he is a scholarly advisor to the CEPII and France Strat�gie. His previous books include A Theory of Capitalist Regulation and Money: 5,000 Years of Debt and Power.

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    The Reform of Europe - Michel Aglietta


    At the time Reform of Europe was written – summer 2014 – the eurozone remained a source of concern. On average, the per capita GDP of member-states has still not returned to its level of late 2007. As for productive investment, it has fallen almost continuously, and is now roughly 20 per cent below its pre-crisis level. This deplorable situation affords an arresting contrast with the United States. It experienced a deeper recession than Europe following the peak of the financial crisis. But it was able to bounce back and comfortably outstrip pre-crisis levels of activity thanks to a revival of productivity at rates approximating to the past, when definitive losses due to the crisis are excluded. By contrast, the total productivity of all factors of production has fallen in Europe since 2007. There is no doubting that our continent is the sick man of the world economy.

    Is this attributable to the inevitable decline of the ‘old world’ in the face of new, rising forces? Or to generally ageing populations, to a formal democracy that has run out of steam and is incapable of mobilizing citizens, to a social model not adapted to changes in the world? Or, more prosaically, is it the pusillanimity of Europe’s political leaders, inheritors of a worthy project who lack the calibre to give it new momentum? Probably a bit of each. At all events, that is what I shall be endeavouring to find out here.

    In a previous work, written in autumn 2011 and published by the same house,¹ I have already explored these issues. The crisis of the eurozone was at its height, and the question I raised was stark: break-up or federation? The financial crisis of 2007–08 did not spare Europe. Its banks were heavily involved in the international lobby whose excesses and malfeasance caused the crisis. But the key thing is that this shock exposed much deeper, much older structural flaws, which largely account for Europe’s inability to drag itself out of stagnation. The affliction can be encapsulated in a phrase: incompletion of the euro. In effect, the euro is not merely the currency of the zone whose name it bears. It has become the basis of the whole European project. For the euro is intimately linked to financial unification, or the single market in financial services. The withdrawal of a sizeable country from the euro or, still worse, its disappearance would inevitably lead to capital controls, as indicated by the Cypriot example, and hence a regression in the European project.

    In the crucial days of November–December 2011, when the European Central Bank had just changed presidents, the question was clear: Would the political leaders of the member-states have the convictions and lucidity required to save the euro? The answer was forthcoming in the first half of 2012. Two major decisions were taken: the signing of a treaty of fiscal union in March and plans to establish a banking union in June. These were significant events, because they indicated that member-states identified the euro as a common good which is the basis of the whole European project. It must therefore be defended at any cost. Two years on, however, we find that these decisions, albeit central, have yet to improve either the effectiveness of political governance in the eurozone or the performance of its economies, which have sunk deeper into crisis. We need to understand what is happening. That is why the time was right for this new book.

    It seeks to answer ten questions – questions which citizens concerned about their own future or that of their children are asking or might ask. Chapters 1 and 2 analyse what has happened since 2010: the crisis specific to the eurozone. We shall see how and why Europe ended up facing the threat of long-term stagnation. We shall also explore the institutional changes consequent upon the decisions of 2012, and see why they have not changed the governance of the eurozone, which remains paralyzed by disputes, suspicion and fragile compromises. The worst thing is the fiscal goals that governments and the European Commission persist in proclaiming, when they know them to be unrealistic: they are incompatible with fiscal consolidation in the wake of a financial crisis, and are not underpinned by a policy of shared growth.

    Chapter 3 extends this general analysis, demonstrating that the heterogeneity of the eurozone’s member-states is a handicap. The creation of the euro did not advance their cooperation in macroeconomic policy or lead to common political decision-making bodies. That is why the euro is an incomplete currency. As a result, monetary union has yielded the opposite of what its promoters hoped for. They anticipated a convergence in member-states’ productive structures thanks to financial unification, which would finance productive investment in the new monetary zone’s less advanced countries. In the event, what transpired was growing divergence: far from sustaining an upgrading of the productive apparatus, interest-rate convergence fuelled speculative property investment. After the financial crisis, this divergence brought about a polarization between creditor and debtor countries that has exacerbated political conflicts, deferred urgent decisions and converted them into half-measures. Persistent sharp policy conflicts between Germany on one side, and France and Italy on the other, over how to emerge from the stagnation sapping the eurozone while improving the public finances of all states remain a major threat. Germany’s economic situation is less robust than it seems. The danger is a coarsening of political debate, leading throughout Europe to the pursuit of restrictive policies whose social consequences could increase the influence of populist movements in France and elsewhere, resulting in a dramatic decline of the European Community.

    Chapter 4 focuses on France. Why is our country slowly but surely losing its productive capacity? A mistaken diagnosis blames the problem on the labour market, wrongly singling out especially high labour costs. This one-sided view ignores the responsibility of the increase in property prices since 1995 and in prices for corporate services, the shortage of innovative investment over many years, the poor social climate, and corporate governance dominated by financial control that encourages abandonment of home territory. Although advised of the fact, the Gallois report being an eloquent example of a wake-up call on the many reasons for the erosion of industrial competitiveness, the government decided to fix on a single cause – and not one peculiar to France: the widening gap in wage costs with Germany. The authorities introduced the Competitiveness and Employment Tax Credit (CICE), without targeting firms that have competitiveness problems, and the responsibility pact, which is essentially a reduction in wage costs through the reduction of salaries. Nothing has been done about the key factors in the erosion of competitiveness – namely, a lack of investment and insufficient innovation by French enterprises.

    Chapter 5 initiates a series of prospective analyses. Chapters 5–7 concern the eurozone’s political governance. Can plausible strategies be identified to unblock the paralyzing governance that prevents completion of the euro? The thorny issues involved are dealt with in three chapters. Chapter 5 broaches reconstruction of a financial system capable of ensuring financial stability and providing long-term finance. This entails full implementation of banking union, but also expansion of the Central Bank’s remit and allocation of a much greater role to non-bank investors in creating new instruments of corporate finance by establishing a public European investment fund. Chapter 6 deals with the strategy of fiscal consolidation. The lessons of historical experience allow us to define sustainable government debt rigorously, and to show that it is bound up with growth and monetary policy. These theoretico-political considerations lead on to the most decisive question for the euro’s completion, which is the subject of Chapter 7: Is it possible to make the transition from a fiscal pseudo-union, characterized by a straightjacket of rules lacking credibility, to a system of cooperative action on member-states’ fiscal policies, by pursuing the institutional process initiated by the 2012 treaty? It is possible to identify a progressive approach involving institutional changes based on the existing European order, resulting, in the medium term, in an integrated fiscal policy for the eurozone.

    But a politico-institutional approach is insufficient. It is also, and above all, necessary to give the European project new meaning. Europe must recover what made for its specificity after the Second World War, if it wants to redeem the soul it lost in financialization from the 1980s onwards. It offered the most advanced model of social progress in the world. Faced with the global challenges of the twenty-first century, the goal must be inclusive, sustainable growth. Chapter 8 demonstrates that in order to limit, and then reduce, the forms of discrimination that fragment societies, a new social contract is indispensable, whose foundation lies in enterprises. The knowledge economy that is the source of innovation requires enormous investment in skills, involving close collaboration between enterprises and public authorities in attacking all forms of discrimination that stifle productivity gains, not the least of which is gender discrimination. These skills must be combined with corporate strategies by instituting partnership governance. The type of shareholding compatible with such governance favours responsible institutional investors.

    Chapter 9 endeavours to show that sustainable growth is growth that makes the ecological transition a pole of attraction for innovative investment, in a growth regime capable of rescuing Europe from stagnation. Current setbacks in the German energy transition prove that its indispensable basis is a common energy policy. The expediency of innovative investment in low-carbon technologies warrants reflection: here a finance scheme for public–private collaboration will be proposed, aimed at overcoming the obstacles of double jeopardy, technological and ecological, which impede the development of such investment.

    Chapter 10 concludes the book by showing that, if Europe pursues these objectives for a model of sustainable development, it can recover a political autonomy that will give it a mediating role in climate negotiations. Furthermore, if the eurozone’s member-states succeed in equipping themselves with institutions of common governance, the euro can acquire the status of a fully fledged international currency. Europe could then find a monetary voice in international bodies. International monetary relations would become more polycentric – something that would require co-ordinated monetary governance. By merging their voting rights in the International Monetary Fund, the countries of the eurozone would align their external monetary policy with the existence of a complete euro currency, and would take a step towards the requisite reform of the IMF. In the areas of climate and monetary policy, Europe can play a useful role in producing general public goods for a non-confrontational form of regulation of the world economy.


    What Form Has Economic Policy

    Taken since the Greek Crisis?

    As of summer 2014, the eurozone remained a source of concern, so patent was the political inability to restore vigour to its economies and hope to disillusioned public opinion. Much as happened throughout the West, the countries of the eurozone experienced the damaging effects of global financial crisis from the last quarter of 2007. But its relapse into recession in the second half of 2011 was peculiar to it, leaving it very weak. In 2014, its per capita GDP was about 2 per cent below its level of late 2007, reflecting absolute average impoverishment more than six years after the onset of the crisis. Not since 1945 had Europe suffered such a breakdown in growth. Yet government officials and Brussels bureaucrats have tirelessly repeated for years that everything will turn out all right, that recovery is already here, just as US President Hoover claimed in 1930–31. Manifestly, the eurozone has not found its Franklin Roosevelt.

    The eurozone is the fulcrum of Europe. Were it to sink into protracted stagnation, which may be defined as the persistence of growth below 1.5 per cent, making it impossible to reduce unemployment, pursuit of the European project would become very difficult.

    France’s situation in the eurozone is particularly disturbing. Although household consumption maintained a comparative resistance to the crisis for a long time in France, the economy began a downward slide in 2012. The most significant indicator is the change in the average purchasing power of the income of the total population. Whereas it had grown at a rate of 1.8 per cent per annum between 2001 and 2011, it fell to –0.4 per cent in 2012, and only recovered very partially in 2013 (to 0.6 per cent), before stagnating on average in the first half of 2014. This stalling extended far beyond the 2012 recession. The slow decline in wages and inflation on the one hand, and the inexorable rise in structural unemployment on the other, are symptoms of a much more profound, much more enduring malaise. Whereas the average increase in nominal wages tended to be 2.4 per cent per annum in the years 2000–13, 2012 once again marked a decline: 2.1 per cent, followed by 1.7 per cent in 2013. This was accompanied by a deceleration in underlying inflation. From an average of 1.4 per cent since 2000 – already well below the 2 per cent norm – underlying inflation (which excludes volatile items vulnerable to price fluctuations) fell to 0.6 per cent in 2013, and then to 0.3 per cent in the first half of 2014.

    Pronounced deflation would be not a problem, but a sign of good health, if it derived from a strong economy where productivity gains more than compensated for rising wage costs. But such is not the case. For labour productivity, which plummeted in the global recession of 2009 and bounced back strongly in 2010, slowed thereafter, and stopped increasing in 2013. Average productivity was back to its 2007 level – reflecting, in other words, a 0 per cent rise in six years. The unemployment pattern confirmed other economic indicators, pointing to exhaustion of the mainsprings of growth. The unemployment rate, which rose rapidly in 2012, was over 11 per cent in the eurozone, and remained above 10 per cent in France from the start of 2014.

    To appreciate the significance of these disastrous developments, we must first assess the divergence between the evolution of the eurozone and that of other developed countries, especially the United States. This divergence involves the major macroeconomic variables, but also the mass of government debt and private debt and their variations in the crisis. We must then examine the major mistakes in economic policy largely responsible for these effects. Finally, we must begin to reflect on the impact that persistence in past and present errors might have on our future.

    The United States and the Eurozone:

    The Great Divergence

    Figure 1.1 depicts the comparative development of three key macroeconomic variables: real GDP, real investment and real credit, all measured per capita.

    Figure 1.1: Comparative Developments

    in the USA and the Eurozone

    1a: Per Capita GDP

    1.1b: Per Capita Real Investment

    1.1c: Per Capita Real Credit

    Source: Fed and Eurostat, in Natacha Valla, Thomas Brand

    and Sébastien Doisy, ‘A New Architecture for Public

    Investment in Europe’, CEPII Policy Brief, no. 4, July 2014.

    Developments in GDP and investment leave no room for doubt. The United States and the eurozone experienced the financial crisis consequent upon the collapse of the US property market and that of several European countries, and the shock wave it set off in finance, in similar fashion. The development of GDP was closely correlated until September 2011. It then diverged until a worldwide business cycle started in 2017. Meanwhile, the United States posted a recovery, while the eurozone was plunged back into recession.

    The profiles are much more sharply contrasted when it comes to per capita investment. In the United States, it fell 25 per cent between the onset of the recession in December 2007 and the nadir of September 2009. It then recovered and progressed continuously, in December 2013 reaching a level 3 per cent above that of December 2007. This 3 per cent increase over six years (approximately 0.5 per cent a year) brings home the persistent impact of the crisis. It shattered the pre-crisis trend growth rate (what is called potential growth). But that is as nothing compared with the effects of the dual crisis experienced by the eurozone. At the outset, it held up better, since the initial low point, in March 2010, represented a fall of 16 per cent since December 2007. But the recovery was slow up to March 2011 (3.9 per cent). And thereafter investment fell back sharply. Overall, in December 2013 it was 18 per cent below its December 2007 level! At the same point in time, the zone’s GDP was still 2 per cent below its 2007 level. When investment declines over such a long period, it produces attrition of the stock of productive capital, with (as we shall see) a series of negative consequences for growth factors.

    For now, however, we may note that these disturbing developments are not independent of finance. An initial, very general indicator of credit is the flow of per capita real credit, which comprises lending to households and enterprises. What does it reveal? First of all, lending in the eurozone withstood the downturn occasioned by the peak of the financial crisis in September 2008 better than in the United States, where an extended credit squeeze occurred. From December 2008 to December 2010, per capita credit in the non-financial private sector fell by 5.4 per cent. It then recovered uninterruptedly, in December 2013 reaching a level 10 per cent above December 2007. In the eurozone, by contrast, per capita private credit was still 4 per cent higher in December 2010 than in December 2007, and it fell back to that level in December 2013. Thus, we observe no expansion in per capita real credit in six years!

    These developments represent a significant break with rates of lending prior to the financial crisis. This does not mean that all was well beforehand. Credit expansion was excessive in numerous countries, which experienced inflation in property prices and transactions.¹ The upshot was over-indebtedness of households and enterprises, which proved unsustainable when the value of the assets supposedly guaranteeing debts collapsed. The need for debt reduction was the primary cause of the recession, followed by difficulties in restoring private sector expenditure (household consumption and corporate investment). As we shall see, the United States and Europe diverged in their treatment of the after-effects of the financial crisis.

    Private debt and government debt in the financial cycle

    In the OECD countries, the debt burden on the real economy increased continuously during the quarter-century preceding the financial crisis of 2007–08. On average, every year saw a 1.15 per cent increase in the debt of (public and private) non-financial agents, to finance a 1 per cent rise in nominal GDP. Because debt servicing is consuming a growing share of national income, such financial rent cannot increase indefinitely.

    Because the rise in the debt to GDP ratio is not permanent, the debt–growth interaction operates in two directions. An increase in debt stimulates growth, but a high level of debt depresses growth, because it dictates debt reduction. The change of phases – from growing indebtedness to debt reduction – passes through a bifurcation point called a financial crisis. The sequence of phases leading up to the return of indebtedness, once the losses from the crisis have been settled, constitutes a financial cycle.² The massive transformation of finance prompted by deregulation and globalization from the 1980s onwards has intensified the financial cycle. Increased indebtedness leads to growth in domestic demand, and then an overvaluation of asset prices, abrupt changes in which expose over-indebtedness. This prompts a reduction in demand and triggers recession, and then the slow and difficult debt reduction that stabilizes balance sheets. The duration and periodicity of financial cycles (fifteen to twenty years) are significantly greater than those of conjunctural GDP cycles (five to eight years).

    In a financial cycle, recession may be longer and deeper than in a ‘normal’ business cycle. It is followed by a phase of stagnation because the restoration of conditions for growth requires, in the first instance, the absorption of financial losses and consolidation of borrowers’ and lenders’ balance sheets. This is what is called balance-sheet deflation.

    The financial cycle is always generated by private debt. Why, then, are European governments obsessed by public debt? It

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