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A Haunted History of Denver's Croke-Patterson Mansion
A Haunted History of Denver's Croke-Patterson Mansion
A Haunted History of Denver's Croke-Patterson Mansion
Ebook184 pages2 hours

A Haunted History of Denver's Croke-Patterson Mansion

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Step into this nineteenth-century Colorado landmark and discover its paranormal history . . . Photos included!
An ominous air hangs about Capitol Hill’s historic Croke-Patterson Mansion. Rumors of spirits and strange events have cast a shadow across its elegant Gilded Age facade. The lonely halls are haunted with stories of a doctor’s wife who committed suicide and the ghostly figure of a young woman who appears to visitors. Tenants of the building have also claimed to hear the cries of children, and dark specters in the basement prevent even the hardiest souls from staying for too long.
In this fascinating book, authors Ann Alexander Leggett and Jordan Alexander Leggett explore the mysteries that have plagued this Denver mansion for over a century.
Release dateJan 9, 2011
A Haunted History of Denver's Croke-Patterson Mansion

Ann Alexander Leggett

Ann Alexander Leggett is an author, public relations specialist, designer and artist with a love of history and ghosts. Ann attended the University of Colorado, graduated with a degree in journalism, and has lived in the Boulder area ever since. Born and raised in Boulder, Colorado, Jordan Alexander Leggett spends most of her time in Seattle at the University of Washington. She is pursuing a degree in English literature with a minor in Classics. Wendy Hall is Manager of the Carnegie Branch for Local History in Boulder, Colorado.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I give the author a lot of credit for honesty. Although she presented the opinions of psychics and sensitives and recounted the tragedies the house's occupants had endured, she never presented opinion or feelings as fact. The book has nice photos, and I particularly appreciated the floor plans at the end of the book.Worth reading if you're interested in historic houses.

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A Haunted History of Denver's Croke-Patterson Mansion - Ann Alexander Leggett


This book doesn’t even begin to give this story or this endeavor the credit either is due. What we thought would be a straightforward research project pulled us in and would not let us go. We found that we were not alone in feeling the impact the house has had on residents and researchers, visitors and voyeurs alike. Once entangled with this house, once it has its provocative and expansive arms around you, you cannot escape. It whispers in your ear like a long-forgotten lover, waking you in the night with endless questions and a perverse desire to return, no matter how many times you’ve said, This is the last time. As if indulging a guilty pleasure, we kept making excuses to go back, even if just to linger outside for a moment. Tilting our gaze upward at the tall towers that stood in stark contrast to the bright blue sky, we would muse, We need more photos of the interior. My friend hasn’t been inside. Did we describe that room well enough?

This house has come to life within us, as it has in so many owners, tenants and passersby. The research led us to dead ends, boarded-up passages, labyrinths and layers of red tape. We fought to cut through it all, to provide you, our readers, with the most accurate portrait of the Croke-Patterson Mansion that we possibly could. All the while, the house whispered, tempting us with morsels of rumors, information and tales. Unfortunately, we could not answer every question or explore every aspect in the time or pages allotted us. Quite frankly, we began to feel as if we could go on forever, as one bit of information morphed into yet another, more absorbing bit and then into another, like a fabric unraveling. This house has alternately fascinated and worried us and led us to marvel in both wonder and fear at its impact on us over these few short months.

We invite you to visit the house yourself, within the pages of this book or otherwise. Engage it and build your own experience within it. But don’t be surprised if, some weeks or months later, you find yourself awake in the night with some nameless and burning desire to return.


Everything about this house is layered in shades of gray. There is not a single piece of its history that is clear or unblemished, neither a fact that is undisputed nor a rumor that has any solid root. From its age to its physical address, its owners to its architects, its dates of occupancy to its uses, everything is tangled and inconsistent. Sources of information on this house range from second-, third- and fourth-hand accounts online to one-hundred-year-old letters from an owner to his wife. City records show the building date as off by forty-three years and the structure to be a mere 2,827 square feet—an understatement of approximately 11,000 square feet—so even what should be the most straightforward and reliable sources can display some of the most distorted information. Perhaps the search into the background of any house this old would deliver similarly disparate results, but there is something about this one. It is full of twists and turns and tragedies. It grabs hold and doesn’t let go.

Seeing the mansion for the first time is quite an experience. Once an architectural gem of Capitol Hill, the looming red sandstone structure is now surrounded by apartment buildings and seems to perch high on the corner of 11th Avenue and Pennsylvania Street. According to records, the house was built to resemble a French chateau, but in reality it looks like a nominally tamer version of Poe’s House of Usher. The exterior of the building has seen better days, and evidence of patchwork repairs on the sandstone is not terribly well concealed. The inside still carries some vestiges of office life, the carpets have been torn up and the front door bears the somewhat stale moniker Ikeler Castle. However, its crumbling ledges and archways give way to glorious stained glass. It may sound trite, but it is breathtaking—in a dark and stormy night sort of way. The question that immediately comes to mind is: what happened here? And that’s before hearing any of the folklore that surrounds this place.

The northwest corner of the Croke-Patterson Mansion as it looked in 1973. Photo courtesy of History Colorado, #F-29559 #3.

The house has been occupied by single families, but only the Patterson-Campbells seemed to do well there, staying for twenty-three years. The Sudans owned the mansion for twenty-five years, with different members of the family living in it for a large portion of that time, but other residents left after a few months or never felt comfortable in the house. Changing hands a dizzying number of times over the years, and even becoming apartments and offices, the mansion’s owners have ranged from state and federal statesmen to doctors to banks that repossessed it in foreclosure. There are some differing accounts on when it was actually built—the best we can ascertain is that it was finished sometime between 1891 and 1892—and the physical address has changed over the years to the point where no one can quite agree on what it actually is today. All of these discrepancies and more have led to some of the most difficult research we have ever done, and that is where our story begins.

With such a perplexing subject at hand, it really shouldn’t come as a surprise that a strange series of events would begin to unfold. It all started with a friend who was hosting a Halloween event in the mansion in 2010. Peter Boyles, a longtime Denver radio personality, has hosted several radio broadcasts from this house, as well as from other haunted locales. His show has always been wildly popular, as it typically includes appearances by paranormal groups and local historians, as well as an overview of the history and the hauntings of the show’s setting. The timing of his most recent show in October 2010, broadcast live from the Croke-Patterson Mansion, happened to correspond with an offer to us from The History Press to write a book on a subject of our choice. Given the topics of other books we’ve written, the combination of rich history and reported ghost stories of this old house seemed a perfect fit. It was more than a little strange how the entire project evolved and seemed to take on a life of its own. Peter made introductions for us to the current owners, who were very generous with their time and knowledge, even allowing us access to the old mansion, then empty. During our first visit with them, our minds wandered as we debated whether we wanted to take on a project so crazy. Research the history and the hauntings of one of Denver’s landmark properties? Get involved in the paranormal world and work with what has been called the most haunted place in Denver? We snapped back to reality when one of the owners said: And the lockbox code is easy to remember, it’s ‘YES!’ Well, that was a pretty clear sign that we were supposed to write this book.

At that point, we had done some cursory research on the Internet and had begun to see the discrepancies in the home’s history and the sheer volume of folklore associated with the mansion. But we had also begun to see the effect the house had on people, some with previous associations to the house and some with none. Once the contract was signed and the research began in earnest, odd little things began to happen. We remembered we had a book detailing the history of Capitol Hill, which we had picked up at a garage sale and had promptly shelved and forgotten. After a surprisingly brief search, which revealed the book to be at the very top of a box in the basement, it fell open in our hands to a chapter on the Croke-Patterson Mansion.

In one of our earliest searches online, we found a woman who used to have an office in the home. In her blog, she alluded to her intense experiences in the house during her time there. We e-mailed back and forth a few times, and she was initially reluctant to talk to us, fearing that her experiences would not be taken seriously. She finally agreed to send us some basic descriptions of what she had felt, saying that at the end of the day she was never afraid for her physical safety. When asked what it was that she had feared, she responded simply, I feared for my soul. Of course, that only piqued our interest more. We tried to press her for more details, but she fell silent for some time. The last we heard from her was an e-mail that said: Good luck with the book.

We even had people come up to us as we were leaving, entering or taking pictures of the mansion, all of whom had a story. One man, who said he lived in the neighborhood, flagged us down one day and asked if we’d seen any ghosts inside lately. He told us he’d been frequently amused to see people start to walk down the street toward the house and then, after looking up at the daunting façade, turn and cross the street to keep from walking in front of it. Another young man who lived a few blocks up the street reported seeing the face of baby in a second-floor window, and he wondered if the place had been rented. It had not, in years.

We began to discuss the project with two paranormal groups that had previously encountered the house in one way or another. They were both more than excited for another chance to interact with the place. We also did room-by-room walk-throughs with psychics—one who had never been involved with the house before and two others who had. Despite their initial reluctance to revisit the house and recall their frightening visits from years ago, these two decided to return to aid us in our research.

All of the people coming out of the woodwork with firsthand experiences and stories about the mansion were encouraging after our online research had yielded such insane and unbelievable rumors and coincidences. Tales of murderous undertakers, suicidal mothers and babies buried in the basement vie for Internet fame with fluke happenstance: the implausible number of women in the house’s history whose names began with M, the bizarre inability of anyone to get Thomas Croke’s middle initial right and the baffling lack of information on the transfer of ownership. It was an irresistible puzzle.

It’s interesting to look back at our journey, now that it’s over. What are the odds that the publisher would ask us to write a book in the first place? How crazy was it that we had just met Peter Boyles socially and that he was about to do a radio show in the mansion and was willing and able to get us access to the building? Was it a coincidence that one of the mansion’s owners and his second wife had lived right next door to one of our business clients until just recently? (Side note: it was this owner’s first wife who committed suicide in the house and was the subject of many of the rumors.) But perhaps the most bizarre twist came at the very end of the project. On a Sunday morning in July, we sent what we thought was the final manuscript to the publisher and set off to Santa Fe to celebrate a birthday and the completion of the book. At lunch some seven

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