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Grow Your Own Medicine: A guide to growing health-giving plants in your own backyard
Grow Your Own Medicine: A guide to growing health-giving plants in your own backyard
Grow Your Own Medicine: A guide to growing health-giving plants in your own backyard
Ebook331 pages2 hours

Grow Your Own Medicine: A guide to growing health-giving plants in your own backyard

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Create an organic medicine cabinet in your own backyard with this step-by-step guide to growing and using plant superfoods!
the medicinal powers of herbs, vegetables and fruits have been revered for thousands of years. this practical guide shows you how to grow and use these plants to prevent diseases, treat everyday ailments and promote general good health. More than sixty plants and their properties are discussed in detail, from echinacea to fight colds and boost the immune system, to cabbage to ward off cancer; from thyme-oil antiseptic to ginger compresses for cramps; and from arthritis-relieving potato poultices to libido-boosting damiana tea. You will learn their medicinal properties, how best to administer them - in teas, tinctures, compresses, poultices and more - and, of course, how to grow and prepare them for use. Whether you have a small vegie patch - or the space to create one - or room in a courtyard or balcony for a few pots, this book will show you how easy it is to create an organic medicine cabinet in your own backyard. Plant your way to good health!
Release dateFeb 1, 2011
Grow Your Own Medicine: A guide to growing health-giving plants in your own backyard

Mim Beim

MIM BEIM graduated from Nature Care College with the nutrition prize in 1988 and is the author of seven books, including FeelGood Food, Beaming with Health and The Commonsense Guide to Eating Well for the Nutritionally Bewildered. She is the past Head of Naturopathy for the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS), Australia’s leading society for Natural Medicine. She is also a member of NHAA National Herbalists Association of Australia. She manufactures a range of therapeutic herbal teas called Beaming with Health Herbal Tisanes.

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    Grow Your Own Medicine - Mim Beim


    Growing and

    using medicinal


    Growing medicinal plants: The basics

    Your gardening experience can be as easy or as difficult as you choose. It’s best to decide from the start how much of a commitment you wish to make. It could be as little as a jar of sprouts on the kitchen windowsill or a couple of pots containing herbs on the balcony; or as big as a purpose-built raised garden bed or creating an orchard in the back paddock.

    A couple of side benefits of gardening are gaining new skills and meeting people. Each time your garden provides you with a question — for instance, ‘why are the leaves on my lemon tree turning yellow?’ — you will be driven to find the answer. The answer may well be within this or another gardening book, a radio or television show, or — more than likely — someone you know, knows someone who is a whiz at gardening and would love to help out. Another source of information (as well as seeds, plants and solace) is your local nursery, where you will find qualified and passionate horticulturists who invariably give you another precious parcel of knowledge for your growing pile. They might tell you that the reason your lemon leaves are turning yellow is due to a nitrogen deficiency … and suggest you go and urinate on the lemon tree immediately.

    In addition to the health benefits of growing your own medicine, many people find gardening deeply relaxing and use it as a regular form of meditation. We are, after all, creatures of the earth. There are few more satisfying and nurturing times than those spent mooching around the garden, basking in some early morning sunshine, getting dirt underneath your fingernails. Can’t get much closer to nature than that. The connection between health and horticulture is recognised in Horticultural Therapy, developed in the 1970s, which incorporates the healing powers of growing and tending plants into the lives of trauma victims, those with Alzheimer’s disease, and others.

    If you are new to gardening, the best advice is to start on a modest scale and, as you learn the craft, you will crave new challenges.


    Your garden is a reflection of your personality. Is your garden full of colour, neat and orderly, interspersed with interesting architectural forms, or is it completely bonkers? Go for it, is the best advice. Gardening is a lot like life. You live and learn, and learn by your mistakes. The beauty of gardening is that your mistakes can go into the compost bin rather than a quarterly performance review.

    Like most ventures, it pays to have a plan. Start with a set of goals. What do you want from your medicinal garden? Plants that double as vegetables and flowers for the home? Choose globe artichokes and echinacea for stunning floral arrangements. A place for the children and pets to play? Choose chamomile, rosemary and thyme for them to romp on. Or you may be keen to create a home-grown medicine cabinet for your family? Choose aloes, calendula and comfrey. For some more ideas, see page 260.

    Another aspect is time. How much do you have? If you only have two to three hours a week, then it’s best to start with one raised garden bed, and expand when time allows. Also important is matching plants to your garden site or position. For example, if your garden is mostly shady and cool, then choose plants that thrive in these conditions rather than tropical sun-lovers that will only curl up their toes. If you don’t have a large area, don’t despair of creating a beautiful medicinal garden; containers on a balcony are just fine.


    What’s with the hard-to-pronounce Latin names? Why not just use the name ‘dandelion’ rather than Taraxacum officinale? Although obviously it’s easier to use the common name of a plant, there are reasons why plants have been classified in a very specific way. Common plant names can vary from country to country, and each language has a different word (or words) for the same plant. This is where the binomial system of naming plants comes in very handy. Developed by Swedish naturalist Carolus (Carl) Linnaeus (1707–1778) to name all species, the binomial system is used throughout the world. By the way, whenever a plant with traditional healing properties has ‘officinale’ or ‘officinalis’ in its botanical name, it means it is regarded as the medicinal form.


    For each plant entry in Grow Your Own Medicine, the correct botanical name is given in the ‘At a glance’ table, as well as the common name, that is, the name commonly used. If you are intending to use a plant for medicine, it is important to ensure that you are using the right plant. If you are buying the plant from a nursery, the botanical nomenclature is always on the label. As the botanical name is precise and used globally, this is insurance that the plant in the pot is the plant you are after. However, if you are taking cuttings from friends, or finding your medicine in paddocks and fields, take a leaf, flower or (better still) the whole plant to a nursery where a horticulturist can identify it. As a general rule, when in doubt, don’t. After all, some poisonous toadstools can look like delicious mushrooms, with dire consequences for the diner.


    Not everyone has a large garden. Growing your plants in containers is just fine. Most medicinal plants, with the exception of larger trees, will do very nicely in a pot on a sunny balcony. Choose from a variety of containers, from elegant glazed pots or terracotta tubs to rustic wine barrels sawn in half. Make sure your pot has enough room for the plant to stretch its roots. Ensure adequate drainage by lifting the container above the ground, perching it on pieces of broken tile or clay feet. Plants in pots dry out more quickly than those in the ground. To avoid this, mix water-holding crystals with the potting soil, use mulch and keep a close eye on soil moisture. Pot plants need fertilising, but it is easy to over-fertilise. Slow-release fertilising granules are the best way to go.


    Find as large a container as possible, particularly if the plant has deep roots

    Use good-quality potting mix and slow-release fertiliser

    Water frequently, and combine soil with wetting crystals

    Re-pot when needed, generally every year

    Raise the container above ground to ensure adequate drainage


    Composting is the alchemy of gardening — transforming waste into fertile, sweet-smelling soil. A dollop of compost enriches and improves the soil. Compost can be used as both fertiliser and mulch. Composting is not difficult. Basically anything organic (i.e. that has been alive) and biodegradable (i.e. can break down) can be used to make compost. Organic matter is broken down by a large community of small organisms including bacteria, fungi and earthworms. Before you know it, your kitchen scraps have become valuable compost.

    Compost piles can be made outside in large heaps, confined in three-sided pens or created in purpose-made compost bins or tumblers. Ideally, it’s best to have two compost piles or bins on the go at any one time. One is busy composting, while the other is being filled. Compost takes about one to two months to form, depending on the content, the size and the season. Warm weather speeds up the work of the soil organisms. Compost tumblers can reduce the time to fourteen days, while a very large open pile could take six months to break down. If using a bin, always place on bare earth rather than concrete, so the organisms already present in the ground can also join in the fun. But even apartment dwellers can compost. Small bins are available, sold with a culture of compost-making organisms. High-rise gardeners can now create compost from kitchen waste easily and cleanly.

    Making your own compost

    The golden rule is if it has once been alive, you can add it to compost. However, bones and too much meat can attract vermin. Other things to avoid are oils, cheeses, and pet and human faeces. It’s also best to avoid adding weeds, especially weeds containing seeds. Although theoretically they should decompose, there is a risk of reincarnation — tomato seeds often sprout from compost; seedlings can be left to flourish, or easily weeded. It is best to cut or shred material into small pieces to maximise surface area for the organisms to get their teeth into. Avoid having a solid mass of any one ingredient, like leaves or lawn clippings. Also desist from adding diseased plants, or those that have been sprayed with toxic pesticides or herbicides. Not nice for us, nor compost.

    Compost ingredients

    Manure: poultry, horse, sheep, pig, cow, goat, pigeon

    Paper (shredded)

    Grass clippings

    The odd dead goldfish or mouse


    Tea leaves, coffee grounds

    Compost activators: dandelions, comfrey, nettles, seaweed, yarrow

    Vegetable and fruit scraps


    Bread, rice, pasta

    Place compost ingredients in layers approximately 20 cm deep. This allows sufficient aeration so the organisms don’t suffocate. Start with a layer of wet ingredients, such as kitchen scraps, followed by a dry layer such as shredded paper, followed by a layer of manure. Wet, dry, manure … wet, dry, manure ad nauseam. To further increase aeration, turn the tumbler or turn the pile with a garden fork a few times a week. For bins, use a garden fork, or there are compost turners available that look like giant corkscrews and are very efficient. Another aeration technique is to insert a section of agricultural pipe with drainage holes into the centre of the compost bin at the beginning of each composting cycle.

    When made correctly, the compost heap should be quite hot in the centre. The larger the heap, the hotter it will be. This will kill pathogenic organisms, weeds and seeds. You can increase the rate of microorganism activity by adding plants known as compost activators, including comfrey, yarrow, nettles and seaweed. You will know when your compost is cooked when it looks, feels and smells like sweet black soil.


    Cut up or shred ingredients so they are not too big for the microorganisms

    Layering: wet, dry, manure

    Create layers not more than 20 cm deep

    Aerate compost, turning or tumbling a few times a week

    Allow the pile to be large enough to generate heat to kill pathogens and weeds


    Fertilisers supplement the soil with nutrients. One could ask why there is a need to supplement the soil when plants have been doing very nicely on their own for millions of years, in the time Before Fertilisers (BF). There are several reasons. Firstly, gardens designed by humans are not as nature intended. BF, rarely in nature were so many plants of the same species concentrated together as in today’s vegetable patches or hectares of grain. Similar plants require similar nutrients, depleting the soil of those nutrients. Secondly, BF, plants would die and decompose where they grew, allowing the natural return of nutrients into the soil. Now the whole plant is removed each season, with new plants sown immediately after. BF, there was no pampering as there is today, such as regular watering and protection from wind and frost, so fewer plants would have survived, reducing demand on soil resources. Additionally, BF, various animals would be at liberty to defecate and/or die in the natural ‘garden’, providing manure and the original blood and bone fertiliser. And finally, Australia is a special case. We are the oldest continent on the planet, and our soils have had longer to be depleted of their original nutrients by erosion.

    Fertiliser nutrients

    Plants require around thirty different nutrients, mainly minerals, for good health. These include the major elements nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K); the minor elements calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulphur (S); and the trace elements iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), boron (B), molybdenum (Mo), cobalt (Co) and sodium (Na). Applying fertiliser is a lot like us taking a vitamin supplement if we are run down, or to prevent us from getting sick.

    Fertilisers are either natural or chemical. Natural fertilisers include seaweed extract, fish emulsion, manure, worm castings, blood and bone, minced carp and compost. They contain the major, minor and trace elements as well as a whole bunch of other stuff. Natural fertilisers release nutrients into the soil over a long period.

    Chemical fertilisers are simple combinations of several of the major, minor and trace elements like potassium chloride, potassium sulphate and ammonium (nitrogen). Chemical fertilisers are soluble and release their nutrients rather quickly into the soil. In general, application of the natural fertilisers at certain times of the year is all your plants need. However, occasionally a plant may have ‘special needs’, such as when the soil in your area is deficient in one or more nutrients. For example, where there is a magnesium deficiency, Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) may be indicated.

    Knowing which fertilisers are needed when comes with experience — and lots of trips to the local nursery holding wilting and discoloured leaves. The general rule is to apply a natural fertiliser four times a year, and when a particular plant looks ill, that is the time to do some detective work.

    Fertilisers come in different forms: liquids, powders and granules. Always follow the directions on the container as you can kill your plants with kindness by over-fertilising. Always apply fertiliser prior to rain or watering to encourage absorption into the soil and roots. To avoid burning, don’t place fertiliser too close to the stem or trunk. Apply to the drip line under trees, that is, the area under the foliage.

    Green manure

    Green manure is a special kind of fertiliser. It is a crop of nutrient-rich leguminous plants that instead of being harvested are ploughed back into the earth, returning all the nutrients to the soil to enrich it for the next crop. Legumes are ‘nitrogen fixing’. This means they concentrate nitrogen levels in the soil — nitrogen is one of the more desirable nutrients. Growing green manure is best done at the end of summer before your next crop of plants. Apply the seeds of quick-growing, nutrient-rich plants such as barley, alfalfa, red clover, lupins, mustard and peas. Just before flowering occurs at around six to eight weeks, dig the legumes back into the earth, cover with cow manure and, after a good feed and rest, in a few weeks the plot is replenished and ready for sowing. It is possible to buy bags of mixed green manure seeds.


    Find out if your plant has specific fertilising needs

    Fertilise before rain or watering to ensure best absorption

    Don’t over-fertilise or you will risk killing your plants with kindness

    Pot plants do best with slow-release fertiliser granules

    Keep fertiliser away from the stem to avoid burning, but apply up to the drip line under trees


    The climate where you live pretty much determines what plants you can grow. Some plants tolerate frosts, while others take one whiff of cool air and check out. The highest and lowest temperatures are the most important factors, as the extremes are what cause the most problems. One frost can devastate a crop of basil, while a 45°C day can wipe out all your tomatoes. Other factors, including latitude, altitude, and wind velocity and direction, will also have an impact on which plants are suitable for your site, and how well they will do. Best to speak to the horticulturist at your council, or folk at the local nursery or gardening club who will be familiar with which plants thrive in your area.

    Australia can be broadly divided into six climate zones. This is a useful guide to understanding which plants will thrive, and those you should not bother planting. The zones are identified here (see the map opposite) and you will notice that each plant entry in Grow Your Own Medicine is given a designated zone from 1 to 6.

    If conditions are not ideal, yet you are still keen on growing a particular plant, you can contrive a microclimate. For instance, if your site is beset by cold southerly winds but you have your heart set on growing pineapples, one solution may be to build a brick or stone wall to retain the heat, painting it a pale colour to reflect the light. Plant your pineapple on the northern side of the wall and voila, you have the perfect spot to enjoy your pina colada. In hot climes, a pond or water feature with some shade trees will cool things down by several degrees. In frost-prone areas, create a temporary microclimate to protect a tender plant by covering it with a hessian bag or plastic bin on the nights a frost is likely, taking this cover off during the day.


    Mulch is simply a layer of material placed over the soil. It is a gardener’s best friend. A thick covering of mulch will kill most weeds, saving backbreaking time spent weeding. As it reduces evaporation from the soil, mulch reduces the need for watering — something to aspire to in these times of

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