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Zen Money Map: Charge Your Worth, Pay Yourself First and Fund Your Wildest Dreams
Zen Money Map: Charge Your Worth, Pay Yourself First and Fund Your Wildest Dreams
Zen Money Map: Charge Your Worth, Pay Yourself First and Fund Your Wildest Dreams
Ebook162 pages2 hours

Zen Money Map: Charge Your Worth, Pay Yourself First and Fund Your Wildest Dreams

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Zen Money Map shows entrepreneurs how to embrace their finances in order to jump-start growth in their business and beyond.

For many people, their work is not just about the bottom line; it’s about making a difference with their mission in the world. With Zen Money Map, entrepreneurs learn to create a financial strategy that ensures a strong foundation for their business and how to build a bridge to their personal life to fund their biggest dreams. Liz Lojoie shows entrepreneurs how to make their finances work for them so they can feel truly Zen about their money. Inside, readers learn how to establish positive money flow and use it to continue building, know exactly how much they can pay themselves, and look at the full money picture without cringing. For those hitting multiple six figures but aren’t sure how to use that money to their best advantage, in or out of business, Zen Money Map reveals how to use those numbers to support all areas of life to start thriving.

Release dateMar 5, 2019
Zen Money Map: Charge Your Worth, Pay Yourself First and Fund Your Wildest Dreams

Liz Lajoie

Liz Lajoie is a speaker, the author of Zen Money Map and From Zero to Zen, and Strategist and CFO at Zen Money, where she helps entrepreneurs master their finances and grow thriving businesses that support their passions and advance their big missions. She spent fifteen years honing her business and finance expertise in established firms before launching the Zen Money Initiative. To learn more about Liz’s work, visit her website,

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    Zen Money Map - Liz Lajoie


    Ihave a confession to make. I’ve been making a habit of talking about money and emotional well-being in the same breath. It hasn’t been on purpose, and it’s kind of taken me by surprise, if I’m honest. Because as a straight-up small business management person, my entrepreneurial background has been pretty black and white for the past 15 years or so. Except conversations – about feeling good in terms of your money situation, developing financial flow, and mindset shifts – keep happening. Partly because I work with a lot of spiritual and creative entrepreneurs who talk in less business-y language and I always try to meet people where they are. Partly because I’ve come to see the emotional scars we all carry when it comes to money and how important it is to work on healing them alongside learning financial how-tos. And partly because my own journey has included tapping into something bigger than myself.

    So, this conversation about how to make peace with our internal money turmoil is really a natural extension of my work as CFO and financial teacher to online entrepreneurs. And when I question whether I’m the person to talk about the emotional side of finances, the question "Who are you not to?" keeps coming to mind. Being able to help entrepreneurs heal their relationships with money and find their Zen through the implementation of sound financial practices is the highlight of my work. And having this conversation with you here is an honor, because I know the power of this kind of learning and recognize it’s my gift to share it.

    The reality is that the money stuff is truly difficult for many of us. Not because the concepts are particularly difficult or the practices time consuming. We’re trapped by what we learned (or didn’t learn) early in life, by beliefs that we’re not good at it, or that it’s not important, or a variety of other ideas that keep us from stepping fully into the role of good manager of money. It holds us back from achieving our full success as entrepreneurs, can stop us from crossing from six to seven figures, and makes us sweat when we have to decide how much to pay ourselves or when we can invest in growth. It can be truly debilitating.

    One of my clients can only talk money with me while she’s lying down. We’ve tried to have video conference calls in a more formal setting and it simply doesn’t work. She invariably needs to get horizontal for us to have a meaningful conversation. She feels so weighed down by the financial work she knows she needs to understand as a successful business owner, that she physically cannot be upright. It seems crazy, but we’ve just learned to go with it, because it’s part of her process of becoming comfortable with her money, both within her business and in her personal life.

    In sharing stories like hers, my goal is to help you let go of those internal roadblocks and find a path to Zen Money™ that feels easy and expansive. One that will help you lose that millstone hanging around your neck whenever you think about your finances (or that makes you need to lie down) and will free you up to feel confident and secure in your money decisions. In my work with entrepreneurs like you, I’ve found that talking about the whats and the whys isn’t enough to help them step up as CEO of their companies and feel confident making sound financial decisions. Often, it’s not the basic how-to that trips us up (although we might tell ourselves that story); the mental gymnastics around our discomfort with money are the real roadblock to finding Zen in our financial lives.

    Putting off getting cozy with your money can cause a lot of stress and even physical discomfort. We want to earn a lot of money, but we also fear having it. We’re concerned about getting it wrong or feel genuinely nauseated when the bank statement shows up. As entrepreneurs, the money discomfort is more acute because of the pressures we feel in charging our worth, figuring out how to grow our businesses, and paying ourselves so we can live the life of our dreams. We secretly think that if we just work harder, the money will follow, and we won’t have to actively get comfortable with all that ourselves. It does happen that way occasionally, but if not, the uncertainty can be debilitating.

    Financial upheaval is the number one reason that over half of entrepreneurs fail in the first five years in business, and the numbers are much higher in the online space. The reality is that getting a handle on our money and building a strong financial pillar often comes fairly late in the game for most of us in this space. Particularly if you’re an entrepreneur who might be just a little bit numbers averse by nature. Or maybe you’re a busy consultant who just really wants to work with clients and have someone else handle all that money stuff. There are always good reasons we haven’t yet jumped into learning more about our finances.

    So, why do we shy away from learning how to make our money work for us, especially when we’re so invested in building a strong and meaningful business? Because it can be viscerally uncomfortable, and when we feel that way, we’re ashamed because we think we should understand it easily. So we shy away from the topic at all costs, sometimes to very unfortunate consequences.

    What if you could change that story for yourself and your business? What if you knew for certain how to make sure you have enough cash in your business to feed your personal life? Can you imagine not cringing when you consider your actual income and expenses, or not feeling buried in sand when tax time looms? In my experience, the very act of getting comfortable with financial concepts and basic practices can go a long way to healing this dis-ease around money.

    And here’s the cool thing: when we understand how to build a bridge between our business and our personal lives, the flow of money becomes easier and we feel more confident in our role as CEO (whether we use that title or not), and whether we’re a solo-preneur or manage a staff of twenty. Whatever your circumstances, you’re here now because, deep down and despite a little internal cringing (or a lot), you know that your financial health needs attention. That might be to continue growing your business past that initial holy grail of six figures. Maybe you’re reading this book because you’re tired of not knowing how much you can pay yourself out of all your hard work, or you’re secretly embarrassed because colleagues or the people in your mastermind talk in a language you don’t quite understand.

    Whatever the case, together we’re going to look at your money stories, develop easy-to-understand financial habits that will support your business growth, help you determine exactly how much you can pay yourself, and make a plan that will fund your wildest dreams … all without you wanting to throw up. I believe that connecting all the dots around money is important to not only hitting all of your big goals, but most importantly, to feeling great about everything that’s happening with your finances in your life.

    I’m convinced this conversation is acutely needed in the entrepreneurial space, given everything I’ve learned on my own journey in business and from my clients over the years. That includes coming face to face with the emotional, and even spiritual, resistance that has kept us from establishing a healthy relationship with our finances in the past. To be truly meaningful, our understanding of money needs to encompass all areas – not just business – and be tied to our biggest whys, whatever they may be. When we can clearly see how money works in our company, and how it can flow to our personal lives and support our goals, it’s a wonderful thing.

    This book is for entrepreneurs like you looking to understand how to use money to your best advantage, both in your business and your personal life, and as a result, redefine your relationship with it. I’d love for you to truly find your Zen as you continue to grow your business and create change in the world, because you have a money strategy that feels good and makes sense for you. That strategy is going to look different than anyone else’s and should be as unique as you are. To be truly successful – in business, in life, as a human being – we need to develop a Zen Money Map™ that fully serves you and your goals. A cookie cutter approach will simply not do.

    In the pages that follow, you’ll find a combination of business financial how-to and money mindset strategies designed to help you shed your discomfort and step fully into your role as leader of your company, to understand what you need to pay attention to, and when you can ask for help. You’ll build a financial plan specifically tailored to you and your goals. And most importantly, you’ll learn how to leave that weight of uncertainty around your money management behind you once and for all as an entrepreneur.

    Are you ready to begin? Let’s dive in and start building your Zen Money Map!

    Chapter 1

    The Zen Money Journey

    You have to take risks. We will only understand life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen.

    – Paulo Coelho

    Like many entrepreneurs, I’ve been blessed with a twisty employment road. I’ve worked in the non-profit sector and corporate banking; I ran away to Prague and taught English for a time; I learned how to run a medical manufacturing company; and worked my way from administrative assistant to business manager/partner in a multi-million-dollar engineering firm, among other things. Along the way, there were two constants: my personal drive and my fear around finances.

    If you’d told me when I was 20 that I’d be helping entrepreneurs sort out their money game, I’d have laughed in your face. Who am I to talk about financial bliss? At that age, I had so much fear about money (how to earn it, how it works, how to use it well) that my younger self could have never imagined replacing that terror with confidence. Much less using that confidence to earn a living! It seems ironic now, given that most of my time is spent talking financial strategy with successful entrepreneurs.

    And yet here I am. My first book, From Zero to Zen, was based on work I’ve done with new (and not-so-new) entrepreneurs to help them learn how to take care of their finances in order to build a successful business. The ticky-tacky stuff, as I like to call it. It teaches you best practices for your money management as a small business owner – what to do and when – so you can stop feeling like the other shoe is going to drop any second.

    In that work, however, I realized that knowing the whats and the whens wasn’t fully getting to heart of the matter for many of my clients. These are smart, capable people I’m talking about. They’ve jumped into the entrepreneurial waters and learned how to make a go of it. They could certainly learn what they were supposed to be doing, but many couldn’t seem to make the new habits stick. We’d set up systems to take care of their finances, and they’d be excited for a while, but eventually (or immediately) I’d find they would revert to their status quo of not really reviewing their numbers, and not keeping their records up to date if I wasn’t there to take care of it for them. I wondered what was going on, since my clients were dedicated to their work, making money, and consciously wanted to run their businesses well. They’d signed up to learn how to manage their finances in a way that felt better, and yet, here they were, relapsing to their old familiar habits of ignoring their money management, with a bonus of feeling extra guilty about it since they now knew better.

    This pattern kept repeating itself. Not with everyone, certainly, but

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