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Salvation for All: Follow His Call
Salvation for All: Follow His Call
Salvation for All: Follow His Call
Ebook91 pages1 hour

Salvation for All: Follow His Call

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I want to show how the Word of God relates to all situations that we face in todays world. In His Word are the answers that we seek, and when we seek the truth through His Word, God opens our minds and brings comfort and knowledge that we otherwise could not find. I have done my best to write stories that everyone can relate to. You may have experienced some of the same events that I have written about. I believe that at some point in our lives, God calls us all. He has something that He wants us to do for His kingdom. I believe that He has called me to be a writer, so He waited patiently until I was ready to fulfill His purpose in calling me. Although the stories in this book are fictional, many of the situations are based on true events, some from my own past. By design, I have not included Scriptures in these stories. My intention is that after reading a story , you will have the desire to search the Word of God for your own answers.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJun 20, 2012
Salvation for All: Follow His Call

John William Hodges

John Hodges is a regular guy who has lived with a lot of ups and downs, many years without the knowledge of God’s love, mercy, and grace.  A life of failed marriages and jail time, high school graduation with honors, and time in the US Army, nine years away from family, and working around the clock at three jobs.  In November 1996 I came to know the God who made me. My life has never been the same, and the poetry that I was writing would now give honor only to Him. Born and raised in the Twin Cities, my wife and I raise our children near the Mall of America.

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    Salvation for All - John William Hodges

    Copyright © 2012 John William Hodges

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    ISBN: 978-1-4497-5342-9 (e)

    ISBN: 978-1-4497-5343-6 (sc)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012909174

    WestBow Press rev. date: 6/12/2012


    A Choice For Life


    The Transformation

    Set me free



    The Supreme Sacrifice

    What did you see in me?

    If God walked Away


    A New Perspective


    I Missed It


    A Choice For Life

    Written by: John Hodges


    My name is Rebecca Asherman and I am a high school senior, in just a few months I will be graduating from high school and starting a whole new life. I thought that I was a normal teenager with normal problems, but I made some major mistakes in my youth that would shape my adult life in a way that I did not expect.

    Not long ago I did something very wrong, which lead to a string of bad decisions which almost cost a life, something that I would have regretted for the rest of my life.

    As I got close to graduation my friends and I went to a lot of parties, the fact that we were underage didn’t stop us from drinking. It was clear that no one really cared how old we were, so for weeks we would attend parties almost every night. Most of the time we didn’t even know where we were, we simply followed the crowd and went wherever they took us.

    A lot of the guys that we met were in college, their only concern was that we be willing to get drunk. One particular week we went to three parties and all of us got drunk, we all had sex with guys that we didn’t know, they didn’t even want to know our names. The parties began to settle down two weeks before we all graduated, a few weeks later I began getting sick without knowing why.

    So my mother took me to see our family doctor, he did a number of tests on me and soon after we got the news. With my mother sitting next to me he told me that I was ten weeks pregnant, the look on my mothers face was that of total shock! My mother didn’t know about my wild partying, she was under the impression that I was a good girl. I had to tell her the truth, and that I wasn’t sure who the father might be.

    Who’s the Father?

    My father had died in a car accident two years before and not long after I went wild, I was always lying to my mother about where I was and who I was with. My friends would always cover for me, and we had my mother completely fooled.

    Still my school work didn’t suffer much at all, I was a very good student and have been told that I have a high I.Q. score. So if I’m so smart why did I end up pregnant without knowing who the father is, I guess that I’m not as smart as I’ve been told.

    So now I have to find out who the father is, and that isn’t going to be easy. At the time that I got pregnant I had been with three guys, they were all older and I wasn’t even sure what their last names were.

    The first one that I went to see was David, he was a college freshman that I met at one of the parties that I attended. When I found him he was with some of his friends, I suppose that I should have expected his reaction. He called me all sorts of names and said that he didn’t touch me, he said that I must have been so drunk that I didn’t know who I was with.

    Then there was Mark, and after him was James, and both of them said the same thing.

    I was beginning to doubt myself, I was sure that they were the only ones that I was with during that time.

    But what if it wasn’t any of them, what would I do then? Were they right about me, was I getting so drunk

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