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One-Handed Fractions
One-Handed Fractions
One-Handed Fractions
Ebook81 pages14 minutes

One-Handed Fractions

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About this ebook

This book guides the older student or adult who is returning to school for a degree, further training, or GED through a review of fractions. Even if you hated fractions, this method will make sense to you and will make doing fractions a breeze.
Release dateSep 24, 2012
One-Handed Fractions

Karen D. Tollefson

I have been teaching math since I was in Junior High. I have taught math for more than 35 years in the public schools of Bainbridge, Georgia and Tallahassee, Florida. I have also tutored many students. I do not play an instrument nor do any form of art, but I have a gift for breaking down tasks and finding one students problem over another and remedeate them. Helping folks who hate math love it again because now they understand it has been a special passion of mine. When my daughter was in second grade, the teacher she had made her hate math. It took me many years to undo that! I have helped many teenagers and adults love math or at least now tolerate it. I live in Tallahassee, Florida with my husband of 35 years and our three dogs. My children are now grown and on their own. I still subsitute and teach math to someone everyday!

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    One-Handed Fractions - Karen D. Tollefson



    By: Karen D. Tollefson

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    © 2012 Karen D. Tollefson. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 9/20/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-6433-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-6432-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012915709

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    Skill Stop

    Helpful Hints

    Mixed operations practice problems with answers

    Final Review

    One-Handed Fractions is a short book to help people who are going back to school, want to get a GED, or just need or want to know how to do the operations done with fractions almost on a daily basis.

    This book is intended for any student who for whatever reason did not learn fractions earlier

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