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The Turquoise Ripple: Life Changing Journeys in “Unified Consciousness”
The Turquoise Ripple: Life Changing Journeys in “Unified Consciousness”
The Turquoise Ripple: Life Changing Journeys in “Unified Consciousness”
Ebook144 pages1 hour

The Turquoise Ripple: Life Changing Journeys in “Unified Consciousness”

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About this ebook

The Turquoise Ripple is about effortless self-transformation. Esra star Ouz speaks from her heart center and gives many life-changing examples, including those drawn from her own experience. She has observed that the intention to change is the key trigger. Once the intention is set, all we need do is stay aware and allow the transformation.
Turquoise means Turkish in French. It is a color deeply engraved in Turkish history, culture, and art. Being a Turkish native, Esras intention is that through this book, her call for transcending limitations and embracing change, transformation, and unconditional love may ripple out to the whole world. According to many wisdom traditions, turquoise is about being heart centered and speaking ones truth. Through its unique energy, this color helps to balance thoughts and emotions, recharge spirits, and open the door to spiritual growth.
Since turquoise heightens our intuitive ability and alleviates loneliness, it brings us closer to unity consciousness. As the Superconscious said during Esras practice, You (light workers) will continue to grow in number and come together. The circle will grow bigger, like the ripple created by a pebble thrown in the water. It does not matter where you are in the circle. One vibration will affect the other, this earth, this universe, and others; one pebble is enough.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateApr 10, 2013
The Turquoise Ripple: Life Changing Journeys in “Unified Consciousness”

Esra Üstar O?uz

Esra Üstar Oğuz is a retired international executive, who is passionate about change, transformation and growth. Shifting tracks following her recovery from a serious illness, she became a spiritual hypnotherapist, as well as a meditation instructor, and she shares her and her clients’ life-changing journeys in unified consciousness through her writings and speeches. She lives in Istanbul, Turkey, with her husband, who is also a meditation instructor.

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    The Turquoise Ripple - Esra Üstar O?uz

    Copyright © 2013 Esra Üstar Oğuz.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6966-6 (sc)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013903795

    Balboa Press rev. date: 04/09/2013



    Chapter 1 Life Is Simple

    Chapter 2 Speaking My Truth

    Chapter 3 Connecting With Being

    Chapter 4 Messages From The Animal Kingdom

    Chapter 5 A Past Life Never Lies

    Chapter 6 Self-Love

    Chapter 7 Attitude Of Gratitude

    Chapter 8 Trusting Your Inner Voice

    Chapter 9 Your Body Speaks To You

    Chapter 10 Creating With Colors

    Chapter 11 Your Intentions Orchestrate Your Life

    Chapter 12 From The Angelic Realm

    Chapter 13 Some Unusual Visits

    Chapter 14 The Mystery Of Dreams


    Reading List

    Works Cited

    To those who resonate with the frequency of love …

    We live as ripples of energy in the vast ocean of energy.

    —Deepak Chopra, The Way of the Wizard:

    Twenty Spiritual Lessons for Creating the Life You Want.

    I AM ON A lifelong quest for learning, both as a student and as a teacher. I am here to learn and share as I work toward my inner healing. My life is about flowing through intensive changes and transforming. My biggest transformation involves moving from the head to feelings, opening my heart to join the universal heart. In this book, I will detail step by step my journey on this quest.

    I had always felt I was here for a purpose. I intuitively knew that this purpose was larger than I was. Many years ago, when I read about Carl Jung’s theory of collective consciousness, I immediately embraced the concept. My inner wisdom instantly recognized the bigger picture and the interconnectedness of each human being, and I began to remember who I was.

    I have kept a diary since my teenage years. Seeing the changes in my thoughts and feelings from one day to the next has always been fascinating. What I find important one day might be totally irrelevant and trivial the next day. Making a decision might be a nightmare at first, but the choice may become simple when I reconsider the situation the following day.

    This inner dialogue over the years has inspired me to search beyond ever-shifting circumstances. I have always thought that there is more to life than what we experience with our five senses. My curiosity constantly pushed me to discover the orchestrating source behind the scenes.

    When I reflect more deeply on my experiences, I realize how I continually managed to change and grow. I allowed myself to change even when my mind said, I do not understand how it works. I know that others can transform their lives once they allow themselves to change.

    Each chapter in this book represents a major portal I have opened into my being as I moved on in life. I will openheartedly share my journey toward well-being, providing many tips I discovered along the way. Life is all about choices, the most important one being to consciously choose love over fear. Once you transcend fear, you can walk through the door. The journey starts with effortless little steps, which usually appear as simple, everyday choices. You must always ask yourself this question: Is my choice based on love or on fear?


    FROM THE DAY THAT I started to practice Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy, I archived the voice recordings and analyzed them. During these extraordinary sessions, my clients can converse with their essences and are surprised at how they lose track of time and space. They choose words they would not normally use and speak in a different tone than they usually do.

    I call myself the facilitator in this process, since I take them on a journey through their consciousness. This consciousness already knows why they came to me, and it takes them to just the right time and space to enable their transformation. I do not guide my clients but instead outline the overall process and help them flow with it. It is important that the process be clear from the start, since this allows clients to let go of the conscious mind and let the subconscious mind emerge more easily. My clients might experience past lives, visit important scenes from their current lives or parallel lives, and even have a glimpse of the future. It is all good.

    With some of my clients, the sessions take another turn. The information gained is not solely about the client. Words of wisdom flow from a client’s mouth, and I feel how we are connected to each other. A client will often answer a question before I pose it. Telepathy has always been part of these sessions. My clients speak with various beings, animals, guides, and angels. It is magical.

    Let me define the terms Superconscious and higher self. The Superconscious is the unified field of intelligence (oneness). It is all knowing. The higher self (or subconscious) of human beings is connected to this field beyond space and time. All knowledge is accessible in this space beyond the physical. All conscious beings, not just humans, are part of this perfect puzzle and continually feed their experiences back to the source. As Vedic wisdom teaches, the Atman (conscious being) is a wave in the ocean of Brahman, the source or oneness.

    As I continued my practice over the years, at one point the Superconscious said, We share with you so much. You need to write these things down and share them with humanity. In a recent session, I asked if there was more they wanted to share, and they said, No. Not now. There will be more for your next books. Mission completed!

    The Turquoise Ripple is about effortless self-transformation. I speak from my heart center and give many life-changing examples, including those drawn from my own experience. I have observed that the intention to change is the trigger. Once the intention is set, all we need to do is stay aware and allow the transformation.

    Turquoise means Turkish in French. It is a color deeply engraved in Turkish history, culture, and art. I am a native of Turkey, and we call turquoise Turkish blue. I hope that through these writings, the world will accept my call for transcending limitations and embracing change, transformation, and unconditional love. My intention is that this call ripples out to the whole world.

    According to many wisdom traditions, turquoise means being heart centered and speaking one’s truth. Through its unique energy, this color helps to balance thoughts and emotions, recharge spirits during times of mental stress and fatigue, and open the door to spiritual growth. Turquoise represents open communication from and between the heart and the spoken word. It radiates the peace, calm, and tranquility of blue, the balance and growth of green, and the uplifting energy of yellow. It enhances the ability to focus and concentrate and assists with clear thinking and decision-making. It is calming yet invigorating, restoring depleted energies. It encourages inner healing by enhancing empathy and caring (Scott-Kemmis, Judy, 2012).

    Since turquoise also heightens our intuitive ability and alleviates loneliness, it brings us closer to unity consciousness. As the Superconscious said during my practice, You (light workers) will continue to grow in number and come together. The circle will grow bigger, like the ripple created by a pebble thrown in the water. It does not matter where you are in the circle. One vibration will affect the other, this earth, this universe, and others; one pebble is enough.

    In this book, I first share my views on the wonders of life. Then I invite you to journey with me through my gradual transition from corporate life to practicing spiritual hypnotherapy. Such a dramatic shift was possible only after I learned to connect with my being. I learned to receive messages from the universe, which come in many forms. Experiencing past lives is a big component for me and my clients. Messages regarding the importance of gratitude and self-love, as well as listening to your inner voice and your body, are consistently communicated in our sessions. The key is to establish our intentions and recognize that we are cocreators of our lives.

    The latter part of the book is about the initial contacts I made with the angelic realm and extraterrestrial beings. I have been interested in metaphysical

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