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The Citizen’S Guide to Mediation and Arbitration: What Every American Should Know About Alternative Dispute Resolution
The Citizen’S Guide to Mediation and Arbitration: What Every American Should Know About Alternative Dispute Resolution
The Citizen’S Guide to Mediation and Arbitration: What Every American Should Know About Alternative Dispute Resolution
Ebook108 pages1 hour

The Citizen’S Guide to Mediation and Arbitration: What Every American Should Know About Alternative Dispute Resolution

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Virtually all Americans have signed many legal documents that contain mediation and/or arbitration clauses. All Americans should know that once you have signed a contract with an arbitration clause, you are legally obligated to submit any conflicts to an arbitrator, and you will not be able to file a lawsuit within the public court system on the same topic of dispute. Mediation and arbitration clauses are often found in employment agreements, medical forms, financial contracts, business contracts, mortgage agreements and credit card contracts.

Mediation and arbitration have been around as long as there have been conflicts between people. For centuries, parties in conflict have asked others to help them resolve a conflict that they cannot resolve themselves. Of course, these ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) processes have evolved over the years. But would you know what to do if you receive a notice to arbitrate a dispute? Did you know that if you have signed a contract with an arbitration clause that you can be forced to arbitrate a dispute? Do you know how to prepare for a mediation session or an arbitration session?

This book is written for the "average Joe or Josephine" in the USA who has probably already signed multiple contracts with mediation or arbitration clauses. It contains the basic facts about mediation and arbitration that should be known and understood by all USA citizens. Armed with this information, you will know whether or not you want to sign contracts with arbitration clauses in the future, and if you find yourself in a legal conflict situation, you will be more prepared to work with your attorney to resolve your situation.

Release dateJul 18, 2014
The Citizen’S Guide to Mediation and Arbitration: What Every American Should Know About Alternative Dispute Resolution

Doris Rebhorn Spies

After Doris Spies went through mediation, arbitration and litigation experiences, she was shocked to learn how little she knew about these legal processes before "jumping into" them. Doris learned many things too late, and she now shares her knowledge with others who are considering legal action or ADR (alternative dispute resolution) solutions. Although this book has been reviewed by mediation and arbitration professionals for accuracy, Doris writes this book from an "average USA citizen" perspective, making it an easy read for anyone looking for conflict resolution information.

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    The Citizen’S Guide to Mediation and Arbitration - Doris Rebhorn Spies

    The Citizen’s Guide to

    Mediation and Arbitration

    What Every American Should Know About

    Alternative Dispute Resolution

    Doris Rebhorn Spies


    The Citizen’s Guide to Mediat ion and Arbitration

    What Every American Should Know About Alternative Dispute Resolution

    Copyright © 2014 Doris Rebhorn Sims Spies.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    The information, ideas, and suggestions in this book are not intended to render legal advice. Before following any suggestions contained in this book, you should consult your personal attorney. Neither the author nor the publisher shall be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising as a consequence of your use or application of any information or suggestions in this book.

    Editorial Reviews by:

    Spencer Sims, Julie Rael, Eldon Rebhorn, Dale Rebhorn, Sue Beaule and Kathy Fragnoli

    Cover Art by Jeremy Sims

    iUniverse LLC

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4917-3337-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4917-3338-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014908301

    iUniverse rev. date: 07/02/2014


    Why I Wrote This Book

    How to Use This Book

    Chapter One What is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)?

    What is a Binding or a Non-Binding Process?

    What is Mediation?

    What is Arbitration?

    Comparing Mediation and Arbitration

    How Do We Decide on a Dispute Resolution Process?

    Chapter Two Understanding Legal Processes and Expenses

    Before You Jump Into Any Legal Process…

    Working With Your Attorney

    Understanding Your Legal Expenses

    Monitoring Your Attorney Expenses

    Ethical and Unethical Attorney Billing Practices

    Chapter Three Keys to Successful Mediation

    How Do We Select a Mediator?

    Locating and Interviewing Potential Mediators

    What Ethics Should I Expect From My Mediator?

    What Mediation Decisions Will I Need to Make?

    How Do I Prepare for the Mediation Session?

    Additional Mediation Considerations

    Additional Words of Wisdom for a Successful Mediation

    Should a Mediator Also Serve as an Arbitrator?

    What Happens After Mediation?

    Chapter Four Arbitration Law and Procedures

    What is an Arbitration Clause?

    What Should I Do if I Receive an Arbitration Notice?

    What You Must Know About Arbitration

    A Summary of Facts to Consider Before You Decide to Arbitrate

    Arbitration Laws and the Arbitration Agreement

    Choosing an Arbitrator or an Arbitration Panel

    Ethics for Arbitrators

    Arbitration Process Steps

    Comparing Arbitration to Court System Procedures

    Chapter Five Avoiding Arbitration Problems

    What if the Arbitrator Violates Our Arbitration Agreement?

    What if a Conflict of Interest is Discovered?

    What if the Arbitrator Demonstrates Bias or Misconduct?

    A Summary of Key Points About ADR

    Additional ADR Information Resources

    Glossary of ADR Terms


    In memory of my mother, Marilyn, who always spoke up and took action to try to turn a wrong into a right.

    Why I Wrote This Book

    A few years ago I knew very little about mediation and arbitration; in fact, I thought mediation and arbitration were very similar processes used to resolve disputes. I never thought I would go through mediation or arbitration, even though I (like most Americans) had signed several contracts in my lifetime that included arbitration clauses. I did not understand what an arbitration clause meant in a contract.

    But then a conflict escalated and I ended up personally experiencing both mediation and arbitration over a multi-year period. My experiences with these processes were challenging. But this is one of those situations where people say, When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, and so I wrote this book to provide a support guide for others like me who find themselves going through (or considering) the alternative dispute resolution processes known as mediation and arbitration.

    If I had known all of the information in this book, I could have potentially saved myself from years of conflict resolution problems and a whole lot of money and stress. If you are going through a conflict situation, I hope you will read through this book to consider all of your options. I learned many things the hard way, so I hope this book helps you learn the same information in an easy and proactive way.

    Now, when I sign contracts, I check for arbitration clauses and I ask the contract owner to change any arbitration clauses to mediation clauses. This book will help explain why this is so important.

    My gift from God is the ability to take complex subjects and write about them in a straightforward and practical way. I have written and published multiple books on other topics that are considered to be practical and informative guides by my readers. So now that I have been through this difficult but unique learning experience as a party to both mediation and arbitration, I believe I have

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