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America's Favorite Holidays
America's Favorite Holidays
America's Favorite Holidays
Ebook78 pages58 minutes

America's Favorite Holidays

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Many of America's favorite holidays, including Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and Valentines Day, originated far beyond our shores and long before our Founding Fathers were born. Some holidays, including Thanksgiving Day, the Fourth of July, Flag Day, Labor Day, Lincolns Birthday, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Presidents Day, Veterans Day, and Washingtons Birthday, were uniquely grounded in Americas past. New Years Day has become a feast of college football bowl games. Still others, such as Cinco de Mayo, Columbus Day, and St. Patricks Day, are largely the products of Americas rich ethnic and cultural diversity over time. And some have a very personal and specific purpose, such as Mother's Day and Father's Day.

Americas favorite holidays provide us with much more than opportunities to simply goof-off or spend money. Celebration, commemoration, contemplation, and remembrance are powerful forces that stimulate us to become better people, to enjoy life more, and to be more productive over time. Therefore, Happy Holidays!, everyone.

Release dateOct 30, 2013
America's Favorite Holidays

Richard T. Stanley

Dr. Stanley earned masters’ degrees from Long Beach State and Whittier College and an Ed.D. from Pepperdine University. He taught American History and Government at the high school and adult school levels before becoming a high school administrator. He recently retired after many years as a successful adult school principal. Dr. Stanley has authored nine books on history and politics, and has also taught at the university level.

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    America's Favorite Holidays - Richard T. Stanley

    America’s Favorite Holidays


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    America’s Favorite Holidays

    Copyright © 2013 Richard T. Stanley.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4917-1312-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4917-1313-6 (e)

    iUniverse rev. date: 10/23/2013



    Monthly Birthstones and Flowers



    Cinco de Mayo

    Columbus Day


    Father’s Day

    Flag Day


    Independence Day

    Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

    Labor Day

    Lincoln’s Birthday

    Memorial Day

    Mother’s Day

    New Year’s Day

    St. Patrick’s Day

    Thanksgiving Day

    Valentine’s Day

    Washington’s Birthday



    Also by Richard T. Stanley, Ed.D.

    Lessons of American History

    A Humorous Account of America’s Past: 986 to 1898

    A Humorous Account of America’s Past: 1898 to 1945

    A Humorous Account of America’s Past: 1945 to 2001

    The Eisenhower Years: A Social History of the 1950’s

    Freedom, Common Sense, and the Nanny State

    The Psychedelic Sixties: A Social History of the United States, 1960-69


    To my wife, Diawn, with whom I have shared more than four decades of our favorite holidays.



    Holidays are special times of the year for celebration, commemoration, contemplation, and remembrance. Some annual holidays are nearly as old as recorded history. In America, many of our favorite holidays, including Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and Valentine’s Day, originated far beyond our shores and long before our Founding Fathers were born. Some holidays, including Thanksgiving Day, the Fourth of July, Flag Day, Labor Day, Lincoln’s Birthday, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Memorial Day, President’s Day, Veteran’s Day, and Washington’s Birthday, were uniquely grounded in America’s past. New Year’s Day has become a feast of college football bowl games. Still others, such as Cinco de Mayo, Columbus Day, and St. Patrick’s Day, are largely the products of America’s rich ethnic and cultural diversity over time.

    When experienced separately, America’s major holidays are each unique and vary in their importance to different segments of our vast society. Some holidays, such as Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving, elicit powerful emotional and spiritual feelings within most Americans—often feelings of awe and joy. Others, such as Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day, spark painful memories within many of us regarding those whom we knew and loved or knew of who sacrificed their lives so that we may continue to live ours in freedom. Still other holidays, such as New Year’s Day, Cinco de Mayo, and St. Patrick’s Day, provide us with excuses for celebrating life to its fullest—to party—if only for the moment. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day encourages us to judge others by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. In essence, each holiday has a discernable purpose, such as honoring mothers on Mother’s Day or fathers on Father’s Day.

    As a whole, America’s favorite holidays work to make our lives more meaningful, more enjoyable, and help to instill in each of us a sense of purpose. America’s favorite holidays provide us with much more than opportunities to simply goof-off or spend money. Celebration, commemoration, contemplation, and remembrance are powerful forces that stimulate us to become better people, to enjoy life more, and to be more productive over time. Therefore, Happy Holidays!, everyone.



    Christmas, celebrated each year on December 25th, is a major holiday in the United States and throughout much of the world—from Jolly old England to far-away Japan. To a large majority of Americans, and especially to most young children, the Christmas season is their favorite time of the year.

    Christmas is a special time of the year filled with church celebrations commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is a time for gift-giving, Christmas cards, rich foods and

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