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First Book
First Book
First Book
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First Book

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After Ice Age, prehistoric animals gone, todays animals, birds, and fish inhabit the earth. The North and south poles develop during the iceage, and due to their location, they do not thaw. At least not yet. I believe the earth was one piece until the thaw, but, not being an artist, would not perform this act. The reason the earth seems to grow is that it is being observed as if from the sun. It is moving back into its present location, which was its location prior to the ice age.
Release dateApr 18, 2013
First Book

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    First Book - The Holy Spirit

    2013 The Holy Spirit. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 4/17/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-3984-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-3983-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013906724

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Table of Contents



    Part 1: Creation

    Chapter 1   There Was No Big Bang!

    Chapter 2   The Beginning according to God’s Word

    Part 2: Getting Right With God

    Chapter 1   Your Spirit

    Chapter 2   Repentance

    Chapter 3   Correcting Sins

    Chapter 4   Time to Give

    Chapter 5   The Day of Judgement

    Part 3: My personal beliefs. Bible based.

    Chapter 1   Shortcomings of the Church

    Chapter 2   It Is Very Late

    Chapter 3   Guidebook to peace for now and eternity

    Chapter 4   An Extraordinary Life

    Closing Prayer



    This book was written for the reader and not big gains for the writer.

    It is the writer’s strong belief that the Holy Spirit was the author, and I was just the writer. I will let you, the reader, determine if you feel this is true.

    The purpose for this book is to let the reader know a lot of truths that are obvious, and yet easily overlooked. It is also the need of the writer to attempt to bring as many readers as possible to know the error in their approach to salvation, and to strengthen the faith of many who need help in understanding God’s Word.

    50% of this book’s income will go to Churches and agencies that help the poor and the homeless. These agencies include Salvation Army, Red Cross, and several others not to include United Way, as they are willing to aid in abortions. The reason these truths were supplied to the writer is that I am timid, and at the same time, very much in love with, and concerned about the lost, and the persons who hope they are saved. I have supplied 10 steps to a guarantee that you are heaven bound. All from God’s Word.

    I have also used God’s Word to show that the Big Bang is the biggest lie ever pushed onto our children, first in colleges, and now in public schools. I hope the readers will let their feelings about this lie be known to government agencies. A lie is a story that is not true. We now have false propaganda, in which the national leaders say the known lie will be forced upon the people as if it were the truth. I thought only evil nations were guilty of this. Maybe I was right.

    I pray often that you, the reader, will read this book, loan it out to others, and be sure they return it to you so that you can review it and send it to others.

    Almost all the earth’s population is looking for handouts. Many have every reason to do so. They are hungry, they have needs far beyond their means. If you offer most people something for free, they gladly accept it. God has offered everyone the greatest gift we could possibly hope for, and far too many turn it down. This gift does not last for one meal, or one day, but this gift lasts for all eternity. If we accept salvation through Jesus, we have it made forever. This salvation includes loving the Lord our God with all our hearts, and loving our neighbor as ourselves. Jesus said, if you love me, keep my commandments.

    Churches should be packed every Sunday, and additional services would have to be offered, if many, many more people would accept this free gift. This life doesn’t offer much in happiness for those who turn down this free gift. Drugs, booze, illness, wants, and other undesirable things. But for those who truly give themselves to God through the blood of Jesus have joy during their life here, but also, forever more. Would you not be excited to know you would live forever where joy would be always with you?

    Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. The sins mentioned will be the cause of all that commit them to go to hell unless they repent as outlined in verse 11. None of these sins are worth losing out on the eternal joy of heaven.

    I end this book with a prayer that I hope you will pray with me. May God richly bless you, and may your joy, while on this earth, be greatly increased, and may you thank the Holy Spirit and me when we reach Heaven’s gates.

    It has occurred to me, very late in the writing of this book, that this may be our final warning before the 7 years of tribulation. It may not be, but, if you look at the picture of America, and the world, it could very well be. God’s Word does not mention a final warning. But He loves us, and He does not want any to be lost, and yet most are. The time is right for you, if you are not a believer, to step forward in faith, and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. The time is right for our nation to return to our past high moral standards. Read this book, and respond swiftly, or, perhaps face very deadly consequences. I am well up in years, and yet I may still be

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