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A Glimpse of God
A Glimpse of God
A Glimpse of God
Ebook205 pages2 hours

A Glimpse of God

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Who is God to you? Do you call Him Father? Is He at the top of your friends list? Do you count Jesus as your Savior and Lord? Is His Holy Spirit your teacher? Is His fruit growing inside you, and are you sharing Him with others?

Come and see how every dayin the ordinary occurrences, in the intense inner struggles and trials, in my failures, in the pain and hurt, in the tears and laughter, in the joy and triumphsI have found God to be all those and more. Each life is full of glimpses of God: who He is and how He wants you to know Him in every one of those ways. Maybe in sharing my glimpses with you, I can help you find some of your own!

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMar 26, 2014
A Glimpse of God

Debra Niswander

Debra Niswander lives in Charlevoix, Michigan, and currently works as a probate register for Emmet County. She has two adult sons and enjoys being a grandmother. She is active in her church, organizing their local area mission program. She also does missionary work abroad with Fruit of the Vine Ministries.

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    A Glimpse of God - Debra Niswander

    Copyright © 2014 Debra Niswander.

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    Part 1-God, the Father

    He Is Our Father

    He Is Ultimate Love

    He Forgives

    He Is Our Boss

    He Is the Healer of Our Soul

    He Is the Alpha and the Omega—the Beginning and the End

    He Is Our Refuge and Strength

    He Is the Peacemaker

    He Is THE Answer

    I AM

    Part 2-God, the Son

    Jesus: A Love Story

    Jesus: The Son’s Love for His Father; the Son’s Love for Us

    Jesus: The Giver of Second Chances, and Third Chances, and Fourth Chances, and …

    Jesus: Our Freedom Fighter

    Jesus: His Scars, Our Healing

    Jesus: Was, Is, and Always Will Be

    Do You Know the Word of God (the Bible) and the Word (Jesus)?

    Jesus: The Master Painter

    Jesus: Our Savior

    Jesus: You Know Him as Savior; Do You Know Him as Lord?

    3-God, the Holy Spirit

    Truth’s Voice

    Signed, Sealed, and Delivered

    You’ve Got a Friend in Him


    Equipment Man

    Road Maps and GPS

    Don’t Turn Off the Faucet

    You’re Not Alone (Our Swimming Instructor—Our Strength)

    Our Conqueror

    Our Producer

    Part 4-The Fruit of the Spirit

    A Perfect Love


    A Shared Love

    A Broken Heart Healed


    Eternal Optimist

    Behind the Clouds

    Who’s Your Trustee?

    Living Trust

    He Holds On to You Even When You Can’t or Won’t Hold On to Him

    The Conquering C

    The Conquering C (continued)

    Peace in Our Worries, in Our Fears, in the Unknown, in Our Hurts, in Our Prayers That Seem to Be No

    Commitment: Gotta Run to Run

    Endurance: I Want To!

    Contentment: To Have or Have Not

    Perspective: Who or What Are You Waiting On?


    Nothing Random about It

    What If

    The Least of These

    Permanent and Inseparable

    Out of the Gutter

    New Heart, New Eyes

    The Goodness of God

    I Know That I Know That I Know

    Why I Write

    A Little Boy, a Little Prayer, a Lot of Sun

    A Sister’s Faith

    Meekness Is Not Weakness

    Remember Where You Were

    Some Humble Pie

    In Awe




    To Die, Yet Live

    A Final Thought

    The King James version, called the Authorized Version in England, was a revision of the Bishops’ Bible on the basis of Beza 1598, with much direct borrowing from the English texts of Tyndale 1535 and of the Genevan Bible.

    Scripture quotations, in this publication are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scripture quotations taken from the Amplified ® Bible, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

    Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture taken from the New Century Version®. Copyright © 2005 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations from THE MESSAGE. Copyright © by Eugene H. Peterson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.

    Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

    Donehey, Mike & Ingram, Jason. You are More. The Light Meets the Dark. CD. Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Peer Music Publishing. 2010.

    Cowart, Benji & Weaver, Michael David. Redeemed. Love Come To Life. Lyrics © Warner/Chappel Music, Inc. 2012.


    Dear Friends,

    I was struck one day when I was rereading the story of Moses’ encounter with God through the burning bush. I couldn’t get over God’s answer to Moses’ question: Who should I say sent me? (I imagine Moses thought, I can’t tell them a burning bush sent me; they’ll think I’ve gone nuts.) Who do I tell them You are? How do I describe You? The fact that God answered Moses and the answer He gave inspired several of my devotionals. Even writing this, I just keep shaking my head. Moses was speaking directly to the Creator. The Being who caused all to come into existence had talked to Moses. What’s more, God wanted Moses to know who He was. He wants all of us to know who He is. I truly wonder what was running through Moses’ mind at that moment.

    That got me thinking about the question Jesus posed to His disciples: Who do people say I am? The disciples had various responses as to how He was being described, but most of those were that Jesus was only a person. Then Peter answered, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God (Matthew 16:16 KJV). What a revelation! Did Peter really understand what he had just said? He was talking to God (face-to-face), telling God that God was God! I wonder what Peter must have been thinking.

    What words do you use when you speak of God? How do you describe Him? This is the God who created everything, created man; who healed us through the stripes that crisscrossed His own body; who stopped at nothing, even His own death, to save us. I started these devotionals years ago in hopes of helping my boys learn more about who God is. It is I who has been learning the most.

    Some of my devotionals were written during specific events in my life. Others developed over extended periods of time and were forged in the ordinary, everyday occurrences of living: a bad day at work, feelings hurt by a friend or family, a job found or lost, good and bad choices, lost keys, bad hair days, missed appointments, celebrations, and arguments with my kids, etc. Ordinary, everyday life we all go through at one time or another—all of which provided opportunities for me to experience the character of God and to find out who He is and how He wanted to help me through all those experiences.

    This book only shows glimpses of the journey I am on. But it has been a revelation that everything in my life thus far, whether it seems good or bad, whether of my own doing or another’s, is a lesson in learning who God is and making the choice to trust who He says He is and what He wants for my life. Some days it is effortless to trust in my Creator, and then there are days, as you can read on these pages, it was and is a struggle. The days I struggle I must go back to that choice—to believe who He says He is, to trust the plans He has for my life, whether I fully understand them or know all of them yet—and to rest in that.

    The more I learn of Him, the more I want to know, and the more I also realize it will still only be a glimpse until I pass into eternity. But oh, what a glimpse! The more I write, the more I see my words pale in comparison to a true description of God and who He is and what He has done for me, for you, for all of mankind. My words fall short in adequately portraying how much He loves each of us. I come to grips each time I have written a devotional (and as I reread them still) of how unworthy I am. But at the same time, I am immersed with the knowledge that because of Christ’s love and sacrifice, He redeemed me and now I am worthy to be called a child of the most high and living God. Often I have had to confess and repent while writing these devotions, but as you can see, each page reflects who I have found God to be: a Father, a friend, a lover, a Savior, and I could go on and on. And through these revelations, I have found and continue to find grace, mercy, and peace, and more.

    That is what I want you, my friend, to see. I pray that you would see God on the pages of this book. I pray that even if you only see a glimpse, it will create a spark that would burn in your soul. I pray that in this spark, you would find His unconditional love, His unwavering peace, and His eternal hope. I want you to meet God, know God, talk to God, and have God talk to you. He longs to talk to you, to be your friend, to be your Savior. And if anything He has helped me to write here leads you to find that out for yourself, then I am truly blessed.

    As I told a friend of mine once (and it holds true for each of you as well), it is more important to me that you have a relationship with Jesus than you have a relationship with me. For if you forget me, you have lost nothing. But you lose everything if you meet Jesus and forget Him.

    Thank you again for letting me share this glimpse with you. I am humbled by all of this. I hope there will be more to come as my journey continues. May the Lord bless you and keep you.

    In Christ,



    I can’t write this without thanking some very important people in my life. Thank you to Diane Dennis and Dawn Hankins for their help with editing and proofreading. But most importantly, Diane, you are such a faithful follower of our Lord and you have been such a support to me. I count it a privilege to call you my friend. Dawn, you know how much you and your family mean to me. Having your constant and loyal friendship has been one of my truest blessings from God. Love you, my dear friend.

    Thank you to the people at WestBow for all your guidance, help, and encouragement. Thank you, Jan and Dale Marcum, for allowing me to share the mission field with you. Your work ethic and Christian example is amazing. I love you guys. Thank you, Tony and Pam Falcione, for giving me your love and friendship over the many years. Thank you to my friends at Family of Faith and Sisters in Christ (SIC) prayer breakfast group for supporting me. Also thank you to my friends at work who have encouraged me.

    To my cuz, Michael Connell, thank you for always being here for me. We had so many great times growing up, especially with Jeannie and Buddy. I miss them both very much. Thank you, thank you for all

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