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Drumming the Beat to Our Emotions: Poetry by Two Inspiring Garifuna Poets
Drumming the Beat to Our Emotions: Poetry by Two Inspiring Garifuna Poets
Drumming the Beat to Our Emotions: Poetry by Two Inspiring Garifuna Poets
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Drumming the Beat to Our Emotions: Poetry by Two Inspiring Garifuna Poets

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Mirta Alicia Castillo and Jose Valentin are two poets with a distinguished lineage from St. Vincent (Garifuna), prior residents of Honduras, and both are currently residing in the United States. Mirta Alicia Castillo shares her experiences and storms of life through poetry, stemming from heartbreaks, rekindling with love, discrimination, culture, and celebration of life. She shares grieving the death of her parents who both died the same year, four months apart, and immediately leading her into separation from a childless tenured marriage and the grueling pain it caused. Loving deeply and having to let go, prevented further anguish, deceptions and gave her the time to grieve the death of her parents, by which she did not get a chance to do , with all other stressors taking a toll on her. Through all the pain she underwent, God had other plans for Mirta Alicia. See what God had in store for her in the midst of the storms of her life? Her lifetime experience proved that God was always in the midst as she prevailed and came out victorious!

Joining forces for the love of poetry, Jose Valentin underwent different struggles as a Garifuna man born and raised in the United States. Discrimination, examining his Garifuna roots in comparison to Garifuna born in Central America and the opportunities life offered him in America, taught him to appreciate and treasure everything he had in comparison to Central American way of life on many of his visits. Mr. Valentin's poems reflect struggles and obstacles minorities face growing up in the inner city. Enduring the unfair practices of some members of society propelled Jose to openly write about circumstances in urban environments. His experiences helped him pursue legal education. He is currently working as a counselor with refugee youth. The position allows him to provide a path for the youth's future.
Release dateJul 7, 2014
Drumming the Beat to Our Emotions: Poetry by Two Inspiring Garifuna Poets

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    Drumming the Beat to Our Emotions - Mirta Alicia Castillo

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    © 2014 Mirta Alicia Castillo. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 08/20/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-2447-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-2448-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014912089

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    Mirta Alicia Castillo:

    I give special thanks first and foremost to my Creator, Jesus Christ, the one who is able to make the impossible, possible. I am and always will be eternally thankful to my deceased parents, for they taught me the true definition of literature enjoyment and the value of education, for they did not have the opportunity to do so themselves. Drumming The Beat To Our Emotions is a dedication of my love for them, and their memory. As I accomplished my career in nursing, it enabled me to live life to the fullest and also have enough love to be able to care for them as well, during their period of ailments. There was always a piece of me that never felt complete, but I knew my nursing career was fulfilling enough for the time being. I, however, used to enjoy writing but never acknowledged it enough for it to be part of my life. I am thankful to my siblings, Irma Castillo, Jorge Castillo, Samuel Castillo and Astrid Castillo for their on-going support and encouragement. To my sister Irma Castillo, I give special thanks because she always find time during the day to edge me on. I always look for her likes and comments on GTVP (GarifunaTv Page) for her daily cheers and words of encouragement! I am very thankful to God for being Garifuna. It was during the many years, decades, and centuries of oppression of the Garifuna people that also pushed me to write for my Garifuna culture. All of the discrimination we face, and inequalities were enough reasons to get me to express myself through writing. I discovered my abilities to write, as I communicated with a cousin of mine. My cousin and I had conversations and exchanges of e-mails that brought everything to light. Prior to this time, I just enjoyed writing, now I really love to write. I’m thankful to the founder of GarifunaTV Page Julian Rochez, also known as Don Juleon for he served as a mentor to me during the most difficult moments in my life, death of both parents and my divorce. I’m most thankful to Don Juleon, for all graphic work done online, and for Drumming The Beat To Our Emotions. GarifunaTV Page served as a sponge that absorbed the tears of my sorrows during those moments. I am thankful to everyone on GarifunaTV Page on Facebook, who support Poetry Nights and all of our poets week by week. Thanks to everyone who shared or sent a word of inspiration my way, for when it was done, it lifted my spirits edging me to continue and kept me inching forward. I am also thankful to my friend, Rose Avellanet for she believed in my abilities and always encouraged me to pursue writing, and shared moments with me when I truly needed it most, and giving me the most sympathetic words of encouragement to keep pressing forward. She was the one who encouraged me to get into competitions of my poetry, henceforth, my first poetry publication. Thank you Rose Avellanet for your friendship, and your encouragement. May God bless everyone who supported me through poetry on GarifunaTV Page and also through Drumming The Beat To Our Emotions.

    Jose Valentin:

    I would like to thank the Garifuna culture for helping me discover who I am. I would also like to thank GarifunaTV Page for having a forum for Garifuna like myself to express our thoughts and opinions that affect our community.


    First and foremost to my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and then to everyone who have supported GarifunaTv Page on Facebook, I say to you, thank you!  GarifunaTv Page and Poetic Wednesdays was the stage that led to the production of Drumming The Beat To Our Emotions.  The Co-Author Jose Valentin and I in a million years would have never imagined it to have turned out this way. I, Mirta Alicia Castillo and Jose Valentin thank you all for your continued support.  God is good, all the time!

    In memory of my deceased parents, Silvio Castillo and Teofila Castillo, I dedicate Drumming The Beat To Our Emotions My father was always into literature and reading.  I used to watch him do so all the time.  Although he did not go to higher education, however, he pulled himself into that mode, and demonstrated to us, that we, his children can also accomplish it.  He used to study the word of God, and graduated from the Bible Institute.  His struggle remained with me.  When

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