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Jaredites: the Missing Civilization X: Solved for X
Jaredites: the Missing Civilization X: Solved for X
Jaredites: the Missing Civilization X: Solved for X
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Jaredites: the Missing Civilization X: Solved for X

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This book covers the origin and archaeological development of selected categories of civilized elements identified as being Jaredite in origin. It is an attempt to elevate the Jaredite civilization into the light of day from the heretofore dark mists of history where science has forced it for the last 2,500 years.
The Jaredite civilization spanned a possible 2,530 years, and its known achievements have far exceeded those of modern mans in many regards. In c. 2800 BC, the Jaredites built a pair of concrete superhighways over 2,700 miles, complete with paved exits and a secondary road network, nearly the entire length of the South American continent. Their civilization could answer the riddles of the Sphinx, the questions of who built the pyramids and why, the mystery and likely origin of UFOs, prove whether or not George Lucas had the only ET, detail what Noah brought aboard the ark besides three sons and their families, and provide an answer to the question posed to Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer by a student as to whether Alamogordos nuclear bomb in July 1945 was the first ever atomic bomb explosion in history.
Many other possible but likely Jaredite achievements are incredibly fascinating and await only an honest archaeological effort to prove them.
The historical facts exist; they are real and three-dimensional, but to date, standard classical science has relegated them to the dustbin of historys forgotten basement closet.
Satan has made a tremendous effort since mankinds beginning to keep man blinded to the historical facts of our heritage, causing the deliberate destruction of millions of artifacts, scrolls, books, and whole libraries throughout the world to do so. This book is but a small effort to expose and make known a portion of mankinds previously hidden but rightful heritage.
Release dateMay 20, 2013
Jaredites: the Missing Civilization X: Solved for X

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    Book preview

    Jaredites - Jim Hendleman



    Section One

    Civilization X: The Jaredites

    Section Two

    Facts Suggesting An Ancient Advanced Civilization

    Section Three

    The Possible Jaredite Empire

    Section Four

    Possible Advanced Jaredite Tools

    Section Five

    Evidence Of And Source For Egyptian Power Tools

    Section Six

    Jaredite Warfare

    Section Seven

    Christopher Columbus Had An Old Map

    Section Eight

    Paved Superhighways And Roads In 2500 Bc

    Section Nine

    Medical Information

    Section Ten

    A Jaredite Known As Imhotep

    Section Eleven

    Aircraft From Pre-History Antiquity

    Section Twelve

    Ancient Spacecraft & Ufo’s—They Were Here First

    Section Thirteen

    Ancient War

    Section Fourteen

    Lost Knowledge Of History’s Ancient Libraries

    Section Fifteen

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Section Sixteen

    Anachroisms, Anomalies, Enigmas, Phenomena And Weird Stuff

    Section Seventeen

    Writing And Record Keeping

    Section Eighteen

    Tunnels And A Few Lost Cities

    Section Nineteen

    A Portion Of Archaeology’s Mysterious Cover-Up May Be Spelled Smithsonian

    Section Twenty

    The Murder Of Meriwether Lewis—Why?

    Section Twenty-One

    Civilization X: Solved For X

    Appendix I

    47 New Theories Proposed Regarding The Jaredites And Science:

    Appendix Ii

    How Long Did It Take Noah To Build The Ark?

    Appendix Iii

    The Jaredite Timeline


    Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.

    —Aldous Huxley

    This book is about a pre-historic earth culture, a super-civilization superior to modern man’s in many ways that began about c.3100 BC and lasted for about c.2530-years. It is not about space aliens seeding our home planet; a space alien scenario is not even a good joke because there is so very little evidence that even suggests to support this theory.

    Many of the so-called proofs and artifacts von Daniken and others claim to have discovered ‘suggesting’ earth’s earlier visitation by space aliens merely serves to prove this author’s claim of a pre-existing earth-based super civilization. Von Daniken and other proponents for ET cannot prove their claims, but this Author offers the existence of actual hard evidence to prove his claims. This super civilization, this Civilization X that Malkowski, Dunn, Schlock and many others say had to once have existed is brought to life within the covers of this tome.

    Civilization X once did exist before their civil war destroyed it from memory; it flourished for about 2,530-years and it has been ignored and rejected by the very scientists charged with bringing it into the light.

    Classical, orthodox scholars ignore the Jaredites and their existence because acknowledging the evidence of their existence creates a paradox to their standard model of history. Civilization X does not fit into either their mainstream timeline or the mainstream pattern they propose for man’s origin and development. Off mainstream scholars, archaeologists and scientists from many other disciplines have for decades referred to this civilization as missing; or otherwise obliquely refer to it in general terms, such as "there should be a previous ancient civilization here in order to account for… (Malkowski, 39,000 Ancient Egypt BCE . . .)".

    This book is about that missing ancient culture, a highly evolved technical civilization now known by name primarily to those members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (the Mormons/LDS) and very few others; unfortunately, even the vast majority of Mormons do not recognize this civilization for what it was.

    This civilization was a contemporary of ancient India and China. Biblical information leads me to believe the Jaredites may have actually colonized the then vacant lands of both India and China as well as most of Asia.

    Therefore, the purpose of this book is to bring Jaredite history and civilization into the light, to show those who will open their eyes that this is the civilization they know about from archaeological evidence and logic, but of which they know almost nothing, including its name. Portions of the Jaredite’s story will shed an incredible spotlight on many of what we of today describe as a multiplicity of history’s mysteries, such as: the possible origin of Egypt’s Sphinx; South America’s incredible 4,500-year old, double 2,700-mile concrete super freeways (two of them) with exit ramps and an extensive paved secondary road network; truth, light and knowledge about so-called space aliens and UFO’s; Christopher Columbus’ ancient maps; the super detailed maps of Antarctica and Greenland made from aerial views thousands of years before the Wright Brothers’ flight at Kittyhawk, NC; a possible but very real space war heretofore attributed to "the gods or those dratted space aliens", and much more!

    The Reader of this book will be fascinated by the historical depth and insight into man’s early pre-history that modern scientists have simply ignored. Granted, much of this tome is built on material generated many years ago from other excellent researchers looking to solve the puzzles and mysteries left us by real, but unlettered researchers, and by classical archaeologists and their outlandish theories.

    These amazing researchers, some of whom are also accredited archaeologists, also did not believe orthodox sciences’ glib remarks and their foolish theories of how the world turns, how the Egyptians developed their culture, the timeline of the world and mainstream scientists’ idea of mankind’s development.

    Unfortunately, a few of these same researchers were looking in the wrong time periods and the wrong places with what appears to be in far too many cases, a preconceived idea that man developed from space aliens, or had actually evolved from primordial swamp ooze that maturated from a space alien’s used dental floss, and even that man was an incredible and accidental freak of nature who evolved from some esoteric space seed. Thus they were not able to pick up on the true origin of this missing super culture.

    This author has only taken their facts and research, studied and analysed it and compared it all against a culture and civilization of which I and BYU’s Dr John L. Sorenson were aware and few others, and am thus able to give to archaeologists and to the world, a face and a name to their lost and missing Civilization X. Taken as a whole, this book provides compelling proof of this hidden civilization’s existence and reality while shedding light upon some of their incredible and fantastic achievements, while also explaining away many legends and tall tales from man’s legendary past that have made their way to our present time.

    This book is not to be taken as a direct slam against modern scientists and their achievements because it is not intended to be. Yes, this author believes that many of orthodox sciences’ analysis and conclusions are not correct, are far off the mark and that they have deliberately ignored hard evidence proving their wrongness in their rigid stance and in defense of their status quo. In far too many cases (even one case is far too many!), it appears that various of them may have deliberately hidden or destroyed evidence that directly contradicts archaeology’s existing views.

    It is not my objective in writing this book to take on anyone; as Brad Steiger once wrote, I write to inform, not to offend and I write only facts, but I write all facts that I can find on the topic at hand. My few speculative opinions are clearly delineated and are based on deductive logic derived only from facts.

    Unfortunately, the established mainstream archaeologists and their supporters have over time, proven to be intractable about change; they have held onto their own ideas of mankind’s development and progress with a death grip since time immemorial.

    As an example, look at archaeology’s and Egyptology’s rigid stance that claim the pyramids were built and raised by tens of thousands of slaves dragging multi-ton granite and sandstone blocks over log rollers, while using rock hammers and copper chisels to square off the blocks, etc. That the Egyptians were able to accomplish such a feat at all while using stone age tools boggles my mind. These same ‘scholars’ ignore the enormous amount of hard evidence available that much of the heavy tool work was performed by regular machine tools common to modern man (Childress, Technology of the Gods . . . ; Dunn, Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt . . . ; The Giza Power Plant . . .). Machine tools in 2500 BC?

    Because so many researchers and scientists have apparently not honoured their commitment to intellectual truth, they have thus failed in their role as scholars. Due to the intellectual rigidity by many of the better-known archaeologists, scholars, Egyptologists, anthropologists and historians, most of the remainder of their disciplines have become unable to accept change or any modification of their theories even in the light of incontrovertible, hard fact evidence. But my book itself is only concerned with real facts and hard evidence; there is no hyperbole or exaggeration of any of the facts herein.

    Of course, orthodoxy resists and fights change by its very nature. Acceptance of only the facts presented herein by the modern establishment would require a massive and total paradigm shift of perception in their thoughts, theories and ideas regarding the knowledge that mankind actually possessed in remote epochs, and its origin; such as in ancient: Ancient meso-America; Sumeria; Mesopotamia; Pakistan; Jiroft (a culture in ancient Persia); Iran; Iraq; India; and China; areas where we see sophisticated knowledge of astronomy, technology, geometry and advanced mathematics; chemistry; physics; metallurgy; advanced building techniques; electric lights and electric power generation; at least power saws and probably other power tools; evidence of the existence and use of possible super-advanced tools and methodologies; sophisticated sanitation and plumbing and hydrography; art; dyes and fabrics; surgery; medicine and pharmaceuticals; grains and food stuffs; and many other refinements of a super-civilized technological culture that seemed to arise from nowhere, flourish for a relatively few generations and then become nearly completely lost over the next few millennia as those with the old knowledge declined and died out.

    However, for mainstream archaeologists, palaeontologists, and others of their genre to accept these new changes to the origin and development of man could be tantamount to their professional suicide in so far as their peers are concerned because of the manner in which they were trained. They would likely be castigated and ridiculed and their present and future work ignored because of their newfound attitude, the same as their peers have done to many others and to each new piece of evidence as it shows up and threatens their orthodoxy.

    Cold, hard facts proving the existence of this civilization have been suppressed and ignored by the scientific establishment for many decades. Why? Because these facts contradict not only their classical dominant views of human origins and development, but many of their analysis and conclusions that go back nearly to the beginning of America. Ultimately, even the full weight of the fledgling Smithsonian Museum and Institution entered into the cover up which also reflects their evidence suppression and destruction in support of the status quo and it appears to continue to be doing so to this day, (e.g., Noah’s Ark, discussed herein).

    The earliest archaeologists and explorers of other disciplines seemingly formed their hypothesis and opinions and laid down their ‘facts’ based upon what we now know in many cases to have been insufficient investigation, knowledge, analysis and available information, plus a personal desire to ‘make their mark’ within their field of study.

    It should also be pointed out that while these early archaeologists may have been earnest, dedicated and sincere in what they were doing, effectively, none of them were trained archaeologists, which may have been good for mankind. They mainly did their best, but in coming up with their analysis and conclusions, clearly few of them had sufficient background knowledge or experience, from either collateral disciplines or even life’s experiences. Thus, their lack of background argues against them being able to knowledgably or creditably come to many of the important conclusions regarding their discoveries of that which they did, (e.g.), evolution, conclusions that are so widely supported today with insufficient evidence and facts. Take Chris Columbus for example:

    History knows, and historians should have known, that after the Spanish excesses within the new world became known to the Europeans as a whole, including that the Franciscans and Conquistadores murdered perhaps up to 75-million people, perhaps more, coupled with other European hero and discovery problems (as detailed within Gunnar Thompson’s Ancient Egyptian Maize, pp.3-5), certain European elements billed Columbus’ and his New World’s new seeds and other potential crops with which he returned as the Great Encounter, or the Seeds of Change. Billing Columbus and his discoveries in this manner was the modern result of a campaign begun within the sixteenth century in hopes of being able to somehow counteract the devastating horrors that came to the attention of Europeans following the Spanish conquest of Mexico and Peru. Historian Dr David Stannard (1941—; American Historian and Professor of American Studies at the University of Hawaii, particularly known for his book American Holocaust, which discusses in exquisite detail the genocide of the early Native American populations.) called the Spanish treatment of the Native Peoples—purposeful genocide. Samuel Eliot Morrison (Noted American Historian, Rear Admiral, 1887-1976) agreed: The cruel policy initiated by Columbus (and others-added) and pursued by his (and their-added) successors resulted in complete genocide.

    In addition, few of these modern scientists, if any, appeared to have performed sufficient, in-depth background research to support the conclusions they eventually arrived at. For these reasons only, a tremendous number of their conclusions that have been passed down to this day and accepted as fact by those within the scientific community and within America are simply wrong and incorrect (such as the arbitrary naming of the various individual native American tribes throughout the Americas and crediting them with achievements they had nothing to do with and doing so completely with out hard core evidence, or at best, slight circumstantial evidence.).

    Many, but not all, of today’s ‘trained archaeologists’ as well as scientists within other disciplines suffer from the same problems, but added to this are their personal desires, political goals, self-preservation, bias, self-aggrandizement and myopia, which generally did not exist for the most part 250-years ago within this field of endeavour by their pioneers.

    Succeeding archaeologists built upon early opinions, analysis, conclusions, and views while mostly accepting as fact what the early ‘scholarly’ investigators found, while adding many of their own erroneous opinions and data to the original mistakes and errors, compounding the entirety. And, Oh! by the way, they totally eliminated God and The Bible from their equation; present-day archaeologists are furiously trying to maintain this non-God attitude.

    "Evolutionary prejudices, deeply held by powerful groups of scientists, have acted as what Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson (Forbidden Archaeology) call a ‘knowledge filter’." This filtering, whether intentional or not, has left mankind with a radically incomplete and in far too many cases, a set of erroneous facts for building our ideas about human origins. As a result, man has come to accept a comprehensive picture of prehistory provided by modern archaeologists and other disciplines that is largely incorrect. It is time for a change in today’s arbitrarily rigid and incorrect mindset and to rethink our official, but currently incorrect understanding of our human origins and identity.

    Unfortunately, the scientific community as a whole has relegated existing facts not fitting their pre-conceived structure to History’s hidden basement closet.

    This author has heard scientists on the History Channel rebut their failure to seriously consider new historical or archaeological evidence against their long-running theories by claiming that to do so would mean a revision of history (or facts) that could be false and misleading.

    Well, bless their bones! We already have a revisionist history that is false and misleading! The idea is to have a correct history and a correct origin of the species and what we currently have is both false and incorrect according to The Bible and other archaeological facts! I mean to change this false notion to bring it into correctness and bring God back into the equation.

    This book intends to expose light on what can be found about this so far hidden super civilization. The data is there if one has an open mind, is willing to look, knows what to look for, and most importantly, the when to look for it.

    Currently, modern science and related investigators are preoccupied in trying to find space aliens everywhere man has been and use them to account for facts that do not seem to fit into the archaeologists’ predetermined time slots.

    Shows on the History, Discovery and various other ‘science’ Channels appear to have only lightly researched areas of interest concerning only the possibility of ‘Space Aliens’ being responsible for seeding Planet Earth, for building the Pyramids, or somehow, for being responsible for all the strange phenomena of which scientists cannot now explain. The talking heads appearing on these channels and their ET programs are merely touting their current love child and theories and not fact. There is now so much ‘space alien’ hyperbole being aired that one could think that we the public are being set up or even prepared for something similar to occur within the reasonably near future.

    The overriding question to answer then is: how much did the world’s ancient cultures themselves really know about the sciences and about our planet before the time frame at which modern scientists believe they had no apparent way to discover this knowledge on their own?

    To their credit, there is much that scientists admit they cannot explain on and about our home planet; however, there is much more they think they have explained that is erroroneous, false or deliberately misleading and which they refuse to change, and especially when compared with what the Scriptures offer about different topics. Far more facts are simply ignored or even denied because they are just too fantastic and the scientists just cannot understand the facts—they have no background knowledge on the subject; and it is impossible for scientists to believe the alternative. For these scientists to even contemplate the existence of an ancient but far superior culture compared to our own current one would force them to deny their carefully conceived event time line from anthropology, geology, archaeology, palaeontology and other disciplines.

    To most of the scientific community, The Bible is a fable, but whenever God is omitted from the equation, the answer will always be incorrect!

    Is it really possible that an advanced civilization from another star system visited Earth in our distant or prehistoric past? Could they really have ‘seeded’ mankind onto our planet through some advanced manner which we cannot yet understand? Could Earth’s modern man be the current result of this alien civilization’s colony and the UFO’s are our multi great-grand daddies checking up on us? You’re joking, right?

    Space aliens and distant, liveable star systems can be exciting adventure, especially when seen through non-threatening media such as a good book or on the big screen, such as Avatar. But imagination’s ‘fantasy’ does not always translate into ‘realty’.

    This author loves a good science fiction yarn more than most, but with heavy emphasis on the science portion. I have spoken with LDS and others, Christian and not, who believe in UFO’s, and some who claim to have personally seen them flittering through our skies. This author once worked directly for a man who claimed to have twice seen UFO’s and was adamant that they were for real—his name is Jimmy Carter, past President of the United States and who also claims to be a true and honest Christian.

    For all who believe in UFO’s and the above, please allow me to state this: Based solely upon what The Bible (Genesis) has to say to us, God simply would not allow two civilizations from among the stars to interact with each other while one or both cultures are working out their own spiritual salvations. This is the sole reason why man has a body of flesh and blood and is here on this very beautiful but insignificant planet on the far end of our galaxy’s spiral arm. This is the sole reason man even exists in this plane of reality at all. We are here to work out our own spiritual salvation, period. It is interesting to speculate on other life within our galaxy and what it might be doing, but prior to doing so, one had first better read and understand the scriptures. All of them.

    Genesis, the first book of The Bible states very clearly that ". . . man is made in the image and likeness of God" (Genesis 1:26-27). There is much more, but the Reader should begin to get the picture.

    When the adversary (Satan) and his followers were kicked out of Heaven, Satan’s powers and priesthoods were not taken from him. He was allowed to keep them for the Lord’s purpose of testing each of us with evil to determine how we would use our free agency: to disobey and do evil, or to be obedient and do good.

    Dear Reader, the scriptures are very clear and state plainly that mankind is allowed to and must, work out his own individual salvation—without outside interference save the devil’s temptations against us. There are not going to be any Space Aliens to save us from ourselves nor to provide us surcease from our fantasies, nor were there ever any aliens to begin with. So, how do I explain all the documented UFO sightings by tens of thousands of credible witnesses? Very easily:

    Satan retained all his powers and priesthoods when he was kicked out of Heaven, as I stated above. Satan himself created the E-T space beings that Steven Spielberg made so popular, they just have no spirit, or no soul if you prefer. But they are no more and no less than a satanic critter, made by Satan for the express purpose to deceive us by piloting the pre-existing space craft. and occasionally allowing themselves to be seen (James L. Thompson, Aliens and UFO’s, Messengers or Deceivers?).

    The UFO/space ships we see were manufactured and flown by Jaredite men fully capable of performing this type of construction and flight, but they were not made for Satan and his creatures. What this author believes actually did happen is that the adversary and his minions are using spaceships left behind by the earlier, very advanced ancient earth civilization that I describe throughout.

    Satan’s purpose behind allowing us to see these UFO critters is to cause us to believe in space aliens, and see them as reality-based creatures, all the while causing us to thereby ignore God and to consider The Bible as being fictitious.

    One of Earth’s most brilliant men of the last two hundred fifty years is Dr Immanuel Velikovsky, a medical doctor with additional doctorates in each of the fields of Religion and Geology who has reproven the correctness, the reality of and the superiority of the Theory of Catastrophism over modern scientists’ current love child, the Theory of Uniformitarianism. He emphatically once stated to Science and Mechanics magazine during an interview in July 1968: "There were civilizations like ours that were destroyed!"

    He is of course, referring to at least, the Adamic Civilization prior to the Noachin (Noah’s) Flood. There was almost nothing left of this great civilization including Atlantis, if such had ever existed, once the floodwaters receded, except Noah and his family. But Velikovsky was directly referring to Civilization X, the Jaredite Civilization’; I doubt that he was too knowledgeable of the Adamics and most definitely was not aware of the Jaredites’ civilization. But, Velikovsky KNEW that an ancient and very advanced civilization did exist; he just didn’t know where or when to look. This book will explore the activities and remnants of the follow-on Jaredite civilization, the subsequent super civilization to the Adamic Civilization.

    Most researchers know that there is much archaeological evidence proving that our planet has sustained large civilizations in the distant past and which were comparable in technological development to modern man’s own. However, classical archaeologists are either totally ignorant of this super civilization or deliberately ignore the evidence of its existence. These advanced civilizations vanished abruptly or were destroyed nearly overnight by war or by some great natural calamity. Scientists get around this particular hurdle by timing any possible modern-type of civilization backwards in time to a totally unrealistic period, such as 10,000-years BC, or even 2,000,000-years BC.

    Earlier, I inferred that scientists were reluctant to consider a possible alternative to their vaunted Space Aliens being the missing link they were seeking for the Origin and the Why? of man; or anthropology’s missing link. What could this alternative possibly be?

    Because of the satanic machinations and great efforts to prevent mankind in general from knowing of his exact origins and early life, we know very little detail of what happened during the nearly 6,000-years of man’s history since he has been on earth. Science believes it is possible that (a) great civilization/s rose and fell during the . . . 3-4 billion years that the earth has existed, and even that man himself has been on Earth for upwards of 2,000,000-years and more. This dating is just not correct at all, and at best, it is pure guess work on science’s part, as though they might be an active part of Satan’s plan to keep man in the dark.

    Well, a thorough understanding of the scriptures will reflect that man was given six individual and consecutive epochs of 1,000-years each, to get his collective spiritual act together, and prove to God whether or not we the individual can be obedient to God’s laws before Christ comes again to personally rule over man and earth for the seventh and last 1,000-year epoch.

    Bishop Usher, an Irish prelate monk and scholar, was interested in the calendars of antiquity. He researched The Bible and in 1650 determined through his work Annales veteris testamenti, a prima mundi origine deducti (Annals of the Old Testament, Deduced From the First Origins of the World) that mankind began his earthly sojourn in 4004 BC (later ‘refined’ by Sir James Lightfoot to Saturday, 9 AM, 3 October 4004 BC, the day preceding the Sunday ending creation’s week).

    [Lightfoot is not likely to be correct because there is insufficient information contained within The Bible or elsewhere to refine God’s timeline that closely.].

    When Bishop Usher came up with this date, he did not consider the many calendars that had been used from Father Adam’s day to his own, nor the varying and conflicting lengths of the individual days of the various calendars that had been used by man, nor even the actual number of individual days ascribed to the individual years involved. He did not attempt to account for these differences compared to his own (Julian) calendar at that time. The bottom line is simply that mankind has been on earth for about six thousand years according to The Bible, period. Prior to approximately c.4,000 BC as we currently reckon time, man did not exist on this planet. Prior to c.4,000 BC, this planet was still evolving.

    Without allowing for any corrections to be made in compensation for the myriad incorrect calendars man has used since his beginning, Bishop Usher simply worked through the King James version of The Bible to come up with his date of 4004 BC. Man just did not exist on earth prior to c.4,000 BC, regardless of the actual number of calendar days or years this date may not be in agreement with our present day.

    Based on the archaeologist’s time line, the Adamic

    Civilization would have lasted until c.2348 BC, the time generally agreed to and set forth by modern scientists for the Great or Noachin Flood (an arbitrary date arrived at by those few scientists who might even believe in the Flood), assuming they are correct on an event date concerning a happening that most scientists disbelieve in; there is every reason to believe that the Adamic civilization was at least as advanced in most areas of technology and science as modern man is today, and most probably far in advance of us. For certain, the Jaredites were.

    There is insufficient data available either from modern science or historians to allow this author to arrive at any other date for the Great Flood except for LDS scholar Dr John L. Sorenson, who proposes a Great Flood date of (c.3150 BC estimated by this author and based upon Sorenson’s work) c.3100 BC. Modern science’s Flood date is likely not correct because their science is partially basing their date for the Flood with respect to other biblical events, the exact dates for which are also cloudy.

    Despite when the Ark finally came to rest, scientists and artists (Utah’s own Arnold Freiberg, who drew and painted all the Egyptian art work for MGM’s blockbuster hit, The Ten Commandments, and other biblical art work) apparently assumed that Noah and his family were ragged, weary survivors dressed somewhat as the poor desert Bedouins are today. They had just completed a nerve-wracking period of about 75-years time in building the Ark and then living on it for over a year (about 371-days) while faced with the daunting task of having to start a new civilization from scratch whenever the Floodwaters receded. Freiberg and others rendered what they believed Noah and his family to look like; I very much doubt that they were even close.

    [This Author has to believe that Noah brought along with him all that he could of their personal clothing and scientific equipment, as well as the Adamic civilization’s knowledge and learning equipment. Noah acquired Adamic technology because he was from there, he was their prophet and it would have been available to him. He brought it in the form of DIY-How To equipment, telescopes, books, teaching aids, garden tools, seeds, and his era’s equivalent of power supplies and power generation, tools, computers, tapes, spare parts and extra tools, CD’s and DVD’s. This advanced knowledge brought by Noah is offered based upon known scientific attainments by the various ancient cultures with whom modern man is familiar that followed and developed after Noah’s Sumerians. These ancient cultures’ knowledge and their results reflected by their usage of Noah’s equipment likely included topics such as, at the very least: the scriptures; their genealogy; and based upon our knowledge of their achievements, they had advanced mathematics; astronomy with powerful refracting telescopes; electrical power production and use; power tools; metallurgy; architecture using megalithic stone; other hand and power tools; medicine and pharmacology; and much, much more which is reflected herein.

    Noah would have brought sufficient material with him so that as much as possible of the Adamic civilization’s righteous scientific knowledge could be used by his family and then later passed on to Noah’s descendants.

    This is the only logical and possible way to account for the high degree of science and knowledge that very early ‘start up’ civilizations (such as the Sumerians, Persians and Babylonians) possessed that today’s scientists agree that these civilizations could not possibly have had. These same scientists still refuse to believe that these ancient peoples ever had this equipment, despite seeing their resulting works and the results these ancients obtained and possessed by using their non-existent equipment.

    This would then help to explain why so many various young ‘nations’ would start off with a seemingly large but unexplainable technological edge, only to have their knowledge and scientific attainments diminish as the nation grew older. Those with the actual knowledge itself grew old and died out, not having the capacity or knowledge to repair equipment or the capability to extend the knowledge or the techniques.

    This thought is more than possible. Some of the most bizarre and unthinkable archaeological discoveries have been made in the Middle East and on our own American continents. The very existence of these "erratics" (mysterious man-made artefacts discovered within a time frame before the artifacts had supposedly been invented), ignored by modern science, indicate that a forgotten (or ignored) civilization possessed of a highly advanced technology once existed and lived here. However, scientists as a whole have shown they prefer to believe that space aliens and not a missing technological civilization passed along this scientific knowledge and leave the subject at that.

    When we consider the results and implications of new archaeological techniques in pushing back the time curtain, there certainly has been ample time for at least one other civilization to exist as a prologue to modern man, an ancient modern civilization akin to our own. But in fact, there were two such civilizations: the Adamic and the Jaredite Civilizations.

    [However in examining such a theory, should we not also consider the possibility of an advanced civilization somehow having existed in what scientists now label the Neolithic Era, prior to the melting of the glaciers, or even during the glacial period, if it existed? This possibility is of course assuming that these same scientists are even reasonably correct in their dating of these pre-historic epochs and the events which allegedly happened therein. Because the Jaredites did exist and flourish within the time frame I’ve laid out above. When Saturn was ripped off from the earth’s north polar region, its connecting water column to earth collapsed and was sufficient to drown the Adamic civilization and Noah to float his Ark (c.3150 BC).

    The Jaredites were flourishing when the Earth flipped her axis and flash froze the great elephants in Alaska, and the part of the Jaredites’ great civilization then living in Antarctica and Greenland.

    They flourished through the time when Venus was ripped out of Jupiter (c.1865 BC) to rebalance the solar system from when God caused Saturn to be taken away from earth and placed into its present orbit (Larsen, The Prophecy Trilogy, Vol III). The Jaredites were flourishing when various portions of the Earth were also torn away and cast off into other space orbits for the Lord’s purposes. Sciences’ dating of most ancient events is just incompatible with what The Bible offers us as evidence of a far more correct timeline.

    [This author believes that perhaps we should also consider that the glaciers did not come about, nor melt, exactly when, where and how that scientists claim. And maybe we should consider the very real likelihood that all dinosaurs did not die out all together at once, that perhaps there were many medium to very large pockets of various types, including T-Rex, Stegosaurus, Pterodactyls and their prey scattered about the world where many dinosaur varieties somehow survived together for whatever reason, for much, much longer than is currently believed and which obviously have over-lapped onto some of mankind’s time on earth.

    And while I am on this subject, 65, 120 and umpteen millions of years ago are incredibly gigantic numbers that scientists appear to throw around with abandon. I don’t have an alternative, but I tend to believe that dinosaurs such as the stegosaurus, T-Rex and Pterodactyls (who have been personally seen and documented by man since 4000 BC, did not continue to breed for hundreds of millions of years without change. I believe that this scientific dating is so wild that it defies imagination. I believe that this dinosaur dating is more of a pure guess and that if animal/mammal life adapts and develops as scientists also claim, then these three critters, whose images have popped up on cliff sides, pottery, temples and elsewhere (covered herein), would not look in 1950 or 1850 or 3000 years ago just as they did 120 or so million-years ago.

    For certain, there are several man-made art graphics around the world painted in caves and ravine walls and carved on temples and elsewhere of various dinosaurs, including one that closely resembles a T-Rex, and another of a stegosaurus depicted on cliff faces and boulders, on Hindu temples and on various pot sherds for example; and there are sufficient known existing flint arrow heads embedded in the shoulder blades of mastodons and Sabertooth Tigers; and pre-historic man footprints imprinted next to and over the top of fresh dinosaur prints, as well as man-prints side by side with trilobites and with them on top of man’s print to prove this theory (Dr Melvin Cook, Prehistory and Earth Models; Dr Emerson Hartman, Giant of the Sierras; 25 May 1969, Tulsa Sunday World; 15 Apr 1971, Bible-Science Newsletter, quoting Dr A.E. Wilder, University of Illinois; Steiger, Mysteries of Time and Space, Chp 1; and others).]

    There are many, many unexplained odd phenomena around the globe, and within and around many islands of the seas, and around the Americas, on both land and shores that mainstream scientists choose to ignore. But while these phenomena are fascinating in and of themselves, in studying them, one must treat them as though they were the actual remains of a genuine ancient star civilization found on another planet, in another star system of a long time ago, and far, far away. They are that important and valuable. Why?

    Because satanic efforts has caused most of man’s earthly written pre-history to be destroyed through the destruction and burning of ancient libraries and their scrolls, books, records and other documents. Satanic efforts caused man’s entire first civilizations to eventually lose their spiritual inheritance because they chose to commit evil instead of righteousness. Satan does not want man to know anything at all about his pre-history for fear of losing his current influence among us. The remnants of the Jaredite civilization provide the only known remaining clues to discovering much of man’s lost heritage.

    Because the Jaredite civilization was evolved from the surviving ancient Adamic Civilization out of ancient Iraq as a basis, their resulting civilization in the new world could easily be as different from our European Middle Ages-based civilization as modern man now is from the ancient headhunters and cannibals of New Guinea. The Book of Mormon describes Jaredite and Nephite ‘writing’, that is, the glyphs adorning the ruins of Central and South America, as ". . . modified Egyptian" (Mormon 9:32, 34).

    That modern linguists and philologists don’t know of a script known as ‘reformed Egyptian’ is not relevant, since the prophet Mormon tells us that the ancient Nephites referred to their script as ‘reformed Egyptian’ which they deliberately modified so that no one could read it save themselves. They may have been the only people to use that descriptive phrase (William J. Hamblin, Maxwell Institute, BYU). Dr Sorenson refers to the Jaredites as somehow having a large impact and great influence in Asia, but without providing details (Sorenson, his paper).

    In other words, the resulting remnants of what ever else of the Jaredite civilization we find could be far different from what we might otherwise expect when compared to corresponding areas from our own life. Their culture would certainly have been different from ours in many ways, with emphasis perhaps on certain patterns, advances and techniques that we do not as yet perceive.

    We know that the Jaredites eventually sinned a great sin against God; they did not maintain their worship of Him and so eventually lost their ‘Land of Promise.’ As God’s promised result of their transgression, their civilization was destroyed completely from off the face of the land. Or was it? Well, maybe not completely as some signs of their having been here prior to their passing, while not always obvious, exist if we but look for them.

    Whether or not some part of this advanced civilization would have survived to be examined in the light of present scientific knowledge simply has never been honestly and ‘scientifically’ considered so far as is known. There may be New York City-size Jaredite ruins underneath the 2-miles of ice and snow that currently smothers both Greenland and Antarctica. Since earth’s ancient axis tilt flash froze

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