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Dive Within
Dive Within
Dive Within
Ebook192 pages4 hours

Dive Within

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About this ebook

This book is not just a book; its a bible for all those who want to overcome their challenges and become winners. This book will work as a guide and as a compass for those who are striving hard to find answers for the questions like, What is their future? Why are they born? What are they supposed to do?

This is also useful for people who doubt themselves and often ask, Will they ever be successful? How long will it take to become successful? Why are certain people rich and many are poor? Why are many people suffering?

You must treat this book like a mirror. It will help you realize what you are capable of doing.

Release dateOct 2, 2013
Dive Within

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    Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Bhupendra Singh Rathore.

    ISBN:   Hardcover   978-1-4828-1173-5

       Softcover    978-1-4828-1172-8

       eBook          978-1-4828-1171-1

    Author does not recommend subscription to any religious or spiritual organization or belief system though points to some.

    All insights are result of direct personal experience and reflection

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    Laws Of Mind

    Reticular Activating System (Ras)

    How To Convert Negative Beliefs Into Positives

    Formula Of Successful Manifestation

    How Do People Become Rich?

    How To Fuel Your Desires


    An Abraham Hicks Technique—17 Seconds

    Harness The Power Of Incantation

    Power Of Visualization

    Stop Desperation! Now

    Let Go! Get More!

    Focus On Giving

    Vision Board

    Principle Of Pain And Pleasure

    Desired Values With The Demonstrated One


    Switch Words

    Spread Love And Joy Around


    Take Risks

    Carry Your Divine Stone And Plant A Tree

    Script Of Your Life

    Record Your Script

    Act Now

    About Mr. Bhupendra Singh Rathore (Bsr)

    Welcome To The World Of ‘Challenging Horizons’


    E very journey starts with some excitement and comes to an end. Few journeys are short and some longer. The best part about each journey is that—you meet many wonderful people and spend time with them. Some help you and show you the way ahead, some decide to walk with you till you reach the destination safely, some motivate you while you are moving towards the finishing point, some give you joy and happiness, some remain silent, still end up playing a powerful role in making your journey fruitful and exciting!

    Writing this book was also a journey for me, full of learning, excitement, life and challenges. It became wonderful as many people helped, supported and guided me during the course of this journey.

    I would like to express my gratitude to all my teachers and trainers whom I met during the past 30 years of my life. Their contribution to my life as well as in shaping this book has indeed been amazing. Majority of the thoughts captured in this book are inspired by them and learnt through them. They have shown me the path and I kept walking on it.

    I would like to acknowledge the significant role which my family has played in helping me practice everything which I share here in this book.

    The inspiration to write this book came from my father Mr Raghuveer Singh Rathore and my wife ‘Ms. Ritambhara Ranawat’ who pushed me beyond my limits to complete it. They helped me discover the reason for writing a book. They also pushed me to propel it forward with great enthusiasm to all you readers.

    My entire team and my business partner ‘Mr. Pavan Rathore’ also helped me in many subtle ways to complete this book.

    My special thanks to ‘Ms. Devasmita Dey Chowdhary’ who kept herself fully involved in completion of this book. Her valuable suggestions, guidance and support got the best out of me. She contributed a lot of her time & efforts in researching, re-reading and amending the entire script of this book, which are truly appreciative.

    A huge credit for writing this book also goes to all those people who have attended my sessions and seminars, as many of the insights have come from questions which they asked in my journey, to find, discover and help answer them.

    Love to All!

    T ring-Tring

    Hey ‘Ritu!’ what a coincidence… . I was just thinking about you!


    Cheez! ‘I had this strong feeling, that I would lose my purse today’ I just saw it coming… and I did lose it!

    Tell me? How many of us have come across such situations? Probably everybody and maybe many number of times too. In fact it’s so common that it does not surprise us anymore.

    Murphy’s Law—‘When something has to go wrong, it will go wrong’,

    The matching of the wavelength with the other person,

    The positive vibes,

    The negative vibes…

    Such incidents have become part of our everyday lives. We have accepted them as a natural phenomenon. Not many of us have asked this question why such things happen? We all dismiss such situations as ‘coincidence’ or ‘rotten luck’. We have never really thought beyond that. But, what if these things are not merely ‘coincidences’ or ‘rotten luck’ but something that’s been brought into our lives by our thoughts and immense will power?

    Welcome to the Most Powerful World—Your Mind

    Let’s Dive Within to unleash your Mind Power

    Have you ever heard that in a car or bus accident all travellers died but a 1 year old baby miraculously survived?

    A person to whom the doctors declared that he won’t live for more than 3 days survives over 30 years and grows strong miraculously.

    "You also are aware of many such incidents in this world which even science and all scientists can’t explain?

    A huge examination and you prepare for only 25% of the question-answers and miraculously you get most questions from that 25% . . .

    Are they not miracles?

    Oh yes! They are… . miracles do happen!

    Miracles happen for those who are focused. Who vibrate with positive energy and are enthusiastic. Who give their best and think big.

    I would say a miracle is an occurrence of that event which seems almost impossible but then it happens. Miracle for me is also something which I dreamt of and didn’t work for it and yet it became my reality… . almost like a magic!

    The best part is that God has gifted us with an amazing power of creating magic. It is all mystical for someone who doesn’t know the trick behind the magic. But ask a magician, and he will tell you exactly how it works. And there is perfect logic to it, planning down to the last millisecond, precise timing as well as a valid scientific explanation… right? Unfortunately most of us are witnessing our own lives as spectators in spite of having the power to be a magician.

    Do you want to discover the magician in you? Yes, you don’t need to create a magician inside you, as you already have one whose powers are not even known to you.

    So read on and we will break through some of these magical bricks with our inbuilt magician’s hat—the mind—after we say the magical word. No, it’s not abra-ka-dabra. This time let’s try something different. Let’s say ‘Tathastu’.


    Tathastu loosely translates into ‘so-be-it’ or ‘let your wish be granted’.

    But I am sure you have the question—who says TATHASTU? Who makes our wish come true? Where is the magician’s hat and wand?

    The answer to all these questions is very simple—It’s our Mind. The ultimate of all magicians, the Superpower!

    You must have heard of the great sages and monks who walked through fire and on water. The dark lonely depths of the Himalayas are still said to be home for sages mediating through decades without food and water and also defying death! There are amazing visuals of people pulling a train with their teeth, holding their breath while a truck rolls over their chest, and bending an iron rod with the glare of their eyes! Science of yesteryears has called it all bullshit and as I write it, I am still compelled to put an exclamation sign at the end of the sentence. Actually I shouldn’t, because today this very science has hacked into its secret and acknowledged it to be true and have backed it up with relevant scientific proofs. Quantum Physics is the stream of scientific studies that is delving into the science behind this humungous power of the mind and is making progress in leaps and bounds.

    Physics tells us that this whole universe is a huge magnet which has an extensive magnetic field and we, a power house of magnetic bodies.

    What we think, say, dream and desire has a magnetic strength to it and connects with the greater magnetic wavelength of the universe. This magnetic strength has signals which contain electrons, protons and neutrons. Electrons, protons and neutrons are invisible to naked eyes but we can view them under a powerful microscope. They are real bodies even though we cannot see them. These bodies are released in the atmosphere by us. These then vibrate with the combined energy of the electrons, protons and neutrons of the same wavelength of the universe and bring home the wish or materialize the thought—good or bad.

    This means that the signals of a good thought will attract and combine with similar wavelength of the universe and a bad thought will attract and combine with like wavelength from the universe. And both will bring home the results of their individual thoughts. So now can we understand, a little scientifically, the reason behind the entire hullabaloo about ‘positive thoughts’?

    Our Universe has got the magical force that gives you anything you want—happiness, health, wealth… anything! It’s the natural law of the universe. It’s the ‘LAW OF ATTRACTION’. If I really get down to the crux of this law then it can be summarized in few a pointers

    ‘Believe in yourself as you are the part of God and God is nothing but you’

    ‘Do what you love to do and be joyful’

    ‘Take Massive leaps of faiths’

    LAW OF ATTRACTION is always in force, even when we are asleep, and not consciously aware of it. Through one of my most powerful workshops ‘IGNITING THE SPARK’ year after year I have tried to reach out to as many people as possible to make them aware of this very LAW OF ATTRACTION and the power of the mind through which this law works. There are step-by-step methods of using this Law and a scientific explanation to each of these steps to accredit their validation. Through this book you will be aware of the working of this machine—called Mind, and hence will be able to use it better and to its fullest advantage.

    Why am I doing this? Or why, you may ask, have I picked this up as my profession?

    This is because in an endeavour to give some meaning and direction to my life, I decided to go through this learning myself. There was a point of time in my life when I was not sure of my future. I was directionless. I really did not know what I wanted to do. I wanted to achieve something, but what that ‘something’ was I did not know. My mind was a junkyard of unrelated thoughts, useless and meaningless and I could not shift through them effectively. Since I decided not to tout the line of the general, I was labelled incompetent, useless, radar less, and someone who will not make it in his life. I believed in all these labels, but did not believe in myself. I stumbled. Every time I saw someone more successful than me, I got uncomfortable. I saw him as a huge superior being and thought it impossible for me to do anything like him.

    I never liked to do things which were challenging as I had a fear of failure. In order to save myself I designed an escape route—never to participate in any competition or any school or college event. Wow! . . . what a shortcut it was… . today when I look back I realize that had I continued following that shortcut, then I would have been responsible for the murder of the REAL ME.

    There were things I really wanted to do but every time I tried my hand at something I always failed. It was of course, someone else’s fault; always someone else, or something else, but never me. And then there were those two big words that we all take shelter in from time to time—LUCK and FATE. I was not aware of the things I knew. What I didn’t know could have filled up a book the size of a sky scraper!

    When I started to seek training, it was initially to improve my English. Then in a seemingly incoherent chain of events, one training automatically led to the other till I reached my zenith. I was made to realize, through these sessions and by my guru (teacher) that everything that we are searching for is within us, in our subconscious mind. No outside force is responsible for our failure or success, sadness or happiness, goodness or badness. The entire onus is on us.

    One of my Gurus says it very nicely—All I need, is within me now. And after going through a lot of practical life experiences, I can say it with a great confidence that‘YES! All I really need is within me NOW’. I am sure by the time you reach the last line of this book; you will also start believing in the same . . .

    So let’s ‘Dive Within’. For this very knowledge changed my life, gave me the required direction till I was burning to share it. I wanted to reach out to as many people as possible and share it with them, ‘the logic behind the magic’


    I am sure you might have come across many such situations where you had an intuition about something and that happened. I am also sure that many a times you didn’t want someone to do a particular job and he did exactly what you didn’t want him to do. You thought how stupid he is.

    I would be very blunt in saying that it’s you who is STUPID, not

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