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Permissible Praise: Rays of Hope to Light Your Way
Permissible Praise: Rays of Hope to Light Your Way
Permissible Praise: Rays of Hope to Light Your Way
Ebook362 pages3 hours

Permissible Praise: Rays of Hope to Light Your Way

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No more, Mr. Cocaine; do you stress me out. No more is my life a rout. No more can you win. God has the key and you cant win. Permissible Praise was written under the function of the Holy Spirit. After much prayer and seeking the right name for this book, it was given to me. These deep, heart searching and touching poems, prose, writings, etc tells the story of mans struggle from infancy through manhood. Youll experience mans struggle from drugs, alcohol, sex abuse, aids, and the love of money to the position of happiness, marriage, family and home life.

The soul of a people is expressed in poetry and song, writing and speaking. Permissible Praise illustrates the heart of mans inner connection to the Creator.
To the old, and young, and all in between, the daily problems that confront everyone; can or will make each of these poems come alive; whatever the situation.

Permissible Praise addresses a controversial and exciting style of poetry, inspires the spiritual mind, and motivates the uninspired to search the book for hope and solutions. The excitement within these pages will keep you reading; for it is hard to put down. When downloaded on your cell, IPad, or notebook, be careful, reading and walking can be hazardous to your health.

Release dateDec 29, 2014
Permissible Praise: Rays of Hope to Light Your Way

Zillary Easter

Zillary Easter, author, is a parent with one daughter and four granddaughters. Growing up with fourteen siblings introduced her to many personalities; and, conditioned her to be open to a wide range of eccentricity. Living in the Vermont Heights of Los Angeles, and the death of two sons fueled the poetic talent dormant since childhood. After leaving Los Angeles and moving to Jefferson, Texas in 1995, she had more time to devote to her writing of poetry, short stories, prose and songs. She is invited to speak, read her poetry, and sing songs, (written by her) throughout the local communities. Theoretical performances provides a channel to execute inner emotions for Permissible Praise.

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    Permissible Praise - Zillary Easter

    © 2015 Zillary Easter. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 12/15/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-5939-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-5940-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014922281

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Table of Contents

    Volume 1

    The Creator

    A Letter From The Lord

    Let The Church Roll On

    Life Without God

    If In My Life

    Experience Or Crucifixion?

    Because You’re God’s Instrument

    Our Christian Standing

    What Did Jesus Do?

    My Mama Said

    But, The Church Folks…

    God’s Will Be Done

    Praising God

    God Is Watching

    Take Time To Look

    Let Everything Praise God

    Showing Jesus’ Love

    Prayer Meeting Crew

    Kiss Of Peace

    Occasional Welcome

    While We’re In Church

    The Bible

    The Word

    Word Up: Be Prolific

    Be Adroit

    Revival Time

    Seek God’s Face

    What Will I Wear?

    God’s Favorite People


    Praise God I See

    Everything: God

    I Know My Father: Do You?

    Heaven… The Other Side Of Hell

    Hell…The Other Side Of Heaven

    The Other Side Of Quit

    Building Jerusalem’s Walls

    That’s Who You Are


    God Can

    It’s Time To Say, Happy Birthday, Jesus

    Wednesday: A Note To Jesus

    Much, Too Much; Too Soon

    Too– Much – Room

    I Pray

    Merry Christmas, Jesus

    Awesome Is Our God

    Faithing: A Must

    Time Is Winding Up

    Be What You Claim to Be

    But I Rather

    My Personal Lover

    Take A Good Look At Jesus

    There’s Something About Jesus

    I Found My Place In God

    Lord, Help Your Children

    When God Is At Work

    Pray In Jesus’ Name

    God’s House…New Zion

    Five Days of Vacation Bible School

    Beware! Beware!

    Don’t Count Sheep

    The Thunder of God

    Thoughts… Troubling Thoughts

    Bible Study And Prayer Meeting Crew

    How Do We Repay Jesus?

    The Beauty Of Us

    The Change

    Somebody’s Watching You

    Washed And Made Whole

    Good Is God

    America! America! Bless God!

    Dear Members

    Your Footsteps

    Who’s The Parent Now?

    Why Did You Come?

    You Are

    Fall: The Great Mass Of Color

    The I In Me

    How Dare You?


    Forget – Me – Not

    Love And Fear

    Lust, Love—Maybe

    True Love Is

    Love, Not Wine

    My Brothers And Sisters And Me

    Amatorious You

    Tell Me More About Malcolm X

    Volume 2

    I Am Afraid

    To Ponder

    What Has Happened?

    What Does It Take?

    Old Age


    Can We Say?

    Time Will Heal

    Someone For Me

    To See


    Dr. Seuss

    Yesterdays, Todays, Tomorrows

    Double AARP



    You Better Dig Two

    Satan And Sin

    White Man: What You Gonna Do?

    The One-Eyed Demon

    Little Miss Weed

    Mr. Cocaine, Your Honor, Sir




    Gambling Versus Faith–Choose

    What Iraq Doesn’t Do

    The Chess Game

    Happy Birthday, Fletcher

    Misappropriated Deeds

    The Tan, Green Grass


    Grandma’s Chair

    A Mother’s Plea


    The Other Side Of Through

    The U. S. Drug Siege

    Mr. President Barack Obama

    Who’s In Your Box?

    You Better Watch Out

    The Worst Scenario

    What If

    It’s Life

    To Whom It May Concern

    He’s Got My Attention

    Leave The Past Behind

    The Master’s Team A-men

    Spontaneous Life

    If I Am…What Are You?

    They Just Don’t Know


    Irreplaceable, Precious Time

    So Let Me Tell YOU Something

    Spring Cleaning


    Speed Of The Wave

    The Lakeside Park

    Devastation Of Any Kind Hurts


    Running Black Gazelle

    The Clouds

    The Days Go On

    Man And The Trees

    So Much To See

    A Stroll Through Nature

    Trees: The Time Of Winter

    Just To Comfort You

    A Letter To My Son

    Irreplaceable Mother

    Sisterly Friendship


    A Marriage Needs UNITY

    Unscheduled Appointment

    Mama And Daddy!

    The High Cost Of Low Cost Living


    Jesse Johnson (Daddy), Lucile Johnson Henry (Mother)

    Willie Henry (Step-Dad), Frederick William Henry (Brother), Kim Russell Bowser (Son), Ricky Bowser (Son), Raymond Johnson (Brother), Obie Lee Johnson (Brother), Clarence B. Bowser, Jr., (Son), Clarence B. Bowser, Sr. and Joe L. Easter.

    All deceased, yet live in our hearts.

    "Let the words of my mouth, and the medication of

    My heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, My

    Strength, and my redeemer

    Ps 19:14


    In sincere gratitude to God for giving me gift of this book.

    My caring and encouraging, wonderful and sweet beautiful daughter Sherrye A. Bowser, through whom God blessed me with four granddaughters: Zykiia M. Bruce, Shalacy S. Herbert, Kimberly R. Polanco, and Zillary Lucile Polanco - these I love very dearly. Sherrye hold, your change will come. Wait for the prize of your higher calling. I give you the part of my heart God allowed to you.

    Volume 1

    The Creator

    Eternal God Almighty; the creator and ruler of all things: How great Thou art; how awesome are Your ways. You, and You alone, created all and everything. When you speak, the lightning flashes. When you whisper the wind blows, soothes the trees and gently caresses the face of man. You look, and the flashing lightning and rolling thunder roam over the earth like hungry bears and elephants after their prey.

    It was You that pushed up the mountains and leveled the plains. Most holy and mighty Creator, the sun came forth in obedience to Your voice. In obedience to Your will, the moon shines at night that man may have light in darkness. Because of You, gigantic stars hang light years away in your universe, pointing the way and directs man’s gaze heavenward. You spoke and green grass covered the earth like a warm, fuzzy blanket.

    How great Thou art; how great is your handiwork, oh Creator! At Your command all creatures- creeping things, flying fowl of the air, fowl on earth, fish of all kinds, beasts in the sea and beasts of the fields came forth. You, and You alone, made one and all; You, The Creator. Man’s theory of evolution is that fish came out of the ocean/sea and learned to walk upright. ‘Yeh, right.’ God, You spoke and water exists; darkness fled when You spoke and light appeared: So man came from the water You spoke into existence? Oh, my!

    Our God Almighty, omnipotent, omniscient said, ‘Let us make man in our own image’ and made him out of the dust You brought forth; breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. (Genesis 1:26) When You saw man was lonely, You put him to sleep and from his side performed the first operation – removing a rib from man’s side and forming woman. God said, … Multiply and replenish the earth… (Genesis 1:28) He is The Creator.

    Now, man is so smart he contends with how the world came into existence. Wow! Man’s sin has destroyed the earth before. You sent Your only, precious Son to bring him back in relationship with You, God. Jesus restored man back to the kingdom of God. After man crucified Jesus, Jesus commended into your hand, Father God, His spirit. He was buried in a borrowed tomb, and you raised him from the dead. He spoke with Mary and Martha. He left and went home to You, Father and was glorified. He returned and met with the disciples, gave them their commission, boarded a cloud and went home to You again, Father. He shall return and claim His own – as King of Kings.

    All that believe in the Son, Jesus, as the Son of a living God shall be saved. He came to save those that are lost. Just in case, I’d rather be safe than sorry. Woe unto those that turn a deaf ear and won’t believe! Hell is hot and will forever be a burning hell for those who follow their master, Satan. What has he ever done for us but caused heartache, pain, destruction and chaos? This earth is his kingdom. Yet, we blame all disasters on God. We say, ‘Why does God permit so much death, and of innocent children?’ You’d never ask Satan that! Why, why blame God?

    I encourage all to please accept Jesus as your Savior. Ask Him to come into your heart. Believe! Believe! He is The Creator – God. Why take the chance? It won’t hurt to try. What will you lose?

    A Letter From The Lord

    Have you received your letter yet? It is the greatest and sweetest you’ll ever get. Mine read, Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)Then He let me know, ‘I love you, Zillary.’ Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. (John 15: 13)

    When I remember what He did for me, my whole being seemed to oscillate; knowing of my ignorance and neglect of His due praise. After receiving this letter from the Lord, Oh, how wonderful that was! I had to change. I knew I’d sinned and come short of God’s glory, because of what Jesus did on the cross.

    Without Him dying on the cross our souls would surely be lost. He also lets us know that when things go wrong, as they sometimes will, the road we trod seems all uphill. Let not your heart be troubled: Ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: If it were not so, I would have told you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. (John 14:1 – 3) When there are those that are trying to hurt and pick on you, remember Matthew 5:44, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you… To me belongeth vengeance and recompense; their foot shall slide in due time: For the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste. (Deuteronomy 32:35)

    The letter said, And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and mind, and with all thy strength: This is the first commandment and the second is like, namely this, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. (Mark 12:30 – 31)

    Upon reading this letter I knew I had to hurry and get my life together; because I found out it is really not about me, it’s about God and His people. What a revelation for this cold heart of mine! So, first I acknowledged I am a sinner; then I repented and prayed and asked God to forgive me. Now I will word up and become prolific so I can be a living testimony to all I meet.

    Thank – you – Heavenly Father – for – loving – me!

    Let The Church Roll On

    Let us go back to the old landmark so the church can roll on and on. The church is suffering and is displeasing to God because we, God’s people, allow it to be so. We allow cliques and cliches to run our church and we are afraid to speak up and out on the wrongness of it. When singing, believers are permitted to do as they please (as the secular world); singing what they please, doing anything, dance half naked and dirty dancing. Unrighteousness is permitted to go unchallenged and uncorrected. When sisters are plotting against another sister and their programs; brothers are permitted to have more authority than the pastor; permitted to disrespect pastors, members and children and court sisters over their wives in the church. The church is in Satan’s control. The so-called strong Christians have become weak, weak and weaker and your leader (which is no leader) has become tame and has lost his rod (or whipping stick) of God and His word and can’t help the church. Prayer and fasting is important to restore the church. When we no longer adhered to God’s instructions then we need, or got to go back to that ole time religion; back to where God says, in Colossians 3:23, And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men. We must let God be true and man be a lie. And let the church roll on.

    Let’s go back to Matthew 7:1 which says, Judge ye not and be ye not judged for whatsoever measure ye mete, it shall be measured unto you again. For with what judgment ye judge ye shall be judged. Back to, …restore such a one in the spirit of meekness … (Galatians 6:1b) and restore the friendship. Back to, ‘This is the house of the Lord’; Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and unto His court with praise.(Psalms 100:4) Come with me where spare not the rod and save the child, (young and old). Back to spare not the truth and save the church. Back to teaching God’s word which is sharper than a two-edge sword, cutting left and right even to the marrow. Go to, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7) Believe me; …ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32) Let us all go back, back to that old land mark. Back to the scriptural way of worshiping God in spirit and in truth! - to the word of Jesus, For we all have sinned, and come short of the Glory of God.(Romans 3:23) Back to, ‘I reach toward the goal of a higher calling, and stay in the service of the Lord.’(Philippians 3:14) We are to help one another. Who does it help if we hurt an unbeliever or a believer and we lose favor with God? The scripture says, ‘If your right eye caused you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you. For it’s better to enter the kingdom with one eye than to go to hell with a whole body.’ (Matthew 5:29) I would rather lose a friend with the truth than displease God with a lie.

    We must not be afraid to speak up and out against wrong in the church. Be sure the Holy Spirit is guiding and leading you. Let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.(Galatians 6:9) By inaction to save, we lose. If God is for us, He is more than the whole world against us. I would rather please God who can destroy both body and soul than man, who can only take my life. Let’s go back; let’s go back where we realize The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life.(Romans 6:23)

    Where There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. (Proverbs 14:12) Be not deceived; for God is not mocked: whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.(Galatians 6:7) Go with me where prayer is the key to the kingdom and faith unlock the door. Let’s pray that the Lord will keep us strong and study. "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2nd Timothy 2:15) Preaching faith in Jesus Christ and what He did for us on the cross. When the preacher stands firm in the Word and the people hearts are changed the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth, which is not of himself but of Jesus Christ. It’s time to word up. When you read and study God for yourself, you learn more about God’s attributes, His requirements, rules, statutes and will for our lives. The more we learn, the more we change and do; the more we mature, we get closer to God and the stronger we become. The stronger we become, we can fight off he wiles of Satan so as to make heaven our home; Jesus our brother; the Holy Spirit our guide and God our father. We become a royal priesthood to spend eternity in our father’s house, where there’s no pain, suffering, mistreatments, no recognition of your self worth as neither human beings nor living souls.

    Joy, joy; beauty untold- indescribable joy! Eyes have not seen nor ears heard what the Lord has prepared for the righteous believers in Jesus Christ (Corinthians 2:9) and on the cross what He there did. Sons and daughters and children, let us all go back to the old landmark; where the word is, was and is to come; the way and morality is the mode, elders are respected, children are loved and cared for. Please do not sell yourself short to Satan. Stand up; stand up for something. Stand if you have to stand alone! Remember God’s promises – stand on God’s word and let the church roll on, and on, and on. For right, truth, and soul saving, your reward will be great in heaven. Let’s go back, back, back to God’s will, way, purpose, and plan and stay in the service of the Lord.

    Life Without God

    Life can be tough

    But, if that is not enough:

    Sometimes times are good, sometimes bad

    Sometimes happy, sometimes sad

    Sometimes miserable, sometimes you’re just mad

    Life is tough without God

    Sometimes asleep, sometimes awake

    Sometimes a few hours, sometimes all day

    Sometimes healthy, sometimes weak

    Sometimes ill; lots of times, no sleep

    I tell you, life without God is tuff

    Sometimes lonely, sometimes glad

    Sometimes no friends, sometimes the best you’ve had

    Sometimes weak, sometimes strong

    Sometimes company; most times, all alone

    Life is just tuff without God

    Sometimes up, sometimes down

    Sometimes want friends, sometimes don’t want them around

    Sometimes hungry, sometimes too much in the pot

    Now, sometimes you have what you want; most times, not

    Look! Life without Jesus Christ and the cross is really just too tuff

    Sometimes your eyes hurt, sometimes they’re okay

    Sometimes your taste buds work, sometimes they go away

    Sometimes you feel you can walk a country mile

    Then sometimes, the very thought is just a pleasant smile

    Well, can’t you see that without God life is tuff?

    Sometimes you can sing, sometimes you can’t even carry a tune

    The beauty that’s lost carries a lot of pain and a heart rending wound

    Sometimes, sometimes your heart hurts; sometimes you can remember people’s names

    Sometimes days are different; then again, they are all the same

    Sometimes you don’t feel like moving; you can’t even go

    Sometimes you realize God answers not yes, but no

    Whatever! Know this for a fact –

    Life, without a doubt, is rough

    But! Life without God is tuff, tough, tuff!!!

    If In My Life

    In my life, I must live as if today is yesterday

    Yesterday was tomorrow and tomorrow will be today:

    For if I live as if today is yesterday was and tomorrow will be

    I will be in constant remembrance of

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