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De-Comprehensive Politics: Getting America Back to the Basics
De-Comprehensive Politics: Getting America Back to the Basics
De-Comprehensive Politics: Getting America Back to the Basics
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De-Comprehensive Politics: Getting America Back to the Basics

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In his ground-breaking new book De-Comprehensive Politics, Eric Kussman does a superb job of shedding light on the reason Washington D.C. is failing Americans today and then lays out a path filled with solutions which he argues will get this great nation back to the basics.
To borrow from a sports analogy, this country has taken its eye off of the ball and if we don't want to strike out we have to get back to what has made America strong over the past 200+ years. That is what Kussman has set out to accomplish in this amazing new book.
Today politicians take aim at one major issue, as was done with health-care in 2010 and then pass one massive bill which nobody fully reads, that same bill gets loaded with special deals to get people to buy in to it, but at the end of the day the problem ends up worse off than when this process began. This has to stop or America is going to be in trouble.
What Kussman has effectively done is he's gone beyond the broad issues in order to attack the many smaller problems, which as you will read are much easier to solve than a few really massive ones, in an honest and transparent way. This will also allow the American public to stay involved in the political process.
Utilizing his problem solving ability, common sense, and vast knowledge of American history, Eric Kussman demonstrates in this explosive new book how America's problems can be resolved if Americans can start uniting in order to focus on the many smaller causes of the problems instead of trying to attack all of them at once as one giant and complex issue.
Today more than ever America needs to look for De-Comprehensive solutions, as they will likely keep America the exceptional nation that it has been throughout its brilliant history.
Release dateAug 12, 2011
De-Comprehensive Politics: Getting America Back to the Basics

Eric Kussman

Eric Kussman is a first time author, De-Comprehensive Politics being his debut work. He is a graduate of Wheaton - Warrenville South High School and has attended College of Dupage. Eric is a full time administrator for an acquisition firm based out of Lombard, Illinois where he utilizes his common sense and problem solving abilities to accomplish any task that is placed in front of him. When he's not at work he also enjoys giving his time to charity through the Knights of Columbus and is dedicated to his faith, his family, and his friends. Eric has seen the path that this nation is on and has some unique ideas as to how to get America back to the basics.

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    Book preview

    De-Comprehensive Politics - Eric Kussman

    De-Comprehensive Politics

    Getting America Back to the Basics

    Eric Kussman


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    © 2011 by Eric Kussman. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 10/24/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-3481-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-3480-9 (ebk)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011911911

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    Chapter 1:

    Chapter 2:

    Chapter 3:

    Chapter 4:

    Chapter 5:

    Chapter 6:

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8:

    Chapter 9:

    Chapter 10:

    Chapter 11:

    Chapter 12:

    A Few Final Thoughts

    About The Author

    About The Book


    Before I get started I want to thank each and every person who reads this book, if someone doesn’t want to spend their hard earned cash to buy it, please pass on your copy to a friend as this message is an important one, especially as we head into the 2012 election cycle. America is the greatest nation on earth.

    Today we have drifted, our tax code which was once four pages long is now so complicated even Timothy Geithner (Secretary of the Treasury under Barack Obama) couldn’t get his taxes right. Our legal code is so complicated there is a chance you have broken some law over your lifetime which you didn’t even realize existed and our federal government is growing so morbidly obese that it needs to be restructured by someone who can lead America back to the strength it is known for.

    There are two reasons I’m writing this book, the first is that I see this country going down a path our founders had never intended and we, as a country need to get back to basics; re-educate every household while rediscovering our country’s history and pass laws which are simple and transparent and are good for the American people. The second reason is charity, I make ends meet, but I wanted to find a way to really give something back to those who give so much for our freedom and to those need it most, that is why 7% of any profits I make off of this book will be donated to the Wounded Warrior Project, 7% to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and if enough copies sell I would like to donate another 5% of my profits to both Saint Jude Hospital in Memphis, TN and United Cerebral Palsy—the work done by all of these organizations is going to make miracles happen and I know the money will be put to good use and help those people who need it most.

    We, the people need to get re-involved in our politics and this becomes more and more difficult when the legislation being drafted in Washington is over 2,000 pages long, as was the latest healthcare and the financial regulation bills being passed as this book is being written, yet neither bill attacks nor solves the heart of the problems they set out to correct. The reason we can’t have a full and honest discussion about either bill is because both are impossible to read, being 2,000+ pages a piece—even the former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi said We need to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.; a completely absurd statement and very few media sources are doing their job and picking up on comments like this one.

    The most important reason I’m writing this book is to show people we can and should become more informed and hold our elected officials accountable. When you meet someone running for office I urge you to ask them to pledge not to pass any comprehensive legislation what so ever. Our country does not need transformational change unless it is to get us back to doing what our founders had envisioned for our government. If we can start electing people who will solve problems, instead of those looking to make back-room deals in order which fit their agenda, or officials who want to expand the size and scope of government, then we can get our country back on track and pass on the brighter future to our children as has been passed on to us by our loved ones.

    Whether you are conservative or liberal, Republican, Democrat or Independent I urge you to sit down, grab a snack or beverage, then read through the issues and policies implemented in this book and discuss them over the dinner table with your family and friends. George Washington once said of the constitution, It was my sincere wish that the Constitution… might, after a fair and dispassionate investigation, shall stand or fall to its merits or demerits.

    What I am asking is for this nation to do the same when drafting its legislation today, and if you have ways to implement the principles in this book I ask you to stand up and be heard and even let me know your thoughts at (search for Eric Kussman, or de-comprehensive politics). If you have sound reasons or facts showing a better way to move forward, please let me hear them so we can work together to make them work for America. All I ask that we all be honest and candid, let’s keep to the facts and the issues rather than pointing fingers and calling names, let’s hear every solution out there and put the best ones into action based on the merits of that solution.

    Thomas Paine had it right when he stated If we do not hang together, we shall surely hang separately. He meant it literally at the time, but it still rings true when applied today—if we don’t work together to solve the problems this nation is facing today, we will all hang separately—not from a rope or by king’s order, but from the massive debt our nation is running up and the power of an over-reaching federal government with the executive branch taking on more control than our founders had ever intended it to have.

    We are at a crossroad America, please read this book and ask yourself one important question, which direction do you want to head? Is it towards passing smaller legislation targeted at problem solving and transparency so free enterprise and the American citizens are in control? Or do you trust our Congress to pass massive legislation, which nobody fully reads and as our President (Barrack Obama) now says will fundamentally transform America? Please join me as I make the case for de-comprehensive politics; the idea is to get government to pass laws our citizenry can learn about and understand in order to keep our politicians accountable for their decisions and make sure America is forever the greatest nation on earth.

    The theory behind de-comprehensive politics is if we simplify our legislative process and start passing bills measure by measure based on their merits rather than what deals have to made in order to get a bill passed, only the just bills, which are good for this nation will pass. If we take the perks or the pork out then we can get to solving actual problems without bowing down to the special interests of political groups or certain unions.

    For years we have heard politicians promise not to adhere to special interest groups, unions, political parties, and the list goes on—every politician says they want to change that system and I am offering them the opportunity to do just that. You, the everyday American are the most important element in making this work, if the elected officials representing us don’t adhere to this policy we must be effective in noticing that fact and be willing to vote that member out of office and vote in someone who will uphold our values regardless of whether the person has a D or an R in front of their names. Our nation has started down a slippery slope and it is our job as Americans to step up and get our country back onto the firm ground which it was founded on.

    My challenge to every Congressman, Senator, and President from here on out is to only pass bills measure by measure and on their own merits—if you haven’t fully read a law or if it has provisions having nothing to do with the legislation itself, please stand up for the people you represent and vote no or veto it. I promise if you apply the theory of de-comprehensive politics while in office, you will be more effective at solving issues facing America today and the transparency will help you reconnect with the public in a way that hasn’t been seen since the days Ronald Reagan. He always tried to act in a way that was right for America and her allies with no excuses—I ask you to look in a mirror and ask yourself can you honestly say the same?

    My goal throughout this book is to remind everyone in America what it means to be an American and then take a look at every major political issue facing America today and tackle them using my de-comprehensive strategy in order to solve problems. As you will see this approach will use reason, facts, and common sense in order to get to the heart of key issues and address the concerns of the every-day American like you and me without bankrupting this country or saddling our children and grand-children with a debt burden of this generation’s creation.

    Finally, we must remember the past or we are doomed to repeat it. Right now we are in a recession and government spending is sending us deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole; we have to take a hard look at the way we’ve been letting our government be run. Do we need massive programs like those created during the 1930’s which are still breaking our banks today? Would we rather cut back on the size of government and let private industry spur true economic growth like what was done in 1946 and 1947? What many people don’t realize is these principles helped to avoid a post-war recession and those principles can still be applied today.

    Part of what I will try to do when confronting each issue is look at the history of a policy’s implementation, and look to see whether a measure has proven effective or not—if we learn about our country’s history we can build a stronger future. We need to find ways to avoid recreating the mistakes of the past but still find ways to relive our nation’s successes which have made and will keep America the most exceptional nation on Earth.

    Chapter 1:

    The Rights Which Define A Nation

    Challenge yourself and your friends right now, can you name every right listed in the Bill Of Rights? If not then ask yourself, how many do you know? Every person who lives in this nation needs to know every right afforded to us by our founders, because if we don’t know what our rights are, we won’t know when they are being violated or stripped from us. Right now many people in my generation have the opportunity to leave our children something more than what our parents left us and that is knowledge of our founders and the principals which started this great nation.

    For those of you who can name every right given by the original Amendments authored by our forefathers I’m humbled by you, too many people today can name only the 1st, 2nd, 5th, and sometimes 4th Amendments because these are the ones we exercise regularly. That is where this chapter comes into play, I would like everyone to read this chapter and briefly rediscover our rights so as they become attacked by special interests or politicians trying to claim power we can stand together and defend the rights our forefathers bled for over 200 years ago.

    Realize that this structure our founders used to start this republic isn’t a two thousand page document. The founders broke down the major issues of the day and then established basic rights which they knew would protect America’s citizens, hopefully for the rest of time. The challenge we face today is getting back to drafting laws aimed at solving individual problems without changing this nation which we love.

    The Bill of Rights

    I’m of the belief that the one factor which makes our nation extraordinary is the rights for which its citizens are granted. No other nation has the Declaration of Independence and no other nation has the Bill of Rights, each one granting every citizen certain unalienable rights given to them by the hand of Providence or granted by the Constitution. I ask you to read the bill as written by our founders, don’t listen to what talking heads say it means, go to the source and listen to each word because every single one still rings true today:

    Congress OF THE United States

    begun and held at the City of New York, on Wednesday

    the Fourth of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine.

    THE Conventions of a number of the States having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best insure the beneficent ends of its institution

    RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following Articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all or any of which Articles, when ratified by three fourths of the said Legislatures, to be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution; viz.:

    ARTICLES in addition to, and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth Article of the original Constitution.

    Amendment I

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    Amendment II

    A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

    Amendment III

    No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

    Amendment IV

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

    Amendment V

    No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

    Amendment VI

    In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.

    Amendment VII

    In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

    Amendment VIII

    Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

    Amendment IX

    The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

    Amendment X

    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

    Before we jump into matters of public policy I just wanted to look at these rights a little closer and identify the way some of these rights are being encroached upon or in some cases being used in ways our founders never would have intended. I promise to be brief on this subject, for my goal isn’t to interpret your rights for you, but to highlight some of the blatant violations of these rights so we can eliminate them going forward.

    Let’s start from the top… The First Amendment is the most cited and probably the most widely known of our rights, it allows for freedom of religion and speech. If it wasn’t for this principal then George Whitfield never would have spoken in public squares, the revolutionary movement within our country might not have found their voice and we could still be living under the oppression of a king. This right was granted in order to give you and me a voice as well as make sure the press always had a way to hold our government accountable.

    As Thomas Jefferson stated, If I had to choose between government without newspapers, and newspapers without government, I wouldn’t hesitate to choose the latter. Many within the press aren’t staying true to our founders today, the press is supposed to be a watchdog, keeping our politicians in line. Still, this right remains amongst our most precious. You might also think more news organizations would be outraged by the FCC’s most recent threat to issue a license to broadcast live on T.V. and the radio. The government (no matter what department) has no right license free speech and cannot tell any American what they can or cannot say.

    There are people who also abuse this right, using it as a shield as a shield for hate speech and to incite violence, but as the Supreme Court ruled in 1942 in the case of Chaplinsky v New Hampshire fighting words are those that incite an immediate violent response are not protected. Advocating violence against any American is clearly wrong and is not protected by the Constitution.

    I ask you to stand up for free speech and the right to practice your religion, whatever religion you freely love. I realize this nation was founded on principals of Judeo-Christian philosophy, I mean George Washington made sure every regiment had a chaplain and every soldier attended regular mass. That being said, in this country we embrace every religion without government interference. We do this not to protect government from religion, but because it is our responsibility to protect our religions from the government; I’ll go deeper into this subject in a later chapter.

    The Second Amendment deals with the right to bear arms. This right was to ensure that if our homeland were ever attacked our citizens could defend themselves, some try to argue this right is outdated because we have the strongest military in the world. I argue this was not always the case and if we do have a major attack on our home soil, whether by terrorists or by a nation looking to take over the free world I know I will rest much easier knowing my fellow Americans and I can defend our homes as well as our neighborhoods.

    This right is surely going to be under attack for the rest of my lifetime. There are many people who believe guns kill people. The map below shows how the different states policies regarding how they deal with gun control; I think the fact that thirty-nine out of the fifty states allow carry laws says something, and according to a CQ Press study done in 2009 the top 7 states are New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming when it comes to lowest crime rates as posted by Insurance Journal March 25, 2009. The fact is that every one of those states has carry and conceal laws affording more gun rights to people who are willing register their guns and uphold the rule of law. To keep it simple reference the map below showing gun law by state as posted by in 2009.


    The right to bear arms is essential if we are to continue the American way. This right allows us to be our own militia if crisis ever should arise and also reduces crime in states where it is fully accepted, take it from someone who lives in a state ranked 31st, Illinois. We have some of the strictest gun laws in the nation and thus law abiding citizens can’t buy guns for protection, but criminals can still get them illegally and commit crimes against citizens who remain unprotected. Please never forget this right, for it is among our most essential.

    The Third Amendment hasn’t had to be used in years, there is no need for any soldier to take up quarters in our homes unless war erupts within our borders and even then we have plenty of empty homes to house the militia, especially considering how many have been foreclosed on as of late. This being said, if any soldier knocks on your door asking to take up residence, know that you have rights given by our founders to say no and go about your life without fear of prosecution or imprisonment.

    For the purpose of moving things along, I’ll just overlay the 4th and 5th Amendments; the Fourth Amendment rules that no government entity can search you or your property without probable cause. There must be evidence of wrong-doing before any search may occur.

    The Fifth Amendment protects you from having to incriminate yourself. This is big, in many societies you are guilty until you prove your innocence while in this country it is the other way around, and further you never have to do anything to help the state prove your guilt. What many people don’t realize is that this amendment also makes sure you can’t be tried twice for the same crime (double jeopardy) and nor can the government take our property without taking you to court or without providing you with just compensation.

    If or when you are ever told you have the right to an attorney, this right is granted by the Sixth Amendment which also grants us a speedy trial by an impartial jury of our peers. This is also where we gain the right to face our accuser in a court… Basically every right guaranteeing a fair legal process is granted by the 4th through the 6th Amendments, and the latter ensures we have access to a fair trial.

    The Seventh & Eighth Amendments are both self-explanatory so I won’t bore you by repeating the statutes. As for the Ninth Amendment, the founders said we are granted certain rights by Providence and that those rights, along with many others shall not be infringed (remember? Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness), that is where this Amendment comes into play… It makes sure the federal government cannot make a law which infringes on the rights of us, the people.

    The Tenth Amendment gives power to the states to draft their own laws and constitutions as long as they don’t oppose the U.S. constitution. We will look at this Amendment closer when we look at de-comprehensive immigration reform as well as a host of many other issues.

    Please hold each one of these rights in your mind and in your heart, don’t hesitate to look them over every once in a while and ask yourself if we are applying them appropriately today. Our founders struggled, bled, and some even died in order to pass these rights on to each and every American, we need to talk about the constitution, our founders, and our history if we are going to return our government to the republic that was handed down to us by our parents and grandparents.

    In addition to the bill of rights we must always remember our past if we are going to repeat history’s successes and avoid past debacles. When I look at the way our government has been run from George W. Bush’s fiscal policies during his second term in office to Barrack Obama’s first (and hopefully last) term I have to think patriots who helped to make this country the greatest in the world must be spinning in their graves. The expansion of government over the past few years is absolutely atrocious.

    With the help of a democratic congress, President Bush allowed groups like Acorn and the team of Barney Franks and Chris Dodd blow up the housing market echoing a similar bubble which blew up right before Franklin D. Roosevelt took office. Then we get to see Barrack Obama expanding the size and debt of our government to a level that will take this recession and make it a much longer term problem. He’s already accumulated more debt in two years than Presidents Washington through Reagan combined.

    Unless we change course, this problem will be paid for by our children and grandchildren, which I believe no parent would choose to allow—we need someone in the White House who will slash spending the way Mitt Romney once did in Massachusetts, the way Bob McDonnell is now doing in Virginia, Rick Perry in Texas, and as we have all seen Chris Christie is handling the debt in the state of New Jersey. Even Wisconsin’s new governor, Scott Walker is stepping up to the plate and making tough decisions. We also need good legislators like Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, and Evan Bayh in Indiana—people who will do what they think is right regardless of party affiliation, and push to get results for the good of the country.

    I am not trying to leave out anybody but I look at governors like Arnold Schwarzenegger of California and Pat Quinn in Illinois and I see lavish overspending and high taxes. California is beyond broke and they still bend over backwards for unions and special interests. Pat Quinn just gave state employees raises while our private sector is forced to cut back on raises and lay-off employees, not to mention since the state is already broke he has raised taxes on those of us who do work.

    Please America, we as a nation need to look closely at the people we are voting into office. Don’t look at a pretty smile or how smoothly they speak to you with fancy rhetoric. Ask the people who are asking for your vote how they will uphold the principals of the Constitution, ask them how they will act to get government out of our lives and let the people of this country make decisions for themselves. Finally, ask them if they will draft laws the length of which every American citizen can read and understand (in the same way the Constitution was drafted) and pass them measure by measure on their merits—the true meaning of de-comprehensive reform.


    Never before in history has a more intelligent class of men come together for a more noble cause than the signing of the Declaration of Independence as depicted by Artist, John Trumbull in 1817.

    Chapter 2:

    A Prescription for Positive Medical


    As of March 26-27, 2011 the latest Rasmussen polls show that 58% of people asked would favor repealing Obama-care and only 36% oppose repeal and Rasmussen’s polling has been historically accurate over the years. On top of that past polling figures show 44% strongly oppose the law and the trend doesn’t seem to be going down as we were promised. If you are part of that 58%, hold strong to your principals, ask to elect those who will do your bidding and repeal the law so that we can pass real reform to bring down costs, and not just pass the first 2,000 page legislation full of new government expenditures or special interest payoffs that can be brought up for a vote.

    In November of 2012 we are going to have an historic election, we will either elect someone who will repeal the law and attack the cost problems within the healthcare system without ruining the best system for care in the world, or we will elect a president who wants to fundamentally change America’s healthcare system as Barrack Obama has done.

    Once the over 2,000 page monstrosity of a bill has been repealed we can start to attack healthcare costs and coverage in a common sense, free market way that has always benefitted this great nation. We can get the states more involved in tailoring laws that fit with each state’s needs. When doing so we should try to look at the problem in two tiers.

    The first tier is tackling the cost of healthcare, there was surprisingly little done to this effect in the bill which was signed into law in 2010 to address this issue; that is why we must start over addressing costs first. The second tier is insuring the uninsured; this I argue can be done through free market and free choice principals and should be handled at the state level, every American wants to feel the security of having health insurance, the only part our federal government should play is supporting states to do this for themselves in a more affordable way.

    Reducing the Cost of Care

    The reasons I believe driving down cost of care must be done before insuring the masses are simple; if everyone is asked to get insurance they can’t afford they either won’t buy it or if they do you end up with a situation like what has evolved in Massachusetts. The bi-partisanship of Mitt Romney and Teddy Kennedy passed a good bill which met the goal of insuring 98% of MA residents, then as a new governor took office the new administration morphed the program into a more expensive measure which is costing the state more money than it would had there been more measures introduced to reduce costs.

    If the nation can lower cost of care first, then it will be cheaper for each and every one of us to purchase affordable care and this will make it easier for states to get their uninsured citizens covered. The other reason this should be done first is attacking the cost portion of this problem can be done easiest on a federal level where as insuring the uninsured I will argue should be done at the state level with a more targeted approach, which we’ll get into more in a little bit.

    One aspect I can’t stress enough is that every measure I’m suggesting be implemented should be legislated and voted on separately on its own merits, this will make our system transparent to the public and allow our laws to be passed or failed on the floor of Congress and the Senate based on how good or bad they would be for the country. Nothing should be added to any aspect of any bill that doesn’t pertain specifically to the basic problem which it is trying to fix.

    I argue that if a bill can’t be passed by the majority of Congress without adding special deals to it, it’s probably not that good of a bill for the country as a whole and should be voted down. The public will know who votes for and against each measure and then we, the people can decide whether our elected officials should hold office for another term or whether they should be replaced. That’s what makes our country unique as a representative democracy. That being said, let’s take a look at how to save Americans some real money on healthcare by applying de-comprehensive values to our policies.

    Taking Tort Out of Medicine

    After repealing Obama-care the first cost saving legislation I would recommend implementing is tort reform. This was not in the over 2,000 page bill at all; a possible reason being that according to the Federal Election Commission the legal industry has donated $43,071,129.00 through July 13, 2009 (dwarfing anybody else who was running for office in ‘08) to Barrack Obama. It’s no wonder that the one measure that would have assured some of the largest cost savings in healthcare (which is a huge part of what democrats promised this legislation was all about) was never implemented. It even would have brought about some of that bi-partisan support our current president promised the people when he was running for office.


    Tort reform would be the largest cost saving measure in the history of healthcare; according to a survey reported on September 23, 2009 by Investor’s Business Daily of 1,376 doctors, 48% said tort reform would be the best way to slow the rise of costs. The next closest was insurance reform at 18% which is something we are going to get to in a little while.

    In tort cases involving suit against a doctor or hospital when a huge verdict is rendered for the plaintiff, sometimes fifty-five to seventy percent of all money awarded can go not to the victim of whatever grievance occurred, but to the attorney who files the suit. While I feel a person should be paid for what they do, this seems a little bit excessive to me.

    It’s absurd that you could be permanently injured and instead of the money going to help compensate you for your bills, medical needs or in the case of cerebral palsy major life necessities, the bulk of the money can go to your attorney for filing the suit against your physician. I will note in smaller balance cases most attorneys take around twenty to forty percent, a somewhat more reasonable rate.

    This is a trend that should be reversed; tort reform should reduce the percentage an attorney can accept from his or her client. I’d hate to tell anybody what they can charge for a service rendered—it goes against the capitalist in me, but people are being victims of possible malpractice and then being taken advantage of by the attorney who has sworn to protect them, and the only solution to protect the victim is to put reasonable limits on what percentage attorneys can charge, specifically in medical malpractice cases.

    I argue we should pass a law stating in medical malpractice suits attorneys can only accept fifty percent or less of any major verdict awarded by a judge or jury, and that figure should be lower when the claim is smaller. This would allow the person who is truly wronged to be compensated and juries can award smaller verdicts when they feel it is appropriate, knowing the victim will actually receive most of that money being awarded by their verdict.

    According to Tillinghast-Towers Perrin, malpractice suits and tort cases are costing the hospitals of this nation more money than the cost of inflation. In the graph below you can see how our tort happy society is driving up the cost of care. I argue this is a trend we have to stop.


    Another aspect to tort reform involves the frivolous law suits being filed. It is inconceivable to me that attorneys can sue a hospital or doctor without cause and then when they lose the case not have to pay the legal fees of the doctor or hospital they filed the unmitigated suit against. Should we not protect the people who vow to help us when we need them the most? The first right given to us by our Creator is our right to life and these miracle workers help us preserve just that right, we should have protections in place so if somebody does file suit without cause, these doctors have recourse to recoup any money they might have lost.

    This is why I argue in any tort reform law (or in a separate law) there should be a line simply stating if an attorney files a lawsuit ruled to be frivolous by the presiding judge, the attorney and client filing suit be responsible for paying the legal fees of the doctor and/or hospital they filed the grievance against and must reimburse them for any financial cost the frivolous action has been brought upon that doctor or hospital in reference to the unsubstantiated claim. Meaning if a doctor or hospital

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