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The Genesis Men, Noah & Sons
The Genesis Men, Noah & Sons
The Genesis Men, Noah & Sons
Ebook126 pages43 minutes

The Genesis Men, Noah & Sons

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About this ebook

The Genesis MenNoah & Sons, is the second book of a Bible Study Series designed for small group use or individual study. The questions aim to inspire readers to really look at each scriptural passage, especially the terminology used and the setting in which the story is told by the Biblical author. This book continues the history of the men of Genesis by following the family of Noah from chapters 7 through parts of chapter 11. These verses involve the first rains that ever fell upon the earth, lasting 40 days and 40 nights resulting in the first flood and destruction for all humans and animals not housed on the historical boat that Noah and his sons built. Noahs sons repopulated the earth after the flood ended.
Release dateJul 13, 2012
The Genesis Men, Noah & Sons


TJ Johnson is a Californian retiree who loves writing and teaching about the Bible. Even after thirty-plus years of reading and studying the Bible (eighteen years as a teacher; twenty-three as a writer), she is yet amazed at how much more there is still to learn. And as she discovers new revelations, she is anxious to teach them to whomever is ready to learn more. Shes hoping you will investigate her teaching style displayed in her books. Of her six books, three are Bible studies and three are Bible review in puzzle format. TJ has written for her church newsletter, and Christian Education Bible Study classes, the National Baptist Convention of America, Inc., neighborhood newspapers, personal interviews, family history tree, family websites, and editing for various people. Advanced education and/or Seminary study has taken a back seat as Ms. Johnson concentrates on finishing the books she started writing in 2004.

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    The Genesis Men, Noah & Sons - tjjohnson

    © 2012 by tjjohnson. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 07/03/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-2868-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-2867-8 (e)

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    ~ Introduction ~



    ~ A New Beginning, Part I ~ Noah


    ~ A New Beginning, Part II ~ Noah


    ~ Son of Noah, Ham ~ Part I


    ~ Son of Noah, Ham ~

    Part II


    ~ The Curse of Canaan ~

    Part I


    ~The Curse of Canaan ~

    Part II


    ~ Son of Noah—Shem ~

    Part I


    ~ Son of Noah—Shem ~

    Part II


    ~ Son of Noah—Shem ~

    Part III

    CHAPTER 10

    ~ Son of Noah—Japheth ~

    CHAPTER 11

    ~ A Tower To Heaven ~

    CHAPTER 12

    ~ New Languages ~

    A Division Of Speech



    This book is dedicated to:

    Those who have been faithful,

    In Prayer,

    and Service

    To continue the work

    Which God has equipped us to do

    In our Everyday walk

    With Him.

    Those who offered

    Gentle guidance,

    Positive, constructive feedback,

    and appreciative comments

    That feed my confidence

    And determination to write.

    Thank You, and God Bless You.


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