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Earth Laughs in Flowers: Finding Intelligent Life on Earth—Right Under Our Noses
Earth Laughs in Flowers: Finding Intelligent Life on Earth—Right Under Our Noses
Earth Laughs in Flowers: Finding Intelligent Life on Earth—Right Under Our Noses
Ebook76 pages33 minutes

Earth Laughs in Flowers: Finding Intelligent Life on Earth—Right Under Our Noses

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About this ebook

For centuries, keen gardeners have talked to their plants and flowersand often been laughed at.

These days, studies into molecular chemistry and quantum physics have opened pathways to greater understanding of the environment they live in, how plants communicate with each other and even with us.

Kirsten Hartley graduated as a naturopathic herbalist and found her studies into the natural world of energetic medicine had only just begun. She started a fascinating journey using the stepping stones of ancient understanding of the natural world, coupled with modern science, searching for the key to unlocking natures multiple secrets.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJan 16, 2012
Earth Laughs in Flowers: Finding Intelligent Life on Earth—Right Under Our Noses

Kirsten Hartley

  Kirsten Hartley graduated in 1999, having studied under the legendary Australian herbalist Dorothy Hall. Her practice and further studies into energetic medicine started with herbal materia medica and went on to include Bach flowers, Australian bush flowers, and pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils.   Her fascination with living plant energies and their ability to effect profound change in the human body, mind, and spirit is a continuing journey. Kirsten Hartley is also an accomplished corporate executive, with over thirty years’ experience in retail, marketing, and business administration.  She has a special interest in assisting and mentoring women in business and is a tireless connector and networker.   Kirsten was born near London, England, and spent her childhood there until her parents moved the family to Australia in 1970.  Kirsten currently lives in Sydney and has twin sons and one grandson.

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    Earth Laughs in Flowers - Kirsten Hartley


    Copyright © 2012 Kirsten Hartley

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-4295-9 (sc)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011962672

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    Balboa Press rev. date: 1/9/2012



    In the beginning


    The world we share

    The delicate web of intelligence

    Vibrational frequency

    Building blocks

    Cellular wisdom


    For my parents, John and Pam and my sons, Carlos and Daniel.


    Bulkeley, Hunt, Willard, Hosmer, Meriam, Flint Possess the land which rendered to their toil Hay, corn, roots, hemp, flax, apples, wool, and wood.

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