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Structural Analysis 1: Statically Determinate Structures
Structural Analysis 1: Statically Determinate Structures
Structural Analysis 1: Statically Determinate Structures
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Structural Analysis 1: Statically Determinate Structures

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Using a general approach, this book supports the student to enable mastery of the methods of analysis of isostatic and hyperstatic structures. To show the performance of the methods of analysis of the hyperstatic structures, selected beams, gantries and reticular structures are selected and subjected to a comparative study by the different methods of analysis of the hyperstatic structures.

Release dateJul 31, 2018
Structural Analysis 1: Statically Determinate Structures

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    Book preview

    Structural Analysis 1 - Salah Khalfallah


    The main objective of this volume is to provide students of civil, mechanical, aeronautical and marine engineering as well as those interested in structural analysis with the essentials for analyzing statically determinate structures. This book allows them to acquire sufficient knowledge to study and analyze statically determinate structures. The reader will find a series of exercises at the end of each chapter that can be used to deepen their knowledge and improve their ability to master statically determinate structure analysis methods.

    This volume covers aspects of structural analysis such as trusses, beams, frames, cable structures and arch structures. The last chapter looks at influence lines for live loads, which play a role in the design phase of statically determinate structures.

    This book is the first of two volumes. It consists of two parts. Each chapter of the book is constructed in a specific way: an illustration of the objectives and the parts covered, a general introduction, a theory of the proposed approach, a numerical study of some examples and a summary at the end. Each chapter ends with a series of problems and exercises.

    The first part includes a general introduction to structural analysis (Chapter 1) and illustrates in detail the different types of loads that can be applied to a structure (Chapter 2). The load magnitude is evaluated according to European standards, including those adopted by France. The second part describes statically determinate structure analysis methods.

    This part is divided into eight separate chapters. Chapter 3 offers an overall analysis of determinate structures and looks into their external equilibrium. Chapter 4 looks at how to analyze trusses and several methods are given, such as the method of joint equilibrium, the method of sections, the graphical method and the matrix method. In this context, complex and spatial trusses are analyzed. In the same way, the analysis of beams and frames is developed in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 discusses the calculation of beam deflections using geometric methods. Here, elastic line deflection, direct integration and fictitious beam methods are reviewed. For the same purpose, Chapter 7 also discusses the calculation of deflections using energy methods, emphasizing the virtual work method. Chapter 8 describes the methodology for analyzing cables acted upon by concentrated and distributed loads. Also, arc analysis is described in Chapter 9, in which two types of arches are selected: semicircular and parabolic. The loads proposed here are concentrated and uniformly distributed. The last chapter illustrates the influence lines of the internal or external actions that are built under the effect of a moving unitary load along a beam, a frame or a truss.

    Finally, we hope that our approach in this book’s publication will meet the needs of students interested in this scientific and technical subject. Nevertheless, we are very aware that the work presented is not exempt from mistakes. For this reason, we warmly welcome any corrections and comments, which will improve future editions of this book. Comments or suggestions can be sent to the email addresses found on the website


    May 2018


    Introduction to Structural Analysis

    The teaching objectives for this chapter are as follows:

    – the role of structural analysis teaching;

    – the concept of a structure;

    – the development of structural analysis methods;

    – the distinction between categories of structures;

    – the calculation of a statically indeterminate structure.

    This chapter is descriptive and gives a general presentation of the preliminary aspects of statically determinate structure analysis. In the first part, we present the concept of a structure, the objectives to be achieved during structural analysis teaching and the history of its development. In the second part, we look at structural classification based on the structural dimension. Finally, we give the calculation of the degree of static indeterminacy of the structures.

    1.1. Introduction

    The primary role of structural study and analysis is to determine the internal actions and the support reactions of a structure subjected to mechanical loads, imposed deformations and settlements of supports. An action can mean either a force and/or a moment. In the same way, a deformation can mean a displacement and/or a rotation.

    Structures are classified into two broad categories: (1) statically determinate structures and (2) statically indeterminate structures. The three static equilibrium equations are used to analyze statically determinate structures. In this case, the support reactions can be determined using only static equations. As a result, internal actions, such as a bending moment, a torsion moment, a shear force, and a normal force, can be deduced using the internal equilibrium equations.

    On the contrary, for statically indeterminate structures equilibrium equations are not sufficient to calculate the unknowns of the problem. This means that the number of unknowns (the support reactions) is strictly greater than that of the equations. The difference between the number of unknowns of the problem and the equations is called the degree of static indeterminacy of the system or structure.

    1.2. Concept of a structure

    The word structure in the field of mechanics indicates any solid body that satisfies the following conditions:

    1) the presence of a material characterized by mechanical properties;

    2) the structure studied has a geometry or a form;

    3) the structure is linked to the external environment through the supports;

    4) the body is subjected to external loading.

    The definition of a structure is clearly projected in Figure 1.1.

    Figure 1.1. The conditions for defining a structure¹

    1.3. Structural analysis

    Structural analysis is the calculation of responses when a structure is subjected to a set of external loads. In general, the structural response is characterized by the determination of internal actions or deflections at any point in the structure. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to use a mathematical method, an experimental test, or an analytical or numerical model.

    In addition, the main role of structural analysis is to study structural performance when it is subjected to the effects of the external environment, such as a set of external actions, a movement of the support or a temperature change. The common features of structural performance, which are important during the design phase, are as follows:

    – internal forces: axial force, shear force, bending moment and torsion moment;

    – support reactions;

    – the deflections that occur after external loads are applied.

    The classical methods of structural analysis have calculation limitations that depend in general on the geometry of the structure or the applied loading (standard problems). Recently, the evolution of computing machines has led to an enormous development in methods of analysis, especially matrix methods.

    The purpose of the two categories of calculation methods is to arrive at a structural design that responds to criteria of resistance and economy, simultaneously.

    1.4. History of structural analysis

    Structural design and analysis is an ancient art and many civilizations have contributed to its development. For example, the Egyptian pyramids were built around 2000 BC with a civilization of the time.

    The first constructions were based on empirical experiments and rules constituting the fundamental basis of structural analysis. In this subject, the first principles of statics appeared toward 300–400 BC. Thereafter, the Romans contributed to the evolution of structural analysis by using stone in constructions up to 500 AD and by developing new forms of construction in arches and vaults.

    During the Middle Ages (500–1500), the Greeks and Romans collaborated in the development of structural analysis through the construction of cathedrals. During the Renaissance period, Leonardo Da Vinci (1452–1519) described the first theories of structures. However, Galileo (1564–1642) initiated the theory of mechanics of materials by studying the breaking of cantilever beams. Then Hooke (1635–1703) established the law of material elasticity for the first time. Johann Bernoulli (1667–1748) formulated the principle of virtual displacements. Daniel Bernoulli (1700–1782) studied elastic curves and strain energy in bending. Navier (1785–1836) initiated statically indeterminate structural analysis, and then Coulomb (1736–1806) published his work on the resistance of materials, in which he analyzed flexed beams.

    The noble period of structural analysis is the 19th Century. During this period, the theoretical foundations of the mechanics of materials and structures were widely developed. We can distinguish the following developments:

    1) the principles of the analysis of statically determinate truss systems, Whipple (1804–1888);

    2) the theorem of three moments, Clapeyron (1799–1864);

    3) the theorem of reciprocal displacements, Maxwell (1831–1879);

    4) the study of influence lines, Mohr (1835–1918);

    5) Castigliano’s theorem (1847–1884);

    6) the slope deflection method, Maney (1888–1947);

    7) the moment distribution method, Cross (1885–1959);

    8) the relaxation method, Southwell (1888–1970).

    Several researchers in structural mechanics subsequently participated in the development of matrix and modern analysis methods. In addition, the 19th Century saw the development of new materials, new techniques and structures with complex shapes.

    Over the past few decades, there have been considerable developments in the field of digital mechanics after the revolution in computer science and digital methods.

    1.5. Classification of structures

    Choosing which type of structure to use depends on several factors, such as the operating characteristics, the condition of resistance, the economy criterion, the aesthetics and the availability of the construction material. It is worth emphasizing that the loading system plays a major role in selecting the type of structure.

    The structures used in civil engineering can be divided into six categories. This classification is based on the structural dimension and the law of stress distribution in the structure. For these reasons, they can be classified as follows.

    1.5.1. Plane trusses

    The plane trusses are systems made up of several interconnected bars at the articled joints. The bars of a truss are subjected only to traction or compression. When the elements of a truss and the load are applied to a single plane, the truss is called a plane (Figure 1.2).

    Figure 1.2. Truss

    In this type of structure, it is only the nodal loads that can be considered in the calculation and distributed loads can’t be considered.

    In the same context, we can distinguish cable structures that are subject only to pure traction. This category is used in the construction of bridges or in the floors of special structures (Figure 1.3).

    Figure 1.3. Membranous structures

    In general, analyzing a truss cannot be established by a consideration of the plane due to the size of the structure and the applied loading system. In this case, it can be studied as a spatial structure and the load is distributed according to the three geometrical dimensions. Similar to plane systems, external forces generate only normal stresses in the bars of the truss (Figure 1.4).

    Figure 1.4. Spatial trusses

    1.5.2. Beams

    A beam is a rectilinear structural element. In general, beams are solicited by loads applied on the same geometric plane and perpendicular to the middle axis. In this type of structure, the applied loads cause bending and shearing forces. The normal force is neglected when the applied loads are perpendicular to the axis of the beam (Figure 1.5).

    Figure 1.5. Beams

    The internal actions at any section are generally a bending moment, a tangential force and a normal force (Figure 1.6).

    Figure 1.6. Internal actions

    1.5.3. Frames

    Frames are systems composed of several rectilinear and/or oblique elements interconnected by rigid joints. In this case, external loads can be applied to the joints and on structural elements. In plane frames, the elements and the loads are linked to a single plane. The structural elements are acted on by bending, shear force and normal force due to the external loading system (Figure 1.7).

    Figure 1.7. Frames

    Space frames are the most appropriate in civil engineering buildings. The loading system is applied along the structural elements and at the joints. Generally, the loads generate bending, shear, normal force and torsion as internal actions. (Figure 1.8).

    Figure 1.8. Three-dimensional frames

    1.5.4. Crossbeams

    The crossbeams are composed of a layer of rectilinear elements arranged on the same plane constituting a series of beams. The loading system is applied perpendicular to the structural plane. The internal loads that can be envisaged are bending, shear, normal force and torsion. The crossbeams are designed to bear heavy loads of slabs, sports halls, auditoriums, etc. (Figure 1.9).

    Figure 1.9. Crossbeam structures

    1.5.5. Arches

    Arches are structures with an inverted curvature in relation to cable structures (Figure 1.10). Arches are designed to bear loads with a long span and they must be rigid enough to maintain their shapes. The applied load generates a normal force, a shear force and a bending moment that are considered during the design phase. Arches are used in the construction of bridges, domes, sports halls, department stores,

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