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Alternative Lyrics: Book 2
Alternative Lyrics: Book 2
Alternative Lyrics: Book 2
Ebook37 pages30 minutes

Alternative Lyrics: Book 2

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About this ebook

These poems are all inspired by songs recorded by well-known Artists. It is a varied collection, exploring many feelings, but all have one thing in comment. They were all created by a bipolar writer. I’ve never taken my condition literally. Why Bother? Nothing can change me, I am what I am and, sometimes, that reflects in my work. Love or hate it, you may or may not find a thread to relate to but, regardless of that, sometimes poems just want to be written, and that’s all there is to it.

For the Dreamers, not the Doers x

PublisherTam Sturgeon
Release dateJul 29, 2018
Alternative Lyrics: Book 2

Tam Sturgeon

Writing History of Tam Sturgeon1970’sI find myself reciting poetry at middle school in Christmas Assemblies. Pam Ayres a particular favourite (and remembered to this day).1980’sI start writing poetry in Secondary School, after finding a poem in a Sunday Supplement. An emotionally charged home life gives me reason to lose myself when my mother is being all weird and shouty. Poetry takes me away from that. I find it comes easily and is prolific. I write various lyrics and silly ditties for birthdays and weddings.2003-2004I start my first novel, Champagne Hurricane, a rock and roll love story, whilst I’m having an emotional breakdown. The first in the line of my life changing events starts with my Father dying then my first husband leaving me, all within 18 months of each other. I’m awarded Runner-up in a Writer’s Forum Magazine Competition. I start Art College and use my poems as part of my finals. It earns me a Distinction. I find I have enough material to write my 1st and 2nd book of poetry.2004-2009The next three books of poetry are written, one after the other in quick concession. I then relocate to Somerset. The novel is put on the backburner, due to a demanding second husband which ends very badly for me.2010I relocate back to Bucks, finding myself with little to show for my time away. I return to my writing and the first novel, which is finished before the New Year.2011A massive near fatal heart attack in the March leaves me on the verge of another emotional breakdown. I start to write my second novel and take a very level headed look at my life. Being housebound pushes me back into writing once more, and two more volumes of poetry are poured out before the end of the year. A new novel is also started, a Werewolf and Vampire love story, which runs parallel with the second. Six others novels are also dabbled with, but soon fall by the wayside.2012I finish the second, and two more books of poetry are completed. A 10th volume of A-Z Pocket Poetry is then completed. The third novel, still in its infancy, is set aside as the rhythm of the ode becomes my favourite once more. I tell myself the poetry collection will end at volume thirteen.2013With the New Year comes more poetry, the 11th book, 12th, and 13th. Later that year my first novel is ePublished to and is welcomed with open arms by the readers, gaining 10, 5 star reviews, at this time I also ePublish three volumes of poetry. There is also a 14th book of poetry written. Sadly, it was partly lost due to my hard drive burning out. Some is salvaged, but it remains nameless and unpublished, to this day.2014‘Champagne Hurricane’ continues to gather followers as the poetry collection grows. I spend time in Canada and write the 15th volume, which is then made ready for ePublishing. The 16th book of poetry is started and finished shortly after. Come the Christmas of 2014 I have started yet another novel. Champagne Hurricane is suddenly rendered a trilogy.2015As the storyboard for Book 2, Different Directions, slowly comes alive, more poetry is produced. Lyrics are dabbled with, yet again, and along the way several other projects are started, most of which are all put on the backburner as the novel becomes a constant time-filler. By the end of 2015 Book 2 is a finished novel, plus I have rewritten and renamed Book 1, now known as Never Forever, under The Champagne Hurricane Trilogy title.2016At the turn of the year the 17th volume is started and then finished come the end of spring. A break is taken to travel. Upon my return, things pick up where they left off. The 18th is started, along with the Book 3 in the trilogy, Between Favours. These run side by side and see me through another summer, both finished about the same time. I also start writing a fantasy novel relating to the myth of unicorns and why broomsticks can fly. I get half way and am distracted by the thought I am wasting my precious time with needless thing, i.e. all the stuff I’m cramming into my laptop on a daily basis. I stop writing for the rest of the year, frustrated with not knowing what to do with any of it.2017So, anyway, early in the year I unpublished one novel, due to its lack of interest. I delete it from my back-catalogue, permanently. The 18th volume is then completed before the summer and the 19th is started. With The Champagne Hurricane Trilogy complete, what to do next? I write my first Action Thriller, a Novella, and finish it in a little over six weeks. As the close of the year faces me, I am ousted from my job of three years for highlighting a Toxic Manager case. I am rendered jobless in the New Year, with huge debts and nowhere to turn.2018The first two months of the year are taken up with ill health and what is to become another trilogy. Rewritten for the Young Adult and Teen market, the now gruesome trio, are all based around the same random grisly event but set in different eras, trips from my fingers. This is shortly followed by another short story, which almost touches on Sci-Fi, and is also initially aimed at the Y/A &Teen market, though it could also be enjoyed by anyone into the genre. It is at this point I also finish the 19th Volume of poetry and start the 20th. I diversify yet again, writing my own lyrics to classical and mainstream music. Drawing from my own personal experiences, I compose forty plus alternative ways of wording them. Alongside this, I turn myself into a product and decide I have enough material to approach the Agents and Producers in both the literary and music business.Find me on:TwitterInstagramFacebookThank you

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    Book preview

    Alternative Lyrics - Tam Sturgeon

    Alternative lyrics

    Book 2

    Published by Tam Sturgeon at Smashwords

    Copyright Tam Sturgeon 2018

    This novel is entirely a work of fiction.

    The names, characters and incidents portrayed within it are

    the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to

    actual persons, living or deceased, or any events

    mentioned is entirely coincidental.

    Tam Sturgeon asserts the moral right to

    be identified as the author of this work.

    Cover imagery courtesy of the author.

    Cover design by Tam Sturgeon.

    Copyright Tam Sturgeon 2018


    These poems are all inspired by songs recorded by well-known Artists. It is a varied collection, exploring many feelings, but all have one thing in comment. They were all created by a bipolar writer. I’ve never taken my condition literally. Why Bother? Nothing can change me, I am what I am and, sometimes, that reflects in my work. Love or hate it, you may or may not find a thread to relate to but, regardless of that, sometimes poems just want to be written, and that’s all there is to it.

    For the Dreamers, not the Doers x

    All You Are

    (Inspired by ‘Waiting for Superman’ by Daughtry)

    I’m wishing my days away on a silly dream

    I’ve been, flogging a dead horse or, now, so it seems

    I’ve seen, a million dreamers with that faraway stare

    Like they lost it somewhere and now it’s stranded out there

    They’re like, trying just as hard they’re the same as me, it comes naturally

    And I laugh, oh, do I laugh

    They’re pushing at boundaries, they’re leaving their mark

    They’re blazing a trail through the endless dark

    Keep moving towards it, to follow their star, trying to be all that they truly are

    They’ll go far, yeah; they’ll go far, yeah

    Be all that they truly are

    So, where do I take it when I’ve worked it out, what’s it’s all about?

    I need, to get my feet back onto more solid ground, try and turn this round

    I hear, a million losers as they tell the same lie, like they’re too scared to try

    But they just never know why

    They’re like, pushing aside they’re only open door, but I know there’s more

    So, I laugh, oh, the way I laugh

    Yeah, I’m pushing at boundaries, I’m leaving my mark

    I’m blazing a trail through the endless dark

    Keep moving towards it, to follow my star; I try to be all that they truly are

    And I’ll go far, yeah; I’ll

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