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Stepping out of Darkness
Stepping out of Darkness
Stepping out of Darkness
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Stepping out of Darkness

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Kalyse was looking for a way out of her darkness, little did she know making it into the gates of glory would be harder than she believed. She had been too evil to worship with the angels in heaven and too good to dwell with the demons from her past.

Avery always thought when he was called into the Heavens he would be at rest, but his spiritual battle had just begun.

Lester knew everything there was to being a bad boy. But once those chains of struggle were broken and he finally saw the supernatural light of life, would he accept it or forever be blind? In these three strong characters manifestation would they find peace, joy and even love from the seen and unseen?

Release dateSep 21, 2015
Stepping out of Darkness

Evyn Vernee

Evyn Vernee is a criminal justice graduate from Ohio. Her faith-based background influenced the creation of the supernatural saga including novels such as- Stepping out of Darkness, Upon the Light and future coming Hidden Sorrows. Evyn has used a mystical fiction twist to explain her and others testimony, addressing spiritual warfare, addictions and the ups and downs of relationships. These relationships consist of family, friends and even Christ.

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    Stepping out of Darkness - Evyn Vernee


    Copyright © 2015 Evyn Vernee.

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    iUniverse rev. date:  09/17/2015




    A New Beginning

    My Earthly Family

    Hello God

    Out With The Old, In With The New

    Darkness Shows Its Face


    The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree

    So I Heard

    A Different Love

    Family Secrets

    Part 2

    So We Meet Again

    Guilty Of Spiritual Association

    Letting Go


    About The Author

    Darkness to Light Series

    Stepping out of darkness

    Kalyse was looking for a way out of her personal darkness. She did not know to make it into the light would not be so simple. She had been too evil to worship with the angels in heaven and too good to dwell with the demons from her past.

    Avery was a good man. He loved his family and church deeply but he would soon find out that when his God called him home, rest was not going to be easy. His spiritual battle would have just begun.

    Lester knew everything there was to being a bad boy. But once those chains of struggle were broken and he finally saw the supernatural light of life, would he accept it or forever be blind? In these three strong characters’ manifestation would they find peace, joy and even love from the seen and unseen?


    Evyn Vernee

    [July 2015]


    I would like to acknowledge my editor Mike Valentino and my loved ones that have been supportive of my dreams from the beginning.


    Doing the right thing was not Ralph’s strong suit. His father, did not seem to understand the darkness that lay within his son. Twirling his basketball at the tip of his finger, Ralph became frustrated. He heard his father yelling at his mother about his future or at this point his many failures. His mother seemed to be consumed with fear.

    Ralph on the other hand, found calm in his father’s music and enjoyed their time together. Unbeknownst to anyone, Ralph’s struggle had become deeper than either of his parents knew. Placing the ball to the floor, he deliberately traced the metal of the gun. A tear fell to his cheek, as he pulled his glasses from his face. A gesture that had an outcome like no other night. On this night the figure of a shapely older woman appeared before him. She was draped in purple and gold but unlike most her head wasn’t covered. Ushered in by the blinding sparkle of a silver key hanging from her neck. Ralph squinted to shield from the brightness. Her voice was magical. Each word spoken was accented with grace and wisdom. Still not saying just who she had been. She comforted him with a story he would tell generations to come.

    That has always brought true joy to my soul, the woman commented. Ralph was startled. He suddenly remembered the gun and hurriedly hid it under his pillow.

    Who … Who are you? Ralph struggled to speak.

    I will be happy to tell you but I’ve come because I heard music. Now that I am here, I see that you are having a difficult time in making a decision, the nameless woman said.

    I’m sorry but my parents constantly argue into the midnight hour, Ralph blurted out. The unexpected guest sat next to the young man. She uttered words that assured him that come morning all would be alright. She encouraged him to sit still and enjoy the melodies of his father’s music. Those same melodies would someday soon be appreciated.

    Can anyone else see you? Ralph asked while reaching for the woman. He felt nothing.

    No, but I am here. I am here for you. You were set free before this day, she said, while bending to touch the ball. Ralph was startled by her movement. As he shifted his body, the pillow moved. He caught a quick glance of the gun. Feeling a wave of nervousness Ralph unplugged the fan. The woman continued to speak. I have a story I would love to share so where should we begin? Oh, yes! How you came to be and where you shall end.

    I’m too old for bedtime stories, Ralph said.

    Well how about me telling you my story? First I would like to ask that you pray, the woman kindly suggested.

    I don’t know about that, I mean who are you and why are you in my room? I must be hallucinating. Ralph blinked and rubbed his eyes. He was trying to recall where he had placed his glasses.

    Oh, let’s not be concerned about me. I discern that you don’t know your roots. From the looks of it, you are oblivious that you are a part of a strong family. A family adopted by the Almighty, the woman said deliberately and softly.

    Ralph suspiciously glanced at her and replied, Whatever! So you said you had a story to tell me. Go ahead Beauty, anything will help at this point in my life. Ralph closed the door. He felt consumed by the ongoing sound of his father’s heavenly music. In her soft spoken voice, the apparition of a woman began to speak of the unknown, the unseen and the soon to come …


    Water flew from the most unusual place mortals could imagine. It was a place many did not want to think about. There were caves made of crying rocks and burning flames. A place where many of the unclean and forgotten called home. It was a dwelling that was anything but pleasant. A habitation known as The Underworld. The scenery was overflowing with maggots, decayed bodies, and unforgettable spoiled smells. This place was also known as Hell.

    Although many levels were present in The Underworld, these visions had been beyond any mortals’ imagination. Everyone was a part of this bigger picture. All were a part of this spiritual realm. The year is between twenty-nine and thirty-three A.D. This is her story of The Underworld, home to her and many others centuries ago and centuries to come. The Queen’s memories had been formed and fashioned until one day she met a man who changed her life in a place recognized as Eternity.

    Kalyse, you must prepare yourself quickly for the meeting, I need you by my side at all times, Master Source commanded.

    Yes, Master, Queen Kalyse obliged.

    The two were walking into the halls of darkness that bore glimpses of lighting from numerous torches. Hail to the Queen, the crowd shouted while they bowed to their Source and their Queen. The two took their royal seats known as the Throne and The Beast.

    The Queen’s black dress clung tightly against her bodily curves. A long silk tail trailed behind her. She exuded an elegance beyond the power of the naked eye. Wearing her luxurious lock of hair tightly pinned into a bun. Master Source held her soft hand, squeezing it tighter while the spirits of darkness lined into their assigned positions. He quickly whispered for her to behave as expected.

    No good spirit talk today, daughter. Shall we! Warlocks, witches and demons stood at ease. They patiently awaited the bell ring to initiate the meeting. Silence manifested whenever the Source spoke.

    Underground, we call this meeting to address much that is in store within the days to come. A supernatural battle is on the horizon. It will be remembered for decades to come, Master Source bellowed. He turned to Gina, the psychic, for insight. What trouble awaits us, Gina?

    Committed to her duty, she spoke without hesitation. I sense people changing. Changing from their evil ways and becoming redeemed, she testified.

    Only the flocks of lambs and meat have been able to redeem. The child is now a man? Quickly everyone! We must take action at once! Master Source instructed.

    Yes, Master! they chanted in unison.

    Witch Labella asserted, We need to assign witches and spirits to individuals, countries and cities.

    Very well then. Hand the Book of Life to me, Master Source dictated.

    Warlock Drew placed the Book of Life into the Source’s hand. This book consisted of every human’s name, every city and all countries. It pertained to the good and bad deeds in life as we knew it. With the Book of Life spells were conjured up to war against what wasn’t evil and to battle any goodness that stood in the Source’s way. As Master Source flipped through the pages, he assigned a spirit to a certain individual and city. He smiled from time to time when the earth realm would conjure up spells, since they only helped the growth of The Underworld.

    Spirit of Envy, Spirit of Greed and Spirit of Deceit you will take over the universe of the East. Spirit of Lust, Spirit of Anger and Spirit of Fear take over the universe of the West and North. Warlock Drew directed each entity to its destination. The gathering soon came to an end. The crowd dispersed into various directions. Young warlock was assigned to accompany Master Source onto his journey for the next few days.

    As the spirits and demons returned to their resting places, Kalyse entered her room to rest for the evening. She didn’t make it a habit come out, for Master Source wanted to show her off only during special occasions. Isolation yielded no new knowledge of her surroundings or the plans that future witches and warlocks created in the atmosphere. Kalyse was unaware of many things around her. Crows perched at the end of her, while they surveillance the premises. She picked up a cloth to wash the makeup from her face when suddenly she heard footsteps behind her. Kalyse was instantly startled. Out of reverence, she shyly turned away from her Master. The Source stood in confidence. He breathed down the back of her neck. She glared at his presence in her mirror. She felt the caress of his fingers against her skin.

    My Queen, how was your evening? he seductively inquired.

    Same as always. Kalyse waited for Master Source to respond but when he did not, she continued. I do not understand anything but of course who am I to voice my opinion? Master Source found pleasure in her humbleness. He knew if there were ever a time to give her knowledge it would have to be now, for he had started to adore her.

    You enthuse me when you speak with such demureness … you belong to me, Kalyse. Your mother brought you to me in your nothingness. Your lack of knowledge and bashfulness are what has you here. Master Source places his hand to her chin, lifted her eyes to the reflection of herself. Look at you my child, your face has a scar, the scratches on your back, beauty is not of you. Evil is reflected.

    If this is all so, why do you choose me as your Queen? Kalyse questioned his motive.

    You know not of whom you belong. You never will even remember who you were meant to be so I take you as my Queen for that reason. His voice lowered in passion.

    Who am I? asked Kalyse.

    Someone I plan on never letting go. I’m leaving and will be gone for many days. Perhaps even months. I will return then and now but most of my time will be roaming the earth. Leon and Lester will accompany you and make sure you’re on your best behavior, Master Source teased.

    Lester and Leon were identical twins who bore the spirits of lust and angered assigned by the Source. Their skin tone was light tan complexion. Lester’s body was very strong. His facial features and poise attracted many women in The Underworld. Each of his arms and his neck were covered with a myriad of tattoos. Illustrating the evils of desire and rage. They were depictions of skulls, flames of fire, swords, and knives. Leon on the other hand, had a body free of brandings. He stood at six-feet and three inches tall against Lester’s six-foot frame. The brothers were demons. Spirits that were of class in the world of darkness.

    Master Source placed a smooth- skin mask onto his demonized features. He had many mask and costumes to camouflage himself in the natural realm. He whispered a few instructions into Lester’s and Leon’s ears after kissing the Queen’s cheek and before exiting the door to roam the Earth. Kalyse sadly wondered when he would return. As though he read her mind, the Source commented, I shall return. I feel you aren’t doing so well so I ask Lester and Leon to satisfy your flesh for the rest of the night.

    I’d planned to read The Book of Life tonight and then rest. Kalyse sighed as she turned to the Source.

    You want to learn how to conjure up a spell? Master Source smiled.

    Looking down in despair, she explained her feelings. No, I’m tired of not knowing. I want to know what’s going on, I want to read the book.

    You may read if you wish, but first Lester and Leon will have their way with you. It will be good for your spirit. Master Source looked downward then towards the one he adored. Well, I’m afraid you’re not strong enough to handle what’s in the book.

    Yes, Master I understand. Kalyse walked to her bedside.

    Master Source departed as Lester and Leon touched Kalyse saying not a word. Lester’s lips found rest on her neck. She could feel his breath and body heat against her. Leon ripped her gown, tearing it to nothing but rags. Lester’s hand grabbed her arms tightly. Laying her bare body on a bed of red sheets, feeling the drip of his sweat fall upon her sweet skin. Although the heat was intense, it wasn’t enough to consume the lust within. Lester took his time as his evil energy manifested into her soul. In that moment they became one. His tongue outlined her nipples as her breasts raised. Leon’s anger grew once he took control, the demons had reproduced seduction. Kalyse gave birth to anger, as her eyes weakened her memory became unclear of reality.

    Our Queen, we see we have pleased you. Shall we be on our way? Leon asked.

    Wrapping herself into the soiled sheet she replied, Yes please. Also, ask Gina to meet with me before I lay.

    As you wish, Leon replied.

    Before walking completely away, Lester turned to Kalyse once again. His eyes shined bright matching the flames of fire. He smiled as if he had just had a full course meal. Turning to the Queen, he couldn’t help but to realize that her presence and power were great. What was the Source to do with such beauty? he thought. Lester could feel himself becoming fond of Kalyse. The compulsive thoughts of holding her made him want to destroy whomever caused harm to his Queen.

    Kalyse lit a candle, as she looked for her hidden treasure. Is there a problem, Lester? she asked.

    No, my Queen. I just wanted some time alone with you. To speak with you I mean, Lester said carefully selecting his words.

    You may speak, she said, giving her attention to the servant

    I will probably be destroyed or manifested in the world for doing this, but I can’t help my habit of lusting after you, Lester confessed.

    You have lusted over many women, Lester. I’m aware as we have spoken of this before. I’m okay with it, for I am well pleased in our times together. Kalyse turned to watch the flame.

    Yes, my Queen. But we exist and then we don’t till the end of time … until the final battle, Lester said in a sad whisper.

    What final battle? Kalyse becomes curious.

    It’s not my place to say. But Master Source has trusted that I am here for you. Remember what I have placed in your hand?

    Yes the key. Kalyse smiled.

    Forgive me for yes it is stolen, but it is to show you my love. Remember it always; the day may come when you will need it. Lester held her hand.

    The Queen embraced her gift with joy, pulling it from under her pillow she replied, It’s beautiful, Lester! I’ve never seen anything so wonderful.

    I have fallen for you, Queen. But Master Source is too powerful and I am his right hand man. I am only to watch over you. Lester’s voice expressed a self-conscious love.

    Suddenly lapsing silent, the Queen spoke softly but with much courage. I don’t care what the Source’s plans are. I am the Queen and whenever I want you we have the right to be together. I know you care; for this key is filled with love and power.

    I have to go now. Business awaits. Lester nervously departed.

    Kalyse felt lonely already as Lester returned to his duties. She began to daydream of the days she would not feel captivated under the control of her master. She reminisced on the enjoyment from the touch and love of Lester. Her thoughts were interrupted when her only trusted friend Gina entered the room. Gina immediately bowed to Queen Kalyse’s presence. Her manicured nails and soft hands covered the clearness of her crystal ball. Her light eyes glared into the glass as she spoke of what she saw.

    Queen, I see a celebration and it will not be long, for our Source shall return with joy. We will rule all nations in due time.

    Will I finally gain the respect I’ve always wanted from my Master? Queen Kalyse asked.

    You will gain that and more, My Queen for you shall have power.

    Power? The Queen was intrigued.

    Master Source is the only powerful spirit in the Underworld for we are just his followers. There is no other more powerful … but one, Gina said.

    Who is this one? What master could be more powerful than our own? Queen Kalyse countered.

    The Almighty. But there is more I see. I see the Almighty has manifested his son on earth. This is not good for The Underworld. This being is the man of redemption. Gina silenced herself.

    The Queen questioned Gina further on this sudden master of power. Will Master Source defeat him?

    I cannot say, the crystal is no longer clear. Gina allowed her fingertips to flow from the glass. The Queen became frustrated. She did not know what to believe. She questioned what was of truth.

    Very well. I will read the Book of Life to know more. Kalyse dismissed Gina

    As you wish, my Queen. Gina gracefully exited the room.

    The Queen opened the Book of Life. As she read, it allowed her to understand that her Master had been right about many things. A sadness began as the queen wept. Yet, she continued to read. There was no memory of great joy. Kalyse could only feel the evil inside of her grow weaker. The comforting touch of Lester and Leon vanished. Her well-being felt unique. There was a sudden pain in her guts. She no longer wanted to be a part of this damped, ragged dungeon.

    The ‘Book of Life’ consists of two parts: what the heavens meant for good and how darkness created its own set of laws. Spells were conjured up through knowledge of the Almighty. Knowing of this different kind of Kingdom touched Kalyse’s soul deeper than a demon’s sexual touch. She placed her slippers onto her bare feet to pay a visit to the lion’s den. Located at the Westside of the Underworld kingdom, it was a place the Queen not dare enter. Rushing down the halls, Kalyse couldn’t help but to feel the remnants of what Leon and Lester had produced. Her emotions tell her to throw fire balls against any person or thing that stood in her way.

    Only one woman had truly repulsed Kalyse. Her single enemy named Misty. Misty had thick curly red hair that hung to her buttocks. Her walk exuded her power. With her legs as her greatest assets. They were long and muscular. She prided herself on lower limbs, displaying them for all to see each time she walked through The Underworld. She knew she was lusted after by many. Misty desperately wanted to be with Lester, knowing his desires were to Kalyse. This caused her to abhor the Queen. Her only interest was to take the place of the present Queen.

    Her envy was unbearable every time she encountered the Queen. Peering behind Kalyse, she chided, I see Lester and Leon have departed from your room, Kalyse.

    Address me as Queen, Kalyse demanded.

    "Lester. I’m hoping you’re not developing any real feelings for him? Besides, you are the Queen." Misty teased in hopes of an intense reaction. Her shallowness was not obliged so she continued. It doesn’t matter. You have Master Source! Rumor has it that he has pleasured your friend Gina. She smirked. Her mind was constantly consumed with the act of exchanging souls through intimacy.

    You seem to hear a lot, Misty. What is it that you want? Kalyse showed no emotion.

    Oh, I’m only here for you, my Queen. For I speak on things for the greater good of you and of course the Source, Misty taunted.

    I know your secrets, always have. The Queen gingerly continued to walk. Misty remained close on her trail.

    Secrets? I’m distraught from your assumptions, Queen. Misty struggled to breathe while maintaining pace with the Queen’s stride.

    You’ve given birth to the Spirit of Lies. Kalyse threw up her hands.

    I am not the mother of lies. Misty laughed

    That’s your secret. You have given birth to the Spirit of Deceit, the Queen replied.

    Your master has told you this? Misty probed.

    Not to worry, Kalyse casually responded.

    Misty paused and watched Kalyse walking towards the den. Once Kalyse makes it to her destination she sends a smile to the guard. He willing opens the doors for her. The Lion’s Den was a place for the souls that were captured. She did not know how they were caught. For the Queen rarely visited the prisoners. Many rumors were spread of them in the underworld. What was good was evil in the world of darkness. The prisoner’s minds were consumed with doubt, confusion; and anger. Many were doubled-minded.

    The coldness sent chills to Kalyse’s body, causing her to begin to feel very ill. She refused to let high demonic souls become aware of her choice to no longer have the Underworld as her place of rest. Her desires of escape were the same desires of the souls that were in captivity. Kalyse embraced the presence of her of confidant, Kenya, who was a beautiful black lioness. Her eyes were blue. A color that gave many a glimpse of a heaven they may never see. Her softness and kindness, was eternal for the Queen.

    Even in her dangerous actions, peace followed her footsteps. Kalyse was distracted by the whispers of her name. Turning around she was amazed by the beautiful image of an old woman. Other voices drowned her tender words. The screams and scratches of the prisoners ripped through the Queen’s spirit. The sight of the elderly woman provided a unique wisdom. A memory Kalyse would never forget. The woman’s hair ragged, her skin dirty and dry. The aroma from her body was rancid. Unlike Kalyse whom had a sweet aroma. Still the woman’s voice was genuine and the mark of enteral life scared her deeply.

    The Queen! Queen Kalyse! exclaimed the woman.

    What right do you have to address me, old woman? Kalyse hissed.

    She felt a fear that came from being in a strange place.

    You have the gift of favor? asked the women.

    I have only come to visit, Kalyse dismissively replied.

    There is a savoir to rescue us. I know this is true. The older woman remained confident.

    The Queen was curious. Not sure whom this savior the woman speaks of could be. Tell me how do you know of this … Savior?

    I am foretelling. My spirit allows me to know. The woman gazed at Kalyse with eyes that were powerful but weak.

    Your spirit is powerless down here. You have been captured with an illness of the mind. Kalyse showed compassion for the prisoner but no respect.

    I only speak to you because you too are of good spirit. Our savior will not allow us to stay here for this is only a test. The old woman continued in steadfast belief.

    The only one that holds all power is my Master. You know him as the Source, the Queen retorted.

    The woman placed her hand on the steel bars that separated her from authority. She took her time when she spoke her next words. She peered at the tracks running down Klayse’s arm. It was then she knew her foresight was accurate. You are the Queen aren’t you?

    Yes. I am Queen Kalyse. Kalyse began to feel extremely uncomfortable.

    But you have no knowledge about the Source? For I thought you knew of the Almighty. I feel your spirit is good. How could you not know of the Savoir? But be in the comfort of evil’s arms? The woman reached to touch Kalyse, but the Queen pulled away.

    I am the daughter of our Source, I love him! Kalyse said.

    Queen, hold my hand, would you? Allow me to speak knowledge into you, begged the woman.

    Queen Kalyse felt humbled but unwilling to cooperate. I don’t need your wisdom. I have knowledge of my own!

    I feel different, I feel you have no wisdom or knowledge. Come, dear child. I will tell you all that you need to know. There is clarity to be gained with regard to your love for an evil man.

    Kalyse felt weak in the midst of true power. Until that moment she had only yielded to what she heard and saw to be of truth. Master Source loves me. There is no way that he can be evil as you may believe. He feeds my flesh. I get whatever I want from him. He leaves only to always return. Do you know a man to that liking? Give you love as my Source has? Of course not! For I don’t need your type of knowledge when I am accepted by true power, the Queen said pouting.

    The devil is a lie! He has you confused just as much as the others that live in this place. The gypsy woman’s voice rose, refusing to hear foolishness.

    The devil? What lie? Queen Kalyse questioned and took a step closer to the prison bars.

    Your Father, the Source. He is the devil himself and God shall in the end prevail, the woman said as her eyes sparkled to reflect the power of her words.

    I’ve never heard anyone address him as, ‘the devil The Queen’s voice lowered. She felt at a loss for words to defend her throne and Master.

    Demons, witches and warlocks are his children. My dear, please come hold my hand and feel the energy of wisdom depart from me, the woman beckoned. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps caused her to lower her voice to just a whisper. It was a guard. She waited for him to pass by her. Queen Kalyse stared pensively at the woman. Wondering how did this ancient appearing prisoner know more than she knew. With boldness, Kalyse communed with the gypsy woman. Standing as close to the bars as she could without entering the actual quarter. Kalyse assured the stranger that no harm would come to her. Reassuring her dialogue would be kept secret.

    I have heard of a Savior but I wasn’t sure if this was true. The Queen felt a lump from in her throat.

    It is true, said the woman while nodding her head in gesture to encourage the Queen to continue to open up to truth.

    Before the elderly gypsy woman could say anything more, the flames within the Lion’s Den grew taller. The Queen heard a knock at the double doors she had not long ago entered. It was a guard. He informed her that her time to visit had come to an end. Kalyse quickly pulled off her high-heel shoes. She left them behind with no desire to keep such materialistic things. Swiftly running she returned to her room falling to the floor in tears.

    Her desire now was to know more of the Savoir and the power He held. Kalyse crawled to her bed. She sat on her mattress covers opening the Book of Life. As she read the words on the pages, she began to feel heaviness. It was a weight that actually felt like freedom. Reading until the early morning. When she awakened the next day, she saw that the Book of life was still open. Kalyse quickly closed it upon

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