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The Genesis of the Bible
The Genesis of the Bible
The Genesis of the Bible
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The Genesis of the Bible

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This book is about Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and how the Arabs and Europeans took these Afrikan Religious Belief Systems from ancient Egypt, North Afrika and used them during The Trans-Sahara Afrikan Slave Trade by the Arabs in the name of Allah, and followed by The Transatlantic Afrikan Slave Trade by the Europeans in the name of Jesus, to enslave the bodies, minds, and souls of the Afrikan Race. This book is about the Jesus Deception that has been passed on down through history by European historians, that is still being taught around the world today. This book takes a provocative intellectual, scholastic, historical, cultural, and sociological look at the Bible. This book identifies the names of the translators of the King James Bible of 1611 A. D., and when the chapters and verses in the Bible were created and who created them.

The purpose of this book is to expose the historical, cultural, sociological, religious and theological lies of the Europeans and the Arabs. This book reveals the truth of the origination of The Bible, as There Is No Religion Higher Than The Truth. Join me in an intellectual odyssey through time. Here, I feel like a Lone Warrior standing before a mighty army. Come with me on this perilous pilgrimage as we travel through a parallel universe.

I dedicate this book to my mother and father who gave me life. To the rest of my Native Afrikan family for supporting me and encouraging me on this publishing venture. To the Heavenly Father, without whom none of this would be possible. There are others I would also like to thank for being a part of helping me through this journey called Life, such as my professors at the Alabama State University where many a great scholars paths I have crossed. To my American family and friends in Mobile, Alabama who nurtured and taught me from childhood to adulthood. The many friends and colleagues I met in my travels all across America in my intellectual journey, and last but certainly not least, to my publisher for granting me the opportunity to speak to many all around the world in this forum. I am eternally indebted to you all-Thank you.

Release dateMar 6, 2012
The Genesis of the Bible

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    The Genesis of the Bible - Shaka Saye Bambata Dolo

    Chapter I

    The Body Cannot Live Witho

    ut The Mind: There Is No Religion Higher Than The Truth

    As the Afrikan Ancestors once said: "Until the mighty Lion of the Afrikan wild starts telling his side of the story, the story of the hunter will always glorify the hunter". In overthrowing me, you have only cut off the trunk of the tree of Liberty, but the root is still intact. Thus, the tree will spring up again from the roots for they are numerous and run deep, Toussaint Ouverture. What we think we understand, or know, or where we came from is the product of family, history and culture. The more the Blacks in America begins to understand that we have been lie to by the Religious Institution of our oppressor, including the Slave Master’s Religion and the name of his God, the sooner our minds will be set free from his Religious and Psychological Indoctrination. The Religious Institution that set up the corrupt Banking Institution of the world and the concept of Capitalism, which were all influenced by the Transatlantic Afrikan Slave Trade by the Western Christians in the name of Jesus. The Religious Institution that is at the bottom of every war and conflict in the world. No one calleth for Judgment and Justice, neither did any pleadeth for the Truth. They trusted in vanity and speaketh lies. They conceived mischief in their evil hearts, and bringeth forth iniquity upon the colored world. Where is the Black man Divine Justice from the Religious Institution of his Transatlantic Enslavement, and subsequent economic oppression? What makes the Black man to think that, the same Religious Institution of his captivity of centuries will not lie to him when it comes to the name of Jesus, or about the books, which he now called the Holy Bible?

    The original Bible is in fact, the work of the Afrikans of ancient Egypt, North Afrika, originally written in various Edenic-Endo-Afrikan Family of languages, such as Amharic and Ge’ez languages of ancient Afrika, as opposed to being written by the Jews in Hebrew. If there were ever a Jesus, he spoke the Amharic language of ancient Egypt, as opposed to speaking Hebrew or being a Jew, because he was not a Jew. Besides, Western Christianity is Astrotheological Hybrid of Greeks and Afrikans Mythological and Allegorical wisdom of the ancient world. The Religion, used by Emperor Constantine for the Religious Inductions of his subjects’ minds for the control of Greek citizens for political advantages. Just as the Slave Master of Western Europe created the name of Jesus to help control the minds of the enslaved Blacks in the name of Jesus. The Bible became an additive Drugs of Blacks Psycho-Theologic Hallucinations in the controls of the Black Female’s mind in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, Institutional Racism and Theological Bigotry, produced the Low-Self Esteem within the victims of Chattel Slavery. The Blacks in America are not really free; we exist in America for our exploitative values by the white establishments in the name of Jesus. We are only tolerated, as some conditional slaves in the name of white economic benefits.

    There was no person, divine or human, who ever walked on the face of the earth by the name of Jesus Christ, not in ancient Egypt, North Afrikan, where Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, were derived. Jesus did not exist in the ancient Greco-Roman Empire of Emperor Constantine in 325 A. D. There was no letter J in the Afrikan Hieroglyphics, from which the Greek alphabet was developed, or in the Afrikan Amharic language of Yasha. The letter J did not exist in the Greek alphabet, from which Greco-Roman Latin was derived, neither did "J" exist in any of the Endo-European Family of languages, which were all developed from Greco-Roman Latin, such as Spanish, French, German, Polish, Italian, Portuguese, English and others. Therefore, no one could have been named Jesus, in the ancient World in which Jesus allegedly lived before his murdered by the Greek oppressors in ancient Egypt, North Afrika for his Revolutionary activities against their illegal occupations of Afrika. The Story of Christianity took place in ancient Egypt, and with the people of Afrika, as opposed to taking place with the Jews. There did not exist J in any of the ancient world alphabet for anyone name to have been Jesus Christ.

    The original version of the King James Bible of 1611 A. D., did not contain the letter J, neither did it contain any word starting with the letter J, nor was there anyone named James. The first Latin Vulgate Bible of St. Jerome, 350 A. D. of the Greco-Roman Catholic Church, the Mother Church of all Western Christianity, did not contain any word starting with the letter J. The Koine Greek Septuagint Bible of 280 B. C., which was derived from the Afrikan Amharic, Ge’ez, and Hieroglyphics of ancient Egypt, North Afrika, as opposed to being derived from Hebrew, did not contain any word starting with the letter J. These ancient works did not contain the characters of "j, u, and w", neither did they contained any word starting with the letters "j, w, and u" for anyone or any place spelling to have contained the characters of j, u, and w. These characters simply did not exist in any of the ancient world alphabet, the world in which Jesus allegedly lived. There will be more discussions on the creation of the letters J, w, and u, in later chapters of this work. The word "Christ’, is a title, and not a name. The word Christ, was derived from the Greek word Kristos, or Christos". The Afrikan Revolutionary Messiah of ancient Egypt, North Afrika, name was Yasha, and not Jesus. His white murderers changed his named of Yasha into the Greco-Roman-Latin-Anglo Saxon named of Jesus Christ, at the perfection of the letter "J", in the Middle Ages of Europe.

    The Bible was originally translated in the Afrikan Amharic and Koine Greek and later into Latin, and neither of these forms of writings has the letter J in its alphabet. Thus, the Jesus of the Modern day Bible is the creation of the Roman Catholic Church of Medieval Europe, a fictitious character, created by the white man for his own Capitalistic interest in the Institutional Colonialization of Afrikans minds. The Jesus of the Modern day Bible is actually the name of the Chief Greek God of Mythology, known as "Zesus and now Jesus". The mythological Greek God who became Jesus, at the perfection of the character of J, from the character of i in Europe. The processes of the creation of the name of Jesus after the perfection of the letter of j went as follows:

    Zesus became Iesus in ancient Greek, Iesous in Greco-Roman Latin, and Jesus in Latin and English. The Afrikan Revolutionary Messiah of ancient Egypt, name was never Jesus, and could never have been Jesus, because the letter j simply did not exist in the Afrikan Amharic dialect, which he spoke. His name was Yahsha, an Amharic speaking Afrikan man from ancient Egypt, North Afrika. He was not a Hebrew and didn’t speak the Hebrew language. How could an angel name Gabriel, of course, the angel name must always be a European’s name for an Afrikan character, be involved in an Afrikan story long ago in ancient Afrika? Be as it may, the angel could never have said to Merriam, the Afrikan mother of Yahsha, that her Divine Son name would be Jesus, a Greco-Roman-Latin name for an Afrikan son. The name that did not exist in the Afrikan linguistic and cultural repertoire at the time, neither was he a Jew, nor spoke the Yiddish language of the Khazars Jews from Eastern Europe. There simply was no people, or language in ancient Egypt, North Afrika, when Yahsha’s lived in Afrika, known as the Hebrew people who spoke the Hebrew language, or a people known as Jewish people for him to be identified as a Jew, because he was not a Jew.

    For an example, the alleged Pontius Pilate of ancient Egypt, North Afrika, an agent of the Greeks occupational forces in North Afrika, could never have written on Jesus’ Cross of death these words: This is the King of the Jews, or written in Latin, or Hebrew, as there was no Latin or Hebrew when Jesus allegedly lived in ancient Egypt, North Afrika. I believe that, the defeat of the Black Messiah, on the Cross-of the Greeks, was the defeat of Afrika at the hands of the white race. The Afrikans who spoke the Amharic, Ge’ez, and other Endenic Endo-Afrikan Family of languages, and others. Some of the Afrikans at this time may have perhaps spoken Greek, the language of the oppressors, but never Hebrew or Latin. Just as many Afrikans today speak the languages of our Arabs and white oppressors, such as Spanish, Italians, Portuguese, English, Arabic, and French etc. Yahsha’s the Afrikan Christ of ancient Egypt, was murdered by the white race for his Revolutionary activities against its oppression of the people of Afrika. There was no language known as English when Yasha’ lived in ancient Egypt, North Afrika for his name to have been "Jesus". The French Philosopher and Cultural Historian, and Religious Scholar, Ernest Renon, concord with my statement in his book, The Life Of Jesus. He added: The Life of The Mythological Zesus became the name of Jesus in the Middle Ages of Europe at the perfection of the letter j by the Europeans, the creators of The Transatlantic Afrikan Slave Trade in the name of Jesus. As the Mano Council of Scholars once said: "When the people’s are ready, the Master will appear". The people are now ready, the Master is now here. I am one of these Masters, and I am here.

    Western Christianity became an Ideological and Philosophical Religion in the hands of the Greek Emperor Constantine of Europe. This was your so-called marriage between Church and State, a new Religion so to speak. In ancient Egypt, there was no different between Church and State, neither did there exist, a different between religious worships and normal life. If the Devil is the embodiment of evil, then, those with the historical and cultural records of committing the crimes of rapes, lynching, theft, murders, genocide, and oppression, must be the symbols of the Devil on earth. Those who have cheated others of their land and its resources, lie, stole, and cheated others of their wages, and stolen from the weak in the name of Religious Institution, are the true children of the Devil. The Fractionalization and the policy of deceptive transformation of theological information, and forced transmigration and fragmentation, by Western Christians’ America, subjected the Blacks into the status of domesticated animals and functional inferior.

    The white man is the representative of Lucifer, or Luxferre, or the Devil, who is the father of all evil, and is in opposition to God that is blamed for the crimes and sins of The Transatlantic Afrikan Slave Trade and the genocide of the Indians. In Greco-Roman Latin, the word "Lucifer, or Lux, Lucis-Ferre, originally means, he who brings Light, or the Light Bringer. Lux Ferre, was once identified as The Bright and Morning Star" in the planet Venus and Saturn, in their downward descent. Venus, is also the symbol of feminine beauty and elegant. Does this mean that, women are evil creatures? In the Vulgate Bible of 350-400 A. D., which translated materials were derived from the Egyptain Amharic Literature, and the Koine Greek Septuagint Bible of 280 B. C., the book translated by Afrikan Greek Scholars, in Alexandria, Egypt, North Afrika, believed that, the Afrikan female was the symbol of divinity and beauty. This translation also referred to Lucifer, as The Bright and Morning Star, and not Lucifer, the Father of Evil. It was the King James English Version of the Bible of 1611 A. D. that introduced the word Luxferre, Lucis, or Lucifer, into the Bible as "the Father of Evil. In Greek, the word, Phosphorus", or in Latin, Luxci Ferre, means, The Light Bringer, or The Bright and Morning Star. This Lucifer has nothing to do with being the father of evil as we have been told by the white race over the centuries.

    In ancient Babylon, the name of the Bright and Morning Star came to apply to a Tyrannous Babylonian King, whom the Prophets of old said was destined to fall from grace because of his evil deeds. The Evil Babylonian King was later called the Prince of Demons, who fall would soon come to pass. Just as the white man barbaric, terroristic, sinful, and evil rule over the colored world would soon come to pass. The word Luciferre, or Satan, was popularized in English Literature and in Western Literatures, in works by such authors, as Dante and Milton’s book, Paradise Lost. But Lucifer is actually, the name of the Bright and Morning Star, and not the father of evil. It was used in Greco-Roman-Latin as prose and poetry in poetic lines, and never the father of evil. To help express and give meaning to poetic compendium, by such authors as Marcus Terentius Verio 116 B.C. and Cicero 106-43 B. C. Lucifer was never the Symbol of evil, and the Father of evil, as we have come to know in the King James translated Bible of 1611 A. D.

    In the Canaanites Amharic Literature of ancient Egypt, North Afrikan Mythology, the Bright and Morning Star, at the Dawn of the day, was the symbol of the Deities, Jupiter and Saturn. St. Jerome, the author of the Latin Vulgate Bible 350-400 A. D., from whom works the King James Bible of 1611 A. D., and other white translated Bibles were derived, referred to Lucifer, as the Bright and Morning Stars, or the Sons of the Morning Star, or the Daughters of the Bright and Morning Star that rises at Dawn. In Latin, it is Lucifer qui mare Orie bories. This meant, the Star that rises early in the morning and shines brightly at the Dawn of the day. The concept of the Bright and Morning Star, becoming Luciferre, or Lucifer, the Father of Evil, or the Devil is of recent creation. The Evil Being, whom is the opposite of Good, and his angels rebelling against God in the heavens. This concept arises from the fact that, Lucifer, the Bright and Morning Star, could only be seen at midnight at the end of the outer planets, during the midday, as one would the Divine Sun of God, and the Moon of the night, but does not shine as Bright as the Divine Sun of God. Lucifer, the Bright and Morning Star, can be seeing at different period of the day and night. It seems to outshine the planets Saturn and Jupiter, and then suddenly disappears. Therefore, in ancient Egypt, North Afrika, the ancestors invented the myths that Luciferre wanted to take over the Thrones of the gods Saturn and Jupiter, in the heavens and becoming like Jupiter and Saturn, who were then considered as deities. Lactiferous casting off the Light of Saturn and Jupiter from the heaven, and becoming brighter and brighter like the Planets Saturn and Jupiter. This became the myths of the War between God and His creations, Luciferre and Himself in the Bible. Lucifer, therefore, came to symbolize the Devil, the father of Evil in Medieval Western Christianity.

    What do we mean about the word Devil? The word devil in Greek, is Diabolos, which means, the Accuser, the Slanderer, the Calumniator, the Backbiter, the enemy of good, and one whose separates himself from good. The concept of the Devil as a Persuasive Prose, which sought to solve the concept of Good and evil, is a Poetic exploration of the Triumphs, tensions, and ambiguities between good and evil in poetry. This is the question of literary and historical compulsion, and not an actual reality. The concept of the Devil, as being the Father of evil, is a "Myth" that was introduced into the Bible by Medieval Western Biblical Scholars as Historical and Theological fact. In ancient time, the casting down from the heaven of Luciferre, was symbolized by the defeat of the ancient Barbarous King, his nobles and soldiers from powers, and subsequent overthrown by more kinder and gentle King. There is no such being as Lucifer, or the Devil, the Father and Mother of Evil. As I said, the concept of the Devil is of recent origin, as no ferocious being known as the Devil or Lucifer, the Father of evil ever exited.

    This is what Mr. Willie Lynch, The Master Slave Maker of America, called "The "Orbiting Cycle of making the Blacks into some perfect slaves. An orbiting cycle is an object, which turns or spins on its own Axis. An object where the phenomenon of reasoning lies beyond an ordinary comprehension, or the conception of normal intelligence. That which samples tickle the intelligent minds of the oppressed people who do not even know that they are being oppressed and manipulated into functional inferior. The Orbiting Cycle bears the Multiplicity of Phenomenon, in variations, because of Cross Breeding and Inter-Breeding on the Stud Farm". This was the time in America when the enslaved Black female was crossed-bred with the white men, and then, the offspring were crossed bred with each other. This became the first Breeding Stock. The Slave Master then, breeds her again with her original Half-bred son. The second generation of half breed, are then bred with each other, but varying "The Light Bridge "blood drops. And then, crossing those with their own mothers again, and grandmothers, sisters, and other close female relatives for mental disorientation. And then with the darker skin Blacks, and then, with native Afrikan stock, such as myself. Just like breeding a Horse with an Ass, the product, of which is a mule, usually strong, sterile, dumb, stupid, and backward. If she, or he, could produce an offspring, it would be stupid, and fearful of its breeder, as a mule is afraid of its breeder, even though, it possesses the brute strength of a Mule.

    This is what you see among Black America, with multiples colors like some Zebra in the Afrikan wild. This Orbiting Breeding Cycle, and the Multiplicity of Genes and Colors Disorientations, are the by products of Inbreeding and Intrabreeding, of which Mr. Lynch instituted on the British Colony of Virgina in 1712 A. D. The mixing of the mixed-breed with darker skin Black men and women, and then, mixing them again with the second generation of mixed breed, produces what Mr. Lynch labeled as The Multiplicity of Colors", which behave unusual, unpredictable, and will kill each other, but never the "White Breeder". The Multiple mixed breed Blacks, and those with very little Afrikan blood, are usually foolish, ignorance, and easy to be manipulated into doing foolish things for white America, such as engaging in the act of Lesbianism and homosexuality. Most of these half breeds Blacks, identified with the white Breeder’s rapists more than they do with Black people; even though, they are the by products of intra-racial rape. They will betray the cause of Black people to the Slave Master within a heartbeat. They like to play the two sides whenever the opportunity presents itself.

    Do not mistaken me, I am not implying that the darker skin Blacks cannot betray the cause of Black people to the whites, on the contrary, there have been many Blacks who have betrayed us to the Slave Master, and continue to betray us to the Arabs and the Europeans. They too, are children of the enslaved, and as such, are foolish and stupid. There is a man on Tom Joyner’s Shows, who shows his stupidity by declaring his love for the white woman, the daughter of his great grandmothers rapists and murderers. This Coon, Buffoon, Sambo, is a darker skin Black man, but talks like an idiot on crack. But being a fool is one of the basic ingrediencies and incidences in the maintenance of the Imperialist Systems of the white man. The condition under which, the Slave Master through inter and intrabreeding of the Black females with junk whites, created himself a perfect property, just as you see among the Negroes of America. Many Blacks in the United States of America, DNA has been denatured to be of any use to the Black Liberation Movement. This interracial breeding makes it easy to produce new Genetic Value Systems, which are inherently inferior to the parent stocks. These are some of our Down-Low-Brothers and Sisters in America. These were cheaply bred on the plantations of white America with junk whites and inferior Blacks.

    The Slave Master’s of America later transported and transplanted his Psychologically and Religiously entrenched inbreed among the slave populations to help destroy the superior Afrikan gene pool. The Psycho-Religiously enslaved Blacks, were then given a New Religion, new God, new image, and new language of our Master. For language connects the Systems of tapestry, which creates conformation, transmigration, and trans-configuration in the fabric of the Matrix Systems of the souls of a cultural people.

    I like the Pharaoh Akhenaten of ancient Egypt, North Afrika, the true father of Monotheism, I have becomes like a stranger, even in the House of my birth. As I now possess the soul and spirit of "The New Testament of Afrika from the souls of the Ancestors. A testament is a Will, or an agreement, made between two or more parties. This testament could be a legal or personal document. As I pray: Oh Heavenly Father, make way this Hull a new". "All Faith is false, all faith is True. Truth is the shattered mirrors strewn in myriad bits. While each believes his little bit the whole to own.

    In the Negro Church, the message does not has to have any redeeming meaning for the slave congregation to go crazy over the message that they do not even understand what the Negro Gospel Pimp is saying. This is because as Negroes, we continue to carry the Psychological Stored Memory of the Fear of our enslaved Afrikan Anncestors from the Plantation of America. We are too scared and silly to tell the truth of the Slave Master’s Religious Indoctrination that has enchained our minds for centuries. The Fear of white people that was instilled in our ancestors’ minds on the plantation of America with the help of the Slave’s Theology, and barrel of the guns and blades of knives at their weak knees in tears. We continue to binds our collective soul and spirit in the name of Jesus in the services of the Slave Master. As descendents of the victims of Slavery, we function solely on emotions; I mean energetic emotions from the beats of the Afrikan Drum. Yes, emotion is good, but that alone without rationality, is sentimentalism, and not worshipping God. It is a social-cultural exercise in rhythmic thoughts and movement based in the Afrikan Rhythms.

    The Slave Master of America controls everything in Afrikan Americans lives, including the food we eat, the cloth we wear, how we behave, and where we sleep. In addition, whom to date and marry. We are nothing more than glorified slaves out of physical chains and shackles on good behavior. The white man of America controls our time, hunger, thirst, food, sexuality, and when to urinate and defecate. He controls the Black female’s body, soul, and sexuality, including the agent of her sex, and who to have sex with. This was the same condition under which she was bred on the Breeding Plantation of America with stronger and bigger Black men, including breeding with her own sons, father, and grandfather through genetic engineering on the "Stud Farm". The Stud Farm of America is where Black men and women of America were created with strong bodies but with weak minds. Those of us that were not completely broken down, the Master broke them down on the wheel of oppression with the help of the whips to resist his control piece-by-piece, and frame-by-frame, until he finally got what he wanted as you see in Black Americans today. The Slave Master of America controls all of the messages and sermons of the Black Gospel Pimps, and it was he whom picked who should be Preacher, based on his final interest, as he brainwashed and hardwire the Black Preachers as species of commodities. He genetically programmed the Blacks to conform to all of his wishes in the name of the Designer God by the named of Jesus.

    According to Dr. wade Noble, the action of one generation, becomes the history of the next generation, and the histories of several generations, become the traditions of the people. The Black man has gotten accustomed to seen himself in an inferior position to the white man, so much so that, he thinks that this is where he belongs. He no longer takes any action to free himself from the economic and religious oppression of the white man. According to Dr. John Henrik Clark, "History is like a Clock that gives the people the ability to tell their own historical and cultural time". History is the political compass that directs a people to their geographical and economic goal and location in the Market Place of Ideals. It is a compass that helps a people find the footprints of their ancestors on the Blueprint in the sand of time. History is the geographical map that tells them where they have been, where they are going, and how they came to be where they are now. Most importantly, history helps a people to understand what has brought them to where they have found themselves right.

    No man should ever allow himself to be enslaved or oppressed by another in the name of any God, no matter by what name that God is called. You must resist your oppression by any means necessary, as resistance to any oppression is obedience to the "Will of God. Therefore, any man who had oppressed and enslaved another in the name of any Religion or God knows not God. This is the violation of God’s Law. Every oppressed leader, must understand the strategy of the oppressor, in order to learn how to use his Intellectual Authority and responsibility correctly" against his oppressor to help free his people’s minds from the oppression of the oppressor. You must study the oppressor to understand the condition of the oppressed. The Black man in the United States of America mind has for far too long, been desensitized to the condition of his own oppression, and too anesthetized to feel any more pain of oppression from the oppressor. Oppression is all that he has ever known, and most especially, in the name of Jesus. The white man of America ravaged the Black female’s body, soul, and mind for centuries in the name of Jesus Christ to make her into a more controllable and most profitable property as you see her today in the American Society. The Black female in America has been Psycho-Socially programmed to listen to the white man’s command only, her rapist of more than four hundred years. Her mind is gone; her normal and rationale senses are gone, as her soul continues to be held in Religious captivity in the name of Jesus. The body cannot live without the mind.

    The Black female of America is in love with the white man’s created name of Jesus, who is in the image and likeness of her great grandmothers’ rapist. She cares nothing about their suffering and pains at the "Dick Heads of white men whom she has now chosen as her mate. She hates herself and her Blackness, including her Black father, because if she knew who she was and what she is, and how she came to look the way she does, she would not be willing to have anything sexual to do with white men. She has forgotten, and forgotten that she has forgotten. She is suffering from the Psychosis of her past enslavement at the hands of white men, whom she now loves so much without any rationale. She proclaimed not to be prejudice and loves everybody, except that, she does not love herself. This is one of the reasons why Mr. Rajan Persaud’s called the Black female of America who loves white men, A Half-Ass Nigger woman" who only caters to the whims of her former rapist. Black female who loves white men, feels unworthy of true love from the real Black man. Thus, stays in abusive relationship with white men, because she has forgotten, and forgotten that she has forgotten, or she never knew her own history between she and the white man whom she has chosen as her sexual mate. She cares not to remembers the struggle of her ancestors at the hands of white men whom she now loves so much as her sexual mate. Black women who love white men, their ancestors’ rapists and murderers of centuries, are Psychotic to say the least. Dr. Franz Fanon, an Afrikan Scholar from Algeria, North Afrika, analyzed the psychosis of Black women who love white men in his book, Black Skin White Mask. He described Black females who love white men feelings as suffering from an extreme inferiority complex and cultural integration and inferiorization. Because out of the Blackest part of her lost soul across the Zebra stripping of her enchained and captive’s mind, surges the desires by the Spirits of her ancestors to be set free. Can she hear their voices, perhaps not, because her mind is gone? "The body cannot live without the mind".

    Black women, who love white men, do not want to acknowledge the atrocities of white men against the Black mothers in slavery for more than four hundred years. The basis for which they looks like some Zebra in the Afrikan wild with multiple colors. Besides, who else can give them the whiteness, which they desperately desires, besides getting in bed with white men to be raped again by white men as their mothers and fathers were raped by white men. The half-breed Negroes of America are rape products of white men on the plantations of America. These types of Black females, are suffering from what I call Psychological Coma, as they do not want to remember the struggle of their enslaved Black mothers in slavery at the dick heads of white men whom they have chosen to love or marry in the name of Jesus. These Nigger women or whores, prayed to Jesus Christ to be in the arms of white men, any white man, on a daily basis, and only then do they feel closer to the whiteness of their souls, which they desires. They are constantly psychologically masturbating about being with white men to prove their femininity defined by white men, as glorify slaves, as their female ancestors were once the glorified slaves of white men, but in chains and shackles. Only then, do they consider themselves worthy of being women and loves by Jesus, because Jesus represented their beloveth Master.

    When these Niggers finally married the white man, or date the white man, they feel that they have married into the white culture, and white beauty. This then begins the completion of their whiteness and psychological death. When these Niggers restless hands touches the white man’s skin, they fell like they are grasping white civilization, culture, and dignity in the Image and likeness of Jesus Christ, whom they love so much. The Black females who love white men, the representative of their rapists of centuries, desires goal in life is to be loved and accepted by the white Society and white men, whose looks like the image and likeness of their God. The God in whose name that their Black females’ Ancestors were raped. But they have forgotten about their struggle and pain at the hands of white men. The suffering women whose, bodies, souls, and minds were enslaved in the name of Jesus, and spirits brought under religious and psychological control. This is the psychosis that they see in themselves, but they are unconscious of its existence or genesis. Because their minds are gone. "The body cannot live without the mind".

    These daughters of the enslaved Blacks women exist in "The Chains And Images of Psychological Slavery and Religious Coma. Black women who love white men, are sick women and suffering from the Psychic Trauma of Theological Desensitization and Historical and Cultural Mis-Education. They continue to behave as programmed by white men on the plantation of America, but are unconscious of the sources of these psychotic behaviors of loving, or dating, or marrying their centuries of rapists and murderers. Besides, they were genetically bred and programmed on the breeding plantations of America to behave as prostitutes of white men. White men that have for centuries prostituted their bodies and minds for the financial benefits of the white woman. This is the same white man whom many have now chosen as their mate. Black women who love white men, give every reason possible while they find it very hard to find a good Black man, even though; they themselves are Blacks and living in the sea of Black men. But they do not want the Black man, the image and likeness of their fathers, if he is a Black man. These Niggers women have transformed and projected unto the white man, their Psychosis and the feelings of their inferiority complex in the name of Jesus Christ. Their image of a man is that of a white man, whom fathers and mothers have created the conditions of the Black females in the United States of America craziness. When these psychotic Nigger women married or date a white man, they have finally become honorable white women in their psychological consciousness, or plainly white women’s prostitutes. The body cannot live without the mind".

    In the Black female of America Psychological Consciousness, if we care to call her Psychotic behavior of dating, or marrying white men, her centuries of rapist, consciousness. The Black man represents the synthesis of her circumstance and inferiority complex. This once, precious giver of life, who once cherished her Blackness, Black beauty, and Black body, now sees her color as a curse, and her womb, as the grave yard for the production of the decadence Black child whom she hates. Because she hates herself, and therefore, any product of her womb, is the product of hate. She will sell her sons to the prison systems of America for a price. Thereby, becoming the giver of death. She will chase after the white man unto the end of the earth, and will stop at nothing until she catches the white man, or until the white man eyes catches her. As she has accepted what her capturer has told her about herself in Slavery, because she bears the Psychological and Religious Chains And Images of Slavery, of her enslaved Black Ancestors by the white man who she is now in love with. She thinks that the white man lie to her about everything else in the world except, about the name of Jesus Christ being her God. The Black female of America will accept her white rapists and murderers as her sexual and husbands before dealing with any Afrikan man. Because the white man and Jesus, are one and the same person in her insane mind. Do not be too disturb about the Black female’s psychotic behavior of loving her white rapist of centuries, she lost her mind to the Institutions of Chattel Slavery and Colonialism. The Body Cannot Live Without The Mind". The female, who loves the white man in the name of Jesus, is what I call a Sadistic Religious Goons of the Slave Master. She lives a life of debauchery in dissipation.

    In the Black female’s Religious Psychosis, deep down in her spirit, she knows that, something is wrong with the way in which she now sees the world and her white rapist and herself. The Black woman knows that, something is wrong with the Bible that she has accepted from the white man unconditionally as the Divine words of God. The book given to her enslaved Afrikan Ancestors by their evil Slave Masters as tool of labor containment. The book allegedly translated from the Original Tongue flawless, but there is no name for the original Tongue from which the Bible came to them as flawless. Because there was no language known in ancient Egypt, North Afrika where the Bible was set known as Hebrew. Story of Christianity took place in ancient Egypt, North Afrika, but she is unconscious of these information and cares not to know these things, because she is satisfy in her religious psychosis and psychological delusion. Oh, I forgot, Egypt is not in Afrika, it is a Middle Eastern Nation, and therefore, is no longer an Afrikan Nation in North Afrika, but a Mediterranean Sea’s Nation. This is the only first time in history to my knowledge, where a civilization and nation have been accredited to a people living in the Sea. If you take away a people’s history and culture, you can more effectively enslaved their bodies, minds and souls in the name of any Religion and God, no matter the Religion or God. This is the condition of Black Americans Psychological, Historical, Cultural, Religious, and Theological captivity in the name of Jesus. "The body cannot live without the mind".

    The Blacks as the descendents of the victims of Chattel Slavery are generations engineered by the Slave Master of America to grow big and strong in bodies, but weak in minds. The genetic breed, which were Programmed by the Master, as it was in "The Matrix Systems", to protect and defend the Capitalistic interest of their white oppressor by any means necessary. These plantation engineered breeds; genetic codes were changed during the Breeding Processes on the Breeding Plantations of America. In addition, they were programmed to defend the interest of the Master by any means necessary. These breeds were further programmed to respond to all positive and negative commands from the Slave Master. They will beg for food, while feeding the enemies, and will roll over and kills each other for the oppressor, while the Slave Master oppresses them in the name of love of God and country. The country, which they share not in the benefits of its wealth, built on their backs. They are like small dog that bark very loud, but without a bite. These plantations created Blacks, are unmistakably human, and the children of Afrika, but undeniably behave like animals, as they were bred like domesticated animals on the plantations of America. The condition under which fathers were bred with daughters, mothers with fathers and sons, sisters with brothers, grandmothers with grandsons, and grandfathers with granddaughters.

    This subject matter is a highly charged topic and is conceptually thought provoking, and provocative, but it is a hard-hitting truth about the Negroes of America. This is a bitter pill to swallow so to speaking about Black Americans, and our relationship with the Slave Master of America. The information that is being chronicle in this literature about the Slave Master, and his Psycho-Religiously enslaved Negroes, are factual information. If you think that ignorant is blaze, being knowledgeable about this type of information is Hell. I am a man who is living a parallel life in an unparallel universe. When light shows up, every darkness goes away, but it is hell to see the light. It is not how fast you travel in this parallel universe; it is how deep you travel in time. If you change the perception of your oppressor, you shall discover that his greatness is only an illusion. As "The Divine Son of Afrika’, I speak the Truth of the ancestors and lie not. As Blacks in America, we are Heavenly Prisoners, in our Psychological and Religious Desensitization in the name of the God of our oppressor who continue to sell us the theology of death. We continue to devote all of our energies in the services of the God of our capturers. Things get complicated in the Kingdom of the Slave Master… as we were subjected to the false Religion of our Slave Master. Most of us no longer know what is a true Religion besides the Jesus’ Faith. There was no exception, in Slavery, every slave pay the price of captivity, one way or another. Even the Slave Master’s chosen Negro women, paid the price of enslavement, if they dare steps out of the Box. This was the condition of Blacks captivity in the land of slavery. For he who controls the land, controls those who lived on the land. The body cannot live without the mind"

    After centuries of Afrikans captivity in America, we do not yet understand that, the lives of the oppressed are like unpredictable storms. In an instance, you are basking in sunlight, and in another moment, you are being crucified on the oppressive Cross-of your oppressor. The Rev. Nat Turner, Denmark Vessey, Gabriel Prosser, Dessalline the Great of Haiti, Marcus M. Garvey, Boke Man, Malcolm-X, and Nkrumah of Ghana, West Afrika, were all Afrikan Revolutionary Warriors against the white race’s oppression of the Afrikan world. Yahsha was the leader of the Afrikan Revolution in ancient Egypt, North Afrika, who stood up as a man to defend Afrika’s honor against the Greek oppressors, and was murdered by the Greeks for his stands. What makes a man, a man? The things that makes a man a man, and a leader of men, is what he does under extreme pressure when the storms of life comes his way. His reaction to the adversity of life determines his commitment in the cause of the oppressed. These are what make him a man. A Revolutionary Leader will look the storms of dangers squarely in its eyes, and fight it like a warrior, as a man. Just as Yeshosha, the Afrikan Christ, fought the Greeks in Afrika, as a man, and was murdered in ancient Egypt to set free our captive’s minds from the Greeks oppression as a man. "The body cannot live without the mind".

    I am like the creator of the Matrix System. I do not know if the Black man and woman of the world are prepared to hear what I am narrating in this work, or see the type of information that is being revealed about The Slave Master’s Religion. I do not even know if we are ready to see ourselves as victims of The Transatlantic Afrikan Slaves Trade and Western Christianity, or as victims of The Trans-Sahara Afrikan Slaves Trade by the Arabs Muslims. Unfortunately for us all, we are about running out of time, because it is now the time for the inception of an Afrikan New World Order. I do not know what the New World Order of the children of Afrika will look like, or be like, or how we will function in the new world to come. I can assure the children of Afrika that; "The Afrikan New World will be run and completely controlled by the Afrikans. This is The Final Conflict", which has been foretold by the Oracles of Afrika for centuries, the story of Armageddon. The conflict between the divine Black man of the world and the evil white man who has oppressed us for centuries. This is the ultimate confrontation between Good and Evil. The evil that has been unleashed against us by the white man, and his reign of darkness, terrors, and marked by the "Purity of his Evil", in his paradise of pain. The divine Black man of the earth is the only man who is good enough to defeat the evil reign of the white man over the colored world. This is The Final Conflict of which the Bible foretold would come. It is about the time for the Black man and the white man, to separate from each other Religiously and Theologically. No oppressed people have ever embraced the Religion and God of their oppressor as their Religion and God, as firmly, as us; the Afrikans of the world have done with the Religion and God of our white enslavers, rapists, oppressors, and murderers in the name of Jesus.

    The history of the children of Afrika, with the children of Europe, has been too terroristic, brutal, rapists, murderous, oppressive, and bloody for both of us to continue worshipping the same God, or living together as brothers and sisters. As though, nothing has ever happened between us. The Philosophy of Oneness, of our violently murdered leader Dr. King, is not a realistic goal. Yes, politically, economically, technologically, and culturally, we can all work together as members of the human race, but nothing more. We should not strive to live together in Oneness under the illusion of being friends under the oppressive and repressive—Flag of 1776 A. D. We were enslaved under the Flag of the United States of America as Chattel property, as opposed to being free people. We were never enslaved under the Confederate Flag, contrary to our blind protest against the Confederate Flag. The concept of We shall overcome someday" as song by us Blacks, is the language of a defeated people on their weeping knees begging their rapists and murderers of centuries for the crumbs of bread which has falling from their rich tables. The breads, which was produced with the blood, sweat, and tears of our ancestors’ enslavement. As oppressed people, we must not base our concept of oneness with white people, in the name of Jesus, the God of our oppressor. The worshipping of the God of our oppressor, in the image of the oppressor, is the genesis of our present Religious psychosis.

    If Adam and Eve were native Afrikan people, which they were, in the Garden of Eden in Afrika, which it was. Jesus Christ, the son of Adam and Eve, with an Afrikan parents, would be as Black as the Ace of Space. That is, if Jesus is "the Second of Adam". How could a white man be the ancestor of the colored man, when the white man possesses no color? The European Converts to the Afrikan Religious Belief Systems of Judaism around 740 A. D., are not original in the land of ancient Canaan. These are Afrikans land thieves since 1947-1948 A. D., just as the Palestinians Arabs are Afrikans land thieves since the 5th-7th century A. D. The European Jews are not the Biological descendents of the Afrikan Abraham. These are white converts, and flaw. The Arabs and the European Jews are both members of the white race. These are the Eurasians who now controlled the Religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and occupying the Afrikans land of Canaan, now named Israel. How could one come from snowly Europe and have a homeland in the hot Afrikan Desert of Canaan? This gives the fact that, the first Europeans to ever permanently entered Afrika for studies in the Egyptians Mystery System Schools of ancient Egypt, North Afrika, were the Greeks, from ancient Macedonia. Where did the white man suddenly come from to be called a Jew with a homeland in Canaan, North Afrika?

    My intention in this literature is to set these records straight to the best of my knowledge, because Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, are all Afrikan Religious Belief Systems, originated from the Afrikans of ancient Egypt. Yosef A. A. ben-Jochannan, Afrikan Origin of the Major Western Religions and The Myths of The Jewish Exodus. A man with the Knowledge of self and kind is more powerful than a man with the guns and bullets. The knowledge of self and kind is the beginning of the knowledge of God, who lives within "man", the divine image of God on earth. For he who knows the truth is more powerful than the man with the bombs. Do not mistaken, I know the power of the guns, bullets, and the bombs of the white man, but these are the tools of a man who seek to destroy mankind on earth, because of his evil heart. The Black man must first embrace his past to embrace his presence. But he must not become a prisoner of his past.

    There are many names for the Supreme Creator in the different culture around the world based on the cultural language. Every man is the Divine Son and Daughter of God through the Afrikan man and woman of the earth. Every man was created in the Divine Image and Likenesses of the Afrikan man and woman. Thus, every man presently living on earth is an Afrikan. But you cannot expect a French man to called God by a Polish name, or a Polish man by a French name. The French man is not a Polish man, and the Polish man is not a French man. Even though, both are members of the same white race, and both live on the same continent of Europe, but speaks different European’s dialects, and both may even looks alike physically, but are from two different white tribes and clans.

    It is said in The Old Testament Bible that, God rescued the children of Ancient Israel from more than four hundred years of Egyptians enslavement. He promised them a free land separate from their Egyptians’ oppressors. The land flowing with milk and honey. The ungratefulness of men knows no limit. Here, one would think that, those who have been enslaved and oppressed for centuries, and liberated by the God of their ancestors from Slavery, would have an endless gratitude towards God for their freedom from the Egyptian’s oppression. Where is the Black man’s God who helped free him from the oppression of his white Slave Master of more than four hundred years in America? Where is his land given to him by the God of his Ancestors, the land flowing with milk and honey? Where is the Black man’s separate land from his centuries of white oppressor, as appointed to him by the God of his ancestors? And yet, the Black man of America waits on the generosity of his oppressor to legislate his freedom from him with the tips of his pen, to live under the feet of his enslaver of centuries, and he called this freedom. Are you kidding me?

    The Europeans slaughtered millions of Afrikans and Indians to possess their present day lands in the name of Jesus Christ. Millions of Afrikan died under Chattel Slavery in America, and all in the name of the Christians’ God, by the named of Jesus. The Arabs enslaved and murdered millions of Afrikans, and millions more Afrikans dead, as victims of the Arabs’ Trans-Sahara Afrikan Slave Trade. The Arabs and the Europeans, massacred millions of Afrikan children, rape millions of Afrikan women, and murdered millions of helpless innocent Afrikan women in the name of Allah and Jesus to posses their Modern day enormous worldwide wealth. The pirating of people, the dislodging of Blacks and Indians babies by the Europeans to feed their War dogs, were unprecedented in the history of oppression. The United States of America, as leader of the Western world, was created with the blood, sweat and tears of Blacks enslavement, in the stolen land of the American Indians, who were all genocide, for the creation of the Constitutional Principle of Western Capitalism. The United States of America, continue to execute her Capitalistic policy on the weak colored nations of the world without the bombs, to steal their oil and other natural resources and raw materials in the name of Jesus Christ. The theft of Afrikan natural resources and raw materials, are still the order of the Geo-Political Policy of the Europeans’ economic and Military Imperialism.

    The Western Christians and the Arabs’ Muslims are not happy with their stolen wealth, unless they are murdering some innocent people in the name of Allah and Jesus. The people that they deemed to be infidels and enemies of Allah and Jesus, real or imagined. And yet, these Christians and Muslims, said in their Divine, Inspired, and Unadulterated Holy Scriptures: "Thou shalt not steal and Thou shalt kill. What happened to these Commandments? Do we mean, "Thou shalt not steal from you, by those whom you have already stolen from and enriched yourselves? Those whom you have stolen their labors in the building of your stolen land? What about the theft of the enslaved Blacks bodies, labors, souls, and minds in the name of Jesus Christ? What about the teaching of the Blacks to accept the false theology of our Slave Master through historical and cultural deception? What about the Blacks Religious indoctrination by the Slave Master of America to help control our captive’s minds, in the name of Religion? What about the Blacks modern day Psychological and Religiously Desensitization in the name of Jesus Christ, through the theft of our minds to continue your oppression of us, in the name of love of God and Country? Are not all of these things parts of the Law of God, against which you now preach in the name of your God? What about the stealing of the Black man’s natural resources and raw materials, and the over used of the colored world resources? This is given the fact that; as Western Christians, you have destroying the earth with your materials greed and theft of others things. The theft, of Afrikan bodies and souls, has left the entire Afrikan world spiritually, poor, such as the Blacks Christians’ acceptance of the white race cultural lifestyle of homosexuality and Lesbianism.

    The earth has been exploited by the white race, so much so that, it is almost uninhabitable by man, or beast, because of the greed and theft of the white race, "The body cannot live without the mind. This is the Psychological Drama under laying Blacks Religious captivity, as evidence in our continuous embracement of the Religion and God of our oppressor. And yet, as Blacks, we continue to live in what I called: A fool’s paradise with our devotion to the Slave Master’s Religion and God by the named of Jesus ".

    As professor Albert Einstein once said, and I paraphrase: "Great Intellectual Revolutionary Scholar has always encounter violent oppositions from mediocre minds"‘. My work may encounter much opposition from mediocre minds. Those who are Religiously Indoctrinated by Western Religious Imperialism to follow the Theological Dogma of the white race will not be able to digest the information chronicled in this work. The Blacks Religious and Theological Captivity has been a long one, which is deeply seated and rooted in our centuries of Religious Enslavement by the white man. The Slave Master’s Religion is the Religion of "Satan", conceived in Satanism. Because God does not condone any Religion that sanctioned the enslavement of man, and the innocent murder of any man, the divine image and likeness of Himself. As children of the victims of the Transatlantic Afrikan Holocaust and Chattel Slavery, we do not know who we are, or what we are, or how we came to be where we are, because of our Theological Colonialization in the name of Jesus. These are some of the reasons why we are hateful of each other and hate native Afrikans, when we encounter them on the streets of America, because we have been historically and culturally castrated and indoctrinated to hate our Roots. Thus, hating ourselves. The native Afrikans reminds us of our Blackness, which we thought we have left behind on the breeding plantations of America. When our skin color were lightening through the rape of our enslaved Black mothers and sisters by white men in the name of Jesus. Even with all our blood mixing and intermixing with our Slave Maters of America. The individual Afrikan whom we hate, reminds us of the Afrikan Mirror of ourselves in the sea of time. Like a drop of water in an ocean, which becomes the ocean. Thus, to understand the behavior of the drop, one must first and foremost, understand the behavior of the ocean. The Ocean River is consisted of drops. The Afrikans are the reflections of our souls and spirits in the Ocean of time, and we are the drops, and yet, we are unconscious of the existence of the Afrikanness within ourselves. Because of our centuries of Historical, Cultural, Religious and Theological Mis-Education, which produced our present day Psychological Coma and self-hate.

    We are therefore, unconsciousness of our family relationships with the Afrikans. We frown upon the Afrikans, and thus, frowning upon the Afrikan within ourselves. This is because of our Religious Castrations by our Christians Master in the name of his God on the plantations of America. The reason why some of us get very angry when someone called us an Afrikan, and want to separate that person’s head from his body, is because of our Historical, Cultural, Psychological, and Religious Enslavement by our Christian’s Master of America for more than four hundred years in the name of his God. When we were made to hate the Afrikaness within us. The Afrikan, which is the source of our enslavement and spirituality. The reason why the Blacks in America hate our own color and admire anything that looks not like us is because of our Psychological damaged in Chattel Slavery, when we were forced to hate the Blackness within ourselves, but admiring anything white, or anything closer in skin color to our white rapists. We have been forced to admire other people’s colors more than we admire ourselves, because our Chattel Enslavement in America was based exclusively on the darkness of Black color. We are a people who have been spiritually castrated to hate our own God, and thus, admiring the God of our oppressor whom is of course, white. We lost our minds to the Institution of Chattel Slavery, and failed to realize that, Western Religion is a myth and legend born out of the Afrikans consciousness.

    Anyone who called himself Religious, but profited from the crimes of theft, rape, murderers, and drugs trafficking for the destruction of man, is not a true Religious man, but a hypocrite. Any man who created deadly disceases, such as the AIDS Virus and syphilis, for the genetic annihilation of man, the divine image and likeness of God, is not a true Disciple of God, but the disciple of "Satan". Any Christian who benefited, and continue to benefit from the blood, sweat and tears of Afrikan enslavement, and the theft of the American Indians’ land, is not worthy of worshipping God. Any people, who used Psychological and Religious Indoctrination as tools of oppression, and mechanism of divide and conquer, are not serving God, but Satan. In the name of Jesus, the white man used Religion, to bring down the minds of the Black captives of America under Religious manageability, and thus, economic profitability.

    The white man does not know God, and is not serving God, but "Satan". Any man who profited from the blood, sweat, and tears of human enslavement, as the basis for which he is on top of the world economically, politically, and militarily today, is the son of Satan. The man who greatly profited from the enslavement of others, the people who were never pay a dime for more than four hundred years of free labor, nor free in any form, is a son of Satan from Hell. The enslaved people who were Religiously Mis-Educated by their capturers, to see their plight as coming from the Devil, because of the sins of their ancestor’s Noah, whom of course, was a white man, is indeed, the son of Satan. This is the first time in the history of science in which the dominant genes have come from recessive genes. The man who instituted within the people whom he

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